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A dog in the high court of Madras

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>>the book written by mahaswamigal of kanchi explains things very well.my explanation will confuse you only,is my opinion.
my intention is to show that where it is convenient for you, you do not follow his teachings - you pick and choose. Yet you advertise he is a god to you! Rofl.<<

I can only speak for myself,that i cannot & will not follow to the tee,as society today is different than when things were told by our rishis.If my advertising Mahaswamigal as 'Nadamadum Deivam' has provoked you-what can i say other than,get provoked i care two hoots.He is my mathru guru.

>>everything is relative,evil is also relative to something good perceived.shudra does not indicate evil.in my definition,i would describe the labor oriented worker in a factory to give you an example of the hierarchy of things.learned sages used human anatomy and said feets are personification of shudra.now can feet be evil?don't we all need feet?therefore shudra is inherent in everyones nature.mahaswamigal is known as 'nadamadum deivam' meaning he used his feet to walk.so,feet is very important for human beings.

correct logic twice! But then knowing this, why did you throw the invective 'those shudra kuttys/kuttans'? This does not jive.<<

When Shri Ramachander wrote,i felt certain amount of anguish.I could be right or wrong in my capacity to understand him.Neverthless,i went ahead and wrote exactly using from the personality traits as explained in our Sanathana Dharma as per my understanding.If it does not jive for you,then you ought to keep quiet and ignore my post.Not become reactive and trying impose your will over me.Don't do that.

>>that elephant is a elephant only a man with vision knows,not the blind men.
yes, but that does not make it true as it is perceived by blind. There is one truth. All others are 'perceptions' and 'maya'. Rope versus snake. The point is, there are no 'relative' truths. <<

Truth is compared with falsehood to make one realise.If Truth is self-evident,then don't you think all of us in this world will automatically know it.In the example,the underlying sentence is..only a man with vision knows...this is your divya drishti.All of us are like the blind man but one amongst us has the divya drishti and tries to explain the vedantam to us.In a classroom a teacher teaches 20 students,but only one comes first in the class when a test is conducted,Can you say why?

>>what is this advanced souls?is there gradation of souls?if so,do you know your souls stage?how would you know about 'divya drishti' is with mahaswamigal like people only?bhagavan sathya sai baba,automatically has the 'divya drishti' from birth(shiva-shakthi swaroopam).in his previous body,he was known 'shirdi sai baba'(shivam swaroopam).in the future body which will take place in 2030 as'mandya baba' is prohesised by bhagavan himself(shakthi swaroopam).whether to believe bhagavan or not,is entirely your will & pleasure.for me and millions like me,he is'swayam bhagavan'.

i was not talking about sri sai baba. I don't know much about him. He may very well have divya drishti. I was talking about mere mortals like me.<<

Very well.Then try to read about Sathya Sai Baba or if his grace is upon you,you will have his darshan.

>>can you first enumerate,how you have concluded my understanding of usa?now i am confused about this.i am indian,how else will i sound.there are number of indian-americans whom with i have mingled also express sentiments like mine,does that make them un-patriotic?

there is no institutionalized caste syatem here. Americans are simple, straight forward, hard working. The un patriotism comes in when some people do and say certain things that injure americans here and abroad. Your extreme left wing ideology is making you to say and do things against american interests. Your first priority is an ideology not the welfare of americans today. You bring your hate from india and transferred it on all white christians here. Need i say more?<<

The Caste system that prevails in the united states has a different nomenclature.But divisions within our society too exists.You know it,but want to be in argumentative mode with me.Thats ok.As for welfare of Americans,in this ten years of my existence,i have done what i know to do in the community.Apart from that i wish you desist yourself to jump into meaningless meandering about me.You do not judge people in a virtual forum-period.The way i see it,it is a deductive truth,even though its bitter you better just gulp it.

With this i have no intention to discuss further,you may have the last word.Thank You!


