Raji Ram
Active member
Does it mean that ONLY ambis in my family circles were 'asadus'? Most of them spent money on the spouse's education! opcorn:........... first Ambis are tight about money. Ambi spending to get a spouse -where are such prakruthis. NBs know the need for spending to get B girls. brahmin girls are trophies for them to hold before their
community members.thats why you find many brahmin boys[?] in age group 33-40 yrs specially in US floating around single. even if Ambis spend , they will work out return on expenditure ,and payback peroiod.lol ..........
In my friends circle, one ambi married a well employed girl from another community, almost earning equal to him, spent for
their family maintenance and his spouse sent all her money to her parents for about six years. Then she ditched him to elope
with another guy form her own community!
Some ambis are real 'pAvams'. :sad: