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Advaita and Its Fallacies

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Drar Shri SwamiTaBra, thank you for continuing to humor me with this discussion, I do appreciate it, even though the discussion has digressed a little to theists/atheists.

You started out with the phrase "The theists long know". This was the point I tried to make in my last post. Without a shred of evidence the theists claim that they know, which to me, comes across as pure arrogance. An atheist, on the other hand, accepts what is unknown as simply that, with all humility.

Sensitive theist is a contradiction in terms, at least in his/her attitude towards atheists. All religious traditions condemn atheists to the most horrible of states, right here and now, and in their future worlds after death. Anyone who openly declares his/her atheism is always look at with suspicion.

Thanks for the pdf, I will take a look at it when I get some spare time. If Hegde is rejecting spurious science, then I am with him -- spurious science is not science, it is fraud. But, some people perpetrating fraud and calling it science cannot somehow make homeopathy or Ayurveda scientific. Homeopathy is no more useful than a placebo.


Dear Sri Nara,

If there are atheists respecting others positions, it is healthy. If theist doesn't respect the position of an atheist, then surely it an intolerant attitude which eventually leads to persecution of atheists as in the medieval period. There have been arrogance from both sides, albeit in different times, This is what I meant. If you see humour in what I have been saying so far, I am pleasantly surprised that I could do some intentioned good!

What perhaps Dr. Hegde wants to say in his article is that under the veneer of scientific investigation techniques many facts are are either deliberately twisted or masked for commercial gains. The reason I referred to the article was that you were pointing out-- in one of your earlier post-- to awarding Nobel Prize for chemistry to Venkataraman Ramakrishan in recognition of his discoveries that are significant for the pharma industry. (A caveat: I am not insinuating Dr. Venkataraman's accomplishments)

With regards,
What perhaps Dr. Hegde wants to say in his article is that under the veneer of scientific investigation techniques many facts are are either deliberately twisted or masked for commercial gains. ...

With regards,
Shri Swami.

It is true and known commonly now that the pharma industry has been misusing science by resorting to falsehoods of the worst kind, in order to promote some drugs and regain what they spent in such research. But there is also a drama going on in US, I think. The Food & Drug department initially clears some drugs, immediately bans it in the US with the result that the drug companies are able to market these drugs in other countries where "under the table" rules!

But this does not mean that the science or scientific methods of allopathy are useless. Despite all the shortcomings, you or I will rush to an allopathy doctor the moment we get an unusual chest/stomach pain, will we not?

Coming to homoeopathy, it has also been twisted far out of the shape given to it by Hahnemann originally. Now it is using the diseased human tissues, titurate the tissue, make the sugar globules dipped into such preparations and use it as medicine. And, worse is the fact that many homoeopaths powder allopathic tablets and give it as homoeo medicine! So, I think Hegde is right in condemning the unhealthy role of allopathic drug mfrs., but wrong when he approves other systems ignoring similar malpractices in those systems.
... If you see humour in what I have been saying so far, I am pleasantly surprised that I could do some intentioned good!
Dear Shri SwamiTaBra, I used the phrase "to humor me" in its idiomatic sense, i.e. you have taken me seriously and engaged in this discussion, for which I am thankful. I did not mean you are joking with me, sorry for the confusion.

As to the rest of your comments, my views are the same as what Shri Sangom has expressed, with one small difference -- I am not quite sure of the extent to which FDA is an active co-conspirator, culpable in Pharma companies' unconscionable pursuit of greed around the world.

Shri Swami.

It is true and known commonly now that the pharma industry has been misusing science by resorting to falsehoods of the worst kind, in order to promote some drugs and regain what they spent in such research. But there is also a drama going on in US, I think. The Food & Drug department initially clears some drugs, immediately bans it in the US with the result that the drug companies are able to market these drugs in other countries where "under the table" rules!

But this does not mean that the science or scientific methods of allopathy are useless. Despite all the shortcomings, you or I will rush to an allopathy doctor the moment we get an unusual chest/stomach pain, will we not?

Coming to homoeopathy, it has also been twisted far out of the shape given to it by Hahnemann originally. Now it is using the diseased human tissues, titurate the tissue, make the sugar globules dipped into such preparations and use it as medicine. And, worse is the fact that many homoeopaths powder allopathic tablets and give it as homoeo medicine! So, I think Hegde is right in condemning the unhealthy role of allopathic drug mfrs., but wrong when he approves other systems ignoring similar malpractices in those systems.

I suppose the biggest gain of modern medicine is in advancement in surgery.

