(600 Posts so far! Over Three Lakh Hits till this day!! 1200 Hits a day. Thanks for your continued support. You are my inspiration!)
‘’Every town is my town; all are my kinsmen’’ (Pura. 192, Poet Kaniyan Punkunran)
This is the principle of the Tamils; this is my principle as well. I have written the following article to explode the myth of Aryan and Dravidian race theory; the Tamil political parties are cheating the people for long in the name of Aryan –Dravidian divisive politics. This will expose them.
Dravidians are Brahmins! Brahmins are Dravidians!!
I wrote about most misunderstood words earlier and gave the meaning of Ayas/Iron and Asva/Horse. There are two more words Aryan and Dravidian which are misunderstood only after foreigners gave them a wrong meaning. They distorted the meaning deliberately and gave racial connotation to it. They did this to spread their religion and stabilise the British rule. Divide and Rule is a well known policy followed by foreigners who wanted to deprive the natives of their freedom.
The word Arya occurs in seven places in the 2000 year old Sangam Tamil literature. Nowhere it was used as a racial term. The word Dravida was not found anywhere in the Tamil Sangam Literature of 30,000 lines. But later day literature gives very interesting information. The Anti Brahmin movement used this word as their trump card. The surprising thing about this word Dravida is, it was used only to denote Brahmins in the early days!!
Dravida meant Brahmins in Sanskrit hymn Saundarya Lahari. It was composed by Adi Shankara. Some scholars used the reference of ‘’Dravida Sisu’’ (Dravidian baby or boy) in the hymn as a reference to the Tamil ‘’Boy Wonder, Child Prodigy’’ Thiru Jnana Sambandhar. He composed poetry at the age of five and changed the course of Tamil religious life in the seventh century AD. So scholars thought Dravida Sisu was Sambandhar, who was a Brahmin. Religious Heads like Kanchi Paramacharya rejected it and said it may be Adi Shankara referring to himself. ( I have argued that it may be a reference of Abhinava Shankara to Adi Shankara in my Tamil article The Date of Adi Shankara through Tamil Literature). But everybody is in agreement that it referred to a Brahmin boy. So Dravida was used for Brahmins at one time.
Pancha Dravida
Tamil encyclopaedia ‘Abhidana Chnthamani’ by Singaravelu Mudaliyar gives more interesting details. He says ‘Pancha Dravida’ means the Brahmins of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Here again the word was used only for Brahmins.
India was divided in to 56 states in the olden days. The list of 56 states or countries of India listed Chera, Cholza, Pandya, Kerala, Konkana and Dravida meaning Dravida was not Tamil Nadu. So it was out of Tamil Nadu and was not a part of it. Dravida may be a small geographical area adjacent to Tamil country. But atheistic Tamils projected Dravida as Tamil land and named their political parties on the basis of it. Here Dravida meant an area in the South.
Dravida Veda
Divya Parbandham is an anthology of 4000 verses composed by 12 Vaishnavite saints called Alvars. Not all the 12 Alvars were Brahmins. But it was called Dravida Veda denoting the Veda of the South.
Dravida Bhupathi was a king of Agastya’s time according to Abhidana Chintamani. Dravidachari was a Brahmin commentator of Vedanta Sutras. Dravidan was another king of Surya Kula ( Sun Clan).

Cricketer Dravid
Famous cricketer Rahul Dravid was a Maharashtrian Brahmin. Brahmins who migrated to north were called Dravids. Brahmins who migrated to Gujarat were called Pandyas. Brahmins who migrated from Tri Linga Desa (Telugu=Triling) are called Dhillons. Brahmins of Chola Desa were called Soziyas. This gives another fact that Brahmins did not come from North to South, but migrated from South to North. Mahavamsa also speaks of Brahmins present in Sri Lanka from time immemorial. Probably Tamil Brahmins went everywhere like Adi Shankara and Ramanujan. Both of them were from Tamil speaking areas of the South. Even today we have Tamil priests in the North including Nepal.
Agastya’s March to the South
Tamil scholars of olden days wrote that Brahmins came from north with Agastya. But Tamil literature gives contradictory information. Tamil commentators of Purananurau anthology said Agastya led 18 clans including Velirs, not Brahmins. Even before Agastya came to the south, Brahmins were there in Tamilnadu. Indus Valley ‘’Scholars’’ also said Dravidians ran to the South fearing for their life, not Brahmins. Indus valley excavators projected Dravidians as a cowardly people running helter skelter fearing invading ‘barbaric Aryans’!!! Now we know Dravidians were not cowards and Indus civilization came to an end because of geological changes.
Tamil= Dramila=Dravida
Even the word TAMIL came from Dravida according to some scholars. Some others say it was vice versa ( Dravida= Dramila=Tamil). Even here it is only the language and not any race!
I have written an article about a Dravidian Queen who ruled in the north in 1320 BC. It is only one interpretation of the queen Idavrida= Ilavrida=Dravida by one of the scholars.(Idavida=Dravida is not accepted by all the scholars. This is one of the interpretations. I have made it clear in my earlier post).
To add to confusion, foreign scholars said that the Dravidians came from Mediterranean region. They even said there was similarity between Finnish, Turkish and Tamil. But I have shown elsewhere the closest language to Tamil is Sanskrit. Turkey was the place where the oldest inscription with Sanskrit names was found. Vedic Gods are there in the Bogazkoi inscription of 1400BC. Mitanni nearby have kings with Sanskrit names. No one has explained satisfactorily how Finnish and Turkish had link with the Tamils. On the other hand Tamil enthusiasts say that they had their origin in Kumari Kandam situated beyond Kanyakumari--the land’s end.
Foreigners misled the entire scholarly world by saying that the invading barbaric Aryans drove out all the Dravidians from the Indus. If it is true Indus Valley must have hundreds or thousands of Dravidian skeletons! Sixty years ago some scholars even said the language of the Indus was Dravdian in structure and till this day not a single word was deciphered! They always mislead the scholars and general public. Sangam Tamil literature knew Ganges and Himalayas very well, but they never knew INDUS!!! There is no reference to the river or Punjab region. If there was a prize for Fiction in those days, Indus valley excavators would have got it for discovering Dravida Shiva and Dravidians running for life!!
The above examples show that the words Aryan or Dravidian never had a racial connotation in Indian literature till the foreigners imposed it and misinterpreted every walk of life. The words Arya and Dravida had their own historical development in meaning, but never with a racial connotation, until the foreigners deliberately distorted them. India was one with one culture. If different languages are an indication of different races, then no one can explain why New Guinea Island has 700+ languages. They can’t even explain why so many languages are in India.
Dravida denoted the South of India at a later date. So anyone from the south was a Dravidian, not necessarily Brahmins. It is like North Indians calling all the South Indians ‘’Madrasis’’ (Madras men).
(Please read my 600 articles posted here on the above subject and Indian culture. Some of the related topics are given below:

Picture shows Veddahs of Sri Lanka who were classified as Dravidians by the advocates of Aryan Dravidian race theory.
1.Dravidian Queen (1320 BC) in North India (2).The Biggest Brainwash in the World 3)Tamil Sangams: Myth and Reality 4) Indra festival in the Vedas and Tamil Epics 5.Bull fighting: Indus valley to Spain via Tamil Nadu 6.Karikal Choza and Eagle shaped Fire A tar 7.Why do British judges follow a Tamil king? 8.Flags : Indus Valley- Egypt Similarity 9. Veera Matha in the Vedas and Tamil Literature 10. Pandya King who ruled Vietnam 11.Oldest reference to Population Explosion
Pictures are taken from different websites; thanks.