World's Largest Cave, Son Doong in Vietnam
The Son Doong Cave in Vietnam is the biggest cave in the world. It's over 5.5 miles long, has a jungle and river, and could fit a 40-story skyscraper within its walls.
But nobody knew any of that until five years ago.
The newly discovered cave has been touted as the largest in the world, although other caves vie for the title of longest (Mammoth Cave in Brownsville, Kentucky nabs that title with about 400 miles of passageways) and deepest (Krubera Cave in the nation of Georgia).
A local man discovered the cave entrance in 1991, but British cavers were the first to explore it in 2009. Tour company Oxalis has been running trial tours of the cave since last summer. According to their website, there is currently "no availability" left for 2014 tours, but the schedule for 2015 will be posted "later this year."
Please open this link to see the Pictures and Video
World's Largest Cave, Son Doong, Hosts First Public Tours (And The Photos Are Unreal)
The Son Doong Cave in Vietnam is the biggest cave in the world. It's over 5.5 miles long, has a jungle and river, and could fit a 40-story skyscraper within its walls.
But nobody knew any of that until five years ago.
The newly discovered cave has been touted as the largest in the world, although other caves vie for the title of longest (Mammoth Cave in Brownsville, Kentucky nabs that title with about 400 miles of passageways) and deepest (Krubera Cave in the nation of Georgia).
A local man discovered the cave entrance in 1991, but British cavers were the first to explore it in 2009. Tour company Oxalis has been running trial tours of the cave since last summer. According to their website, there is currently "no availability" left for 2014 tours, but the schedule for 2015 will be posted "later this year."
Please open this link to see the Pictures and Video
World's Largest Cave, Son Doong, Hosts First Public Tours (And The Photos Are Unreal)