We would need a complementary system, that could make a best use of Ayurveda. The challenge is that in Ayurveda there cannot be a standard drug and dosage.The traditional vaidyar assesses each patient and prepares medicine accordingly.

Already quite a few herbs are patented.

Let see how things pan out.

I suppose the biggest gain of modern medicine is in advancement in surgery.

We would need a complementary system, that could make a best use of Ayurveda. The challenge is that in Ayurveda there cannot be a standard drug and dosage.The traditional vaidyar assesses each patient and prepares medicine accordingly.

Already quite a few herbs are patented.

Let see how things pan out.


Shri Swami,

While a lot of praise is given to ayurveda nowadays, probably as a patriotic gesture, the fact remains that the very many plant components - from the roots to the seed, all the way - adds a great lot of steroids in almost all ayurvedic preparations, particularly those taken internally. These steroids are, in many instances, unwanted and ultimately cause rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis in particular. The vicious circle of rheumatoid arthritis getting treated with ayurvedic drugs, (due to initial steroid effects, some improvement is seen) and in turn giving rise to increased rheumatic complaints, is very common. Ayurveda survives because diseases like rheumatism/rheumatoid arthritis are not yet completely curable, but can only be "treated".
All members,

There are many among us who swear by the "apourusheyatva" of the vedas and the pristine purity of our scriptures. Puranas form a very integral part of our scriptures and, if an impartial study is made of the brahmin ways of day-to-day life today, it will be found that much of the beliefs, rituals, etc., are derived from or directly prescribed by the Puranas.

Since we are now discussing the advaita darSana in this thread, I thought it will be appropriate to present the certificate given to advaita by Padma Purana, one of the Major Puranas.

Please read:

mAyAvAdam asaccHAstram praccHannam bauddha ucyate
mayaiva katHitam dEvi kalaou brAhmaNa rUpiNA -7

apArtHam SrutivAkyAnAm darSayan lOkagarhitam
svakarmarUpam tyAjyatvam atraiva pratipAdyate -8

sarvakarma paribhrashTairvaidharmatvam taducyate
parESajeevapAraikyam mayA tu pratipAdyate -9

brahmaNOsya svayamrUpam nirguNam vakshyate mayA
sarvasya jagatOऽpyatra mOhanArtHam kalou yugE -10

vEdArtHavanmahASAstram mAyayA yad avaidikam
mayaiva kalpitam dEvi jagatAm nASa kAraNAT -11

(padma purANam - uttarakhaNDa - adhyAya_236)

Goddess pArvati asks rudra: who are the people who will spread tAmasic SAstras (in future) which will be devoid of bhakti towards God?

And rudra replies to her: the above verses are from a total of 26 verses spoken by rudra. These verses clearly state that "I myself, during kaliyuga, in the form of a brAhmaNa, will tell (propound) mAyAvAdam which is a false 'SAstram', and is bouddham in disguise.

By deriving wrong meanings from the Sruti vAkyAs and blaming the world, it will induce people to forsake their "svakarma".

It will tell about the unity of the Supreme (parESa) and jeeva, abolishing all karmas and thus lead to "vaidharmatvam"-unlawfulness.

I will tell that the own 'rUpam' of brahman is nirguNa, because it will delude everyone in kaliyuga.

This replacing of the great SAstra which is the true meaning of Vedas by the mAyA which is against vEda (avaidikam), will be done by me in order to destroy the jagat.

In my view, these verses have been interpolated after Sankara's time. However, for those who hold all our scriptures as unquestionable, it will be necessary to agree that advaita or mAyAvAda is a device, for destruction of this jagat by creating delusion in the minds of people, making them forsake their 'svadharma', etc., made by misinterpretation of vedas and treating the Supreme eeSa and the jeeva as one.I am wondering whether our confirmed Astikas will accept Padma Purana and relinquish advaita, or agree, at least now, that all our scriptures, including the vedas, could have been modified - by interpolations and alterations, deletions being very diificult to unearth - to suit vested interests and will desist from swearing on their infallibility.

There is also something floating around:

Siva at Tiruvidaimarudur also called Madhyaarjuna shetram said Advaitha is true.

Sir, surgery was not unknown to ancient Indians. Sushruta was one of the earliest in human history to practice surgery. Here is a wiki article about him.

Yes I am aware. But how many of the traditional vaidyars would take up a scalpel? What were the anesthesia administered then?
You would agree that to be in history is one thing, but highly risky to put into use with the scanty knowledge.