>>the book written by mahaswamigal of kanchi explains things very well.my explanation will confuse you only,is my opinion.
My intention is to show that where it is convenient for you, you do not follow his teachings - you pick and choose. Yet you advertise he is a god to you! Rofl.<<

i can only speak for myself,that i cannot & will not follow to the tee,as society today is different than when things were told by our rishis.if my advertising mahaswamigal as 'nadamadum deivam' has provoked you-what can i say other than,get provoked i care two hoots.he is my mathru guru.
again twisting of my words. Who said that maha periaval is not a 'nadamadum deivam'. I want to point out to the world, that you, on one hand talking about our rishis and gurus as though they are goda and exactly doing the opposite of what they preached. Again this is your make up and i want the world to understand this because what to dish out in this forum casually.

>>everything is relative,evil is also relative to something good perceived.shudra does not indicate evil.in my definition,i would describe the labor oriented worker in a factory to give you an example of the hierarchy of things.learned sages used human anatomy and said feets are personification of shudra.now can feet be evil?don't we all need feet?therefore shudra is inherent in everyones nature.mahaswamigal is known as 'nadamadum deivam' meaning he used his feet to walk.so,feet is very important for human beings.

Correct logic twice! But then knowing this, why did you throw the invective 'those shudra kuttys/kuttans'? This does not jive.<<

when shri ramachander wrote,i felt certain amount of anguish.i could be right or wrong in my capacity to understand him.neverthless,i went ahead and wrote exactly using from the personality traits as explained in our sanathana dharma as per my understanding.if it does not jive for you,then you ought to keep quiet and ignore my post.not become reactive and trying impose your will over me.don't do that.
go back and check again. You answered to my posting first when i specifically addressed srimathi hh ji. Till then i was ignoring you as you are not worth my response. But once you open your vile mouth at me, i have every right to respond. Where did i impose my will? You are the one who is doing it to everyone else with your unmitigated hatred towrds everyone else! Look in the mirror.

again in a forum like this, if you make unsubstantiated statements and attack anyone else with venom, i have every right to represent the attacked. Truth must hurt huh?

i am going to repond to every statement by you not supported by logic or truth going forward. I am not going to ignore you anymore because you have a hate filled agenda without any viveham. Rofl

>>that elephant is a elephant only a man with vision knows,not the blind men.
Yes, but that does not make it true as it is perceived by blind. There is one truth. All others are 'perceptions' and 'maya'. Rope versus snake. The point is, there are no 'relative' truths. <<

truth is compared with falsehood to make one realise.if truth is self-evident,then don't you think all of us in this world will automatically know it.in the example,the underlying sentence is..only a man with vision knows...this is your divya drishti.all of us are like the blind man but one amongst us has the divya drishti and tries to explain the vedantam to us.in a classroom a teacher teaches 20 students,but only one comes first in the class when a test is conducted,can you say why?
i am not arguing about who knows the truth. I am arguing about your original statement that truth is all relative and that all of us have divya drishti. Go back and re read your sentence.

>>what is this advanced souls?is there gradation of souls?if so,do you know your souls stage?how would you know about 'divya drishti' is with mahaswamigal like people only?bhagavan sathya sai baba,automatically has the 'divya drishti' from birth(shiva-shakthi swaroopam).in his previous body,he was known 'shirdi sai baba'(shivam swaroopam).in the future body which will take place in 2030 as'mandya baba' is prohesised by bhagavan himself(shakthi swaroopam).whether to believe bhagavan or not,is entirely your will & pleasure.for me and millions like me,he is'swayam bhagavan'.

I was not talking about sri sai baba. I don't know much about him. He may very well have divya drishti. I was talking about mere mortals like me.<<

very well.then try to read about sathya sai baba or if his grace is upon you,you will have his darshan.
do not care to. I already have my ishta guru.

>>can you first enumerate,how you have concluded my understanding of usa?now i am confused about this.i am indian,how else will i sound.there are number of indian-americans whom with i have mingled also express sentiments like mine,does that make them un-patriotic?

