Raji Ram
Active member
No Sir! I have enough interactions (without :fencing: ) in chit chat!Well, how about moving it to GD section since you also feel that ..........

No Sir! I have enough interactions (without :fencing: ) in chit chat!Well, how about moving it to GD section since you also feel that ..........
At P2P (people to people) level there is no rancor....I have interacted with several Pakistanis..They are good to heart!
One of my relatives visits Pakistan as a NGO member! She is all praise for the people there!
Are ordinary Pakistanis "good at heart" or do they actively cultivate "aggressive behavior"?...I wouldn't want to generalize, so what I say now is limited only to my experience - ......... Pakistanis have also cultivated in their minds, an aggressive behaviour.......
What is a drop of sugar in a salty ocean?
At P2P (people to people) level there is no rancor....I have interacted with several Pakistanis..They are good to heart!
One of my relatives visits Pakistan as a NGO member! She is all praise for the people there!
The venom is injected by the Pakistani politicians who want to divide people...They do not want anything to do with India...They fear the size of India and its might..They are jealous of India's growth...They are trying to still portray that Indians are their No 1 enemies....
There is nothing wrong per se by Aman ki Asha!
But what India lacks is the ability to give a tit for tat when the so called enemy crosses limits!
There are nut cases everywhere. If the two countries are going to engage with each other at the level of these nut cases then there is no hope. If and when Pakistan goes down, it will take India with it. National pride will be worth nothing at that point.
A path towards true national security is possible only if the issue of Kashmir is settled. Thoughtful and inspired leadership is necessary for this to come true. We can be sure that such leadership will not come from the politicians of both countries, they can only be counted on to keeping the enmity of the populace towards each other alive, Modi being an expert at it. Whether non-politicians can lead the way is very questionable. Anyone advocating peace will be tared and feathered in both countries.
To get a first hand feeling of what Pakistanis think, please read this thread from a Paki forum: in this case why Mohammad Ghori is a Muslim hero (Paki missiles are named after him).
everything you said is agreed.
but there is no need for pretensions of love or nostalgia through the make believe ads. anyone who left in a hurry for his life in the punjab, and faced rape pillage plunder during the hazardous road journey to the safety of india, i doubt, will ever harbour the type of feelings portrayed in the video.
google could have chosen any other situations. how about tamils of malaya or burma who were separated by the japanese invasion? why not indian students of cambridge or oxford during the fifites? how about our own classmates? or long lost loves.
no. and again it is a muslim man and a hindu woman who facilitate this union. there are so underlying insinuations that i am surprised that the vast majority of indians are gullible enough to believe this to be a true state of affairs. no one remembers history here? another invasion from north west would soon teach them a lesson.
Dear Renu,........ Give me a break guys..if we humans cant love our neighbour in our own street/ town/state/country....dont even attempt to love thy enemy across the national border.
Dear Renu,
How about those who don't love even the inmates of the house, including the better half?? :sad:
no. and again it is a muslim man and a hindu woman who facilitate this union. there are so underlying insinuations that i am surprised that the vast majority of indians are gullible enough to believe this to be a true state of affairs. no one remembers history here? another invasion from north west would soon teach them a lesson.
Dear K, the underlying insinuation is simply that Google Search can find long lost friend and get them together. The bonus is the debate we are having, and, hopefully, lot of others in other forums are also having. What I see in the ad is a hope that common people can connect and make a difference. At the same time I am also not naive enough to ignore the cynicism, not all unwarranted, that pervades Indian upper castes and mocks at the hopes of a better tomorrow that common people of both India and Pakistan share.... there are so underlying insinuations that i am surprised that the vast majority of indians are gullible enough to believe this to be a true state of affairs..
It is not a national threat Renu! But it is sad to see some couples hate each other and still make their marriage successful!!
Check this out dudes!
Took this from VR ji's thread.
Ha Ha Ha...here we are saying heart warming video and see what is happening across the border!LOL
Fined Rs 1 cr for showing India content
10 Pakistan TV channels have been fined a total of Rs 1 crore for airing excessive Indian content. More
This is a very casual statement. At best we can say that Hindu & Muslims (H&M) were as much a friend to one another, if not less, than they are now.The fact no one can rule out is that, before partition when there was no topographical distinction as Pakistan & India, both Hindu and Muslims were very good friends in terms of one to one relationship, as much as friendship between a Muslim & a Hindu at present with in the Indian boundaries. They had bondage as friends for long years as good humans to each other and in general.
Partition is a division line that hived one country; the lilne drawn with the blood of humans, and instigated by the Muslims. It is not a subject that could be similar to long lost friends or childhood memories. There are traumatic events behind the partition which we perhaps tend to brush aside easily, in the guise of ads. What may work as an ad seldom works in reality.IMO, the Google Add. reflects the love and affection between long time true friends as humans who were forced to get separated during partition BUT didn't carry hate and frustration between each other just based on religious belonging & topographical/social/political differentiations.
..... The prime objective of the Add. as we know is to highlight the effectiveness of Google Search and such an emotional concept is chosen to make it a hit.
Sorry Mr. Ravi, I think you have been too influenced by Google ads and romantic Bollywood movies. The reality on the ground was much different. Surely you have heard about Aurangzeb? Please also read historical accounts of the rule of Alauddin Khilji and invasions by Ghori and Ghazni.
Not that Hindus are quite innocent. The Hindu landlords werent always nice to the Muslim peasants eithers. So in the end, no love lost.
Dear Mr.Biswa,
To add value to your post you are finding me emotionally influenced by Google Add and romantically influenced by Bollywood movies..LOL!!