With regards,
Yes I am aware. But how many of the traditional vaidyars would take up a scalpel? What were the anesthesia administered then?
You would agree that to be in history is one thing, but highly risky to put into use with the scanty knowledge.
Dear Shri SwamiTaBra, it is a pity this knowledge just faded away and was never leveraged to greater heights. IMO, Bhakti movement is the culprit. Bhakti exalted mysticism over knowledge. The blinder the faith, the better the rewards, in the after life -- afterlife is more important than the present life. True knowledge, it is still claimed, is bhakti, and rationality is a mark of arrogance.

Another factor contributing to the stagnation and decline is the caste system and the relegation of practice of medicine to one of the lowest of castes.

The old knowledge is gone, in its place we have superstition, sacred water from Danvantri, venduthalai to Gunaseelam, anga pradhakshinam -- thankfully, it has not come to kuttikarna pradhakshinam.

All the above are great knowledge thoughts and practices. These are the inch by inch research of the better use of human knowledge over the universe. These are the steps to success over one's one mind to the way to god.

In simple words, Advita in my opinion, feel every thing in universe is me and myself is the full of universe and feeling of universal power in every cells of oneself.

Advita is not two but one. I am the one and I am in all. Be with the universe as the same and it is not differentiated by our senses of light, smell, sounds, touch, taste.

Feel the whole in one and the one is the whole. That is God.

Going inside one is the same difficult as we go into the space.

When attaining Samathi, we become the one with the superior power.

tat dvam asi !!!.
Dear Shri SwamiTaBra, it is a pity this knowledge just faded away and was never leveraged to greater heights. IMO, Bhakti movement is the culprit. Bhakti exalted mysticism over knowledge. The blinder the faith, the better the rewards, in the after life -- afterlife is more important than the present life. True knowledge, it is still claimed, is bhakti, and rationality is a mark of arrogance.

Another factor contributing to the stagnation and decline is the caste system and the relegation of practice of medicine to one of the lowest of castes.

The old knowledge is gone, in its place we have superstition, sacred water from Danvantri, venduthalai to Gunaseelam, anga pradhakshinam -- thankfully, it has not come to kuttikarna pradhakshinam.


I can't say whether it is due to enveloping bhakti tradition.
Every pravachanakarta emphasises only bhakti. Is not mind too a gift from god to be exercised. Hanuman is potrayed only as a bhakta, the fact that he was knowledgeable as well, is very much downplayed.

kuttikarna pradhakshinam.

Don't be surprised if it happens anytime soon. Just spread it around that it will give one enormous powers if one does to such and such god and see it spread like wildfire. You can rope in few astrologers to market that...

With regards,
kuttikarna pradhakshinam.

Don't be surprised if it happens anytime soon. Just spread it around that it will give one enormous powers if one does to such and such god and see it spread like wildfire. You can rope in few astrologers to market that...

With regards,
I agree with Shri Swami. But there must be some auxiliary business prospect also for such a thing to happen, such as cloths of particular colour to be used, deity to be adorned with garland made of specific flower/s and all that. These will promote side-businesses on site.
Dear Shri SwamiTaBra, it is a pity this knowledge just faded away and was never leveraged to greater heights. IMO, Bhakti movement is the culprit. Bhakti exalted mysticism over knowledge. The blinder the faith, the better the rewards, in the after life -- afterlife is more important than the present life. True knowledge, it is still claimed, is bhakti, and rationality is a mark of arrogance.

Another factor contributing to the stagnation and decline is the caste system and the relegation of practice of medicine to one of the lowest of castes.

The old knowledge is gone, in its place we have superstition, sacred water from Danvantri, venduthalai to Gunaseelam, anga pradhakshinam -- thankfully, it has not come to kuttikarna pradhakshinam.


Shri Swami,

I am not aware of this. Can you please give some details or url?


I heard Jayendra Saraswathi utter that some days back in a function to mark his 75th birth anniversary, held at Madras Sanskrit College. It was telecast live by SriSankara TV.

I have no source; if I get something that appear authentic I will gladly share with you.

With rgds.,
All the above are great knowledge thoughts and practices. These are the inch by inch research of the better use of human knowledge over the universe. These are the steps to success over one's one mind to the way to god.

In simple words, Advita in my opinion, feel every thing in universe is me and myself is the full of universe and feeling of universal power in every cells of oneself.

Advita is not two but one. I am the one and I am in all. Be with the universe as the same and it is not differentiated by our senses of light, smell, sounds, touch, taste.

Feel the whole in one and the one is the whole. That is God.

Going inside one is the same difficult as we go into the space.

When attaining Samathi, we become the one with the superior power.

tat dvam asi !!!.