There is no institutionalized caste syatem here. Americans are simple, straight forward, hard working. The un patriotism comes in when some people do and say certain things that injure americans here and abroad. Your extreme left wing ideology is making you to say and do things against american interests. Your first priority is an ideology not the welfare of americans today. You bring your hate from india and transferred it on all white christians here. Need i say more?<<

the caste system that prevails in the united states has a different nomenclature.but divisions within our society too exists.
again a statement without any thought. In india everything in the society is institutionalized. There the caste system meant till independence, one can not do the profession of another caste. Even today, the society is by and large that way. So in birth one is not equal to others, in life one is not equal to others and in death one is not equal to others.

in america, there is one caste : You judged by merit. You are equal to birth with others in terms of going after the american dream. One can not keep a good man down in this system, which operates on meritocracy. Everyone, if he/she works hard and has an objective can reach his/her potential. But the outcome depends on one's ability. But they have the freedom to pursue.

not so in india. If you do not understand this crucial difference, then you will go on equating india's caste system to other meritocracy based systems.
you know it,but want to be in argumentative mode with me.thats ok.as for welfare of americans,in this ten years of my existence,i have done what i know to do in the community.apart from that i wish you desist yourself to jump into meaningless meandering about me.you do not judge people in a virtual forum-period.the way i see it,it is a deductive truth,even though its bitter you better just gulp it.
i don't need to gulp at all! Forums like this are there to exchange ideas. If you are spouting something that is different from who you are, then what can i say? The best thing that can be said is that you view this as a game.

with this i have no intention to discuss further,you may have the last word.thank you!
okay, good. But i can not promise the same. Rofl.:couch2:



A tour of the TN will convince anybody that the two Kazhagams’ only achievement is the utter pauperisation of the Tamils. Whether it is the Backward Castes, Dalits, Muslims or Christians every section is in distress and the youth migrating all over India in thousands.

Brahmins anyway were the first to get educated even during the British period and snatch the best employment opportunities. The Hindu, the Mount Road Mahavishnu, is the flagship of the most cantankerous Tamil papans. The others who followed were the Mudaliars, the Telugu-speaking Naidus, the merchant class Chettiars, the landed Gounders.


Look how Dalits have got brainwashed and how they have been inculcated to spit venom.Hope you understand now,as to how Tamizh Brahmanas both men & women,are being tortured by verbal garbage of the Nth order.Thanks to Kazhagam leaders and its thondans.

Dear Bala,

Abt your post previous to the above, your idealism is refreshing and infectious...am going thru a phase of being judgemental and cynical...will bounce back to normal soon.

Abt your post above, perhaps you are right. I have not come across anyone saying 'pappan poranda', etc. I hear the term Iyerae in movies. Maybe its bcoz i have not stayed in chennai for more than a week per year since the past nearly 6-7 years or what i dunno (??).

The forms of addressing a brahmin i have come across (obviously amongst those i know) is ayya garu or ayya varu. Another term is pattar ayya (pattar word is not at all derogatory please). Pattars used to be very skilled in crafting numerous types of thali (mangalsutra). They cud tell a lot abt a caste / sub-caste merely by looking at a thali. They were experts in muhurta astrology, meaning they wud make a thali only on certain days after proper prayers, and if am not wrong they also used to do a homam around ayudhapooja time. Now i think it is literally impossible to find a pattar in that role and all those traditional shastric ways of making a thali are perhaps lost forever.

Dear Sri KRS-ji,

Thanks for the input. Is there any specific reference in the scriptures for shudra as a term derived from sanskrit roots ? Would it really refer to a class of people based on their occupation?

Thanks much.

Parpanan as such is not deragatory in its original meaning.These scoundrels who know nothing make use of the term to snide and sneer at us.Vedas are Apaurusheya meaning that it was not created by anyone and the Rishis thro whom it came to the world were called as Mantra thrashta meaning the one who saw the mantra in their subconscious state.Seeing the same earned them the name Parpanan ,the one who sees the truths
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