Gentleman, Another stone thrown into space to join the myriad of floating debris. Yes. Advaita is for the one and not for the dual. It is not a syllabus for teaching; just an approach to join the One and the Same. Science has done useful things in contemporary life but does not see its own end. It will keep experimenting on doubts. Doubts are acceptable to science because it is perennial in this maaya but faith is not acceptable because it is beyond the maaya.
Dear Sri.Sangom and Sri. Nara,

Sorry we have digressed from the theme of this thread.

I got to read an interesting article on Homoeopathy that appeared in the Times of India of 16th instant:

IIT-B team unravels homeopathy mystery

Malathy Iyer | TNN

Mumbai: Six months after the British Medical Association wrote off homeopathy as witchcraft that had no scientific basis, we may now have an irrefutable answer to what makes this ancient form of medicine click. Scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B) have established that the sweet white pills work on the principle of nanotechnology.
Homeopathic pills, made of naturally occurring metals such as gold, copper and iron, retain their potency even when extremely diluted to a nanometre or one-billionth of a metre, states the IIT-B research published in the latest issue of ‘Homeopathy’, a peer-reviewed journal from the reputed medical publishing firm, Elsevier. IIT-B’s chemical engineering department bought commonly available homeopathic pills from neighbourhood shops, prepared highly diluted solutions and checked them under powerful electron microscopes to find nanoparticles of the original metal.
“Our paper showed that certain highly diluted homeopathic remedies made from metals still contain measurable amounts of the starting material, even at extreme dilutions of 1 part in 10 raised to 400 parts (200C),” said Dr Jayesh Bellare from the scientific team. His student, Prashant Chikramane, presented the paper titled, ‘Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective’, as part of his doctoral thesis.

Homeopathy was established in the late 18th century by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. While it is widely popular in certain countries, especially India, the British Medical

Mumbai: Six months after the British Medical Association wrote off homeopathy as witchcraft that had no scientific basis, we may now have an irrefutable answer to what makes this ancient form of medicine click. Scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B) have established that the sweet white pills work on the principle of nanotechnology.
Homeopathic pills, made of naturally occurring metals such as gold, copper and iron, retain their potency even when extremely diluted to a nanometre or one-billionth of a metre, states the IIT-B research published in the latest issue of ‘Homeopathy’, a peer-reviewed journal from the reputed medical publishing firm, Elsevier. IIT-B’s chemical engineering department bought commonly available homeopathic pills from neighbourhood shops, prepared highly diluted solutions and checked them under powerful electron microscopes to find nanoparticles of the original metal.
“Our paper showed that certain highly diluted homeopathic remedies made from metals still contain measurable amounts of the starting material, even at extreme dilutions of 1 part in 10 raised to 400 parts (200C),” said Dr Jayesh Bellare from the scientific team. His student, Prashant Chikramane, presented the paper titled, ‘Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective’, as part of his doctoral thesis.
Homeopathy was established in the late 18th century by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. While it is widely popular in certain countries, especially India, the British Medical Association and the British parliament have in recent times questioned its potency. Some four years ago, British research papers rubbished homeopathy as a mere placebo.
“Homeopathy has been a conundrum for modern medicine. Its practitioners maintained that homeopathic pills got more potent on dilution, but they could never explain the mechanism scientifically enough for the modern scientists,” said Bellare. For instance, if an ink-filler loaded with red ink is introduced into the Powai lake, Bellare said, there would be no chance of ever tracing it. “But the fact is that homeopathic pills have worked in extreme dilutions and its practitioners have been able to cure tough medical conditions,” he added. One of the theories that was floated a few years ago stated that these pills imprinted their memory on the water molecules.
For the first time, scientists used equipment, such as a transmission electron microscope, electron diffraction and emission spectroscopy, to map physical entities in extremely dilution. Homeopathy is based on nanotechnology, proves IIT-B research
Mumbai: Scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B) have now proved that homeopathy definitely works on the principle of nanotechnology. Refuting the British Medical Association’s claim that this ancient form of medication does not work on a scientific basis, IIT-B published a report stating that homeopathic pills, made of naturally occurring metals such as gold, copper and iron, retain their potency even when extremely diluted to a nanometre or one-billionth of a metre.
Scientists used equipment, such as a transmission electron microscope, electron diffraction and emission spectroscopy, to map physical entities in extremely dilution. And sure enough, these high-tech devices could measure nanoparticles of gold and copper (the original metal used in the medicines).
“We had analyzed ayurvedic bhasmas (powders) a few years ago and found nanoparticles to be the powering agent. Following this, whenever we spoke about ayurveda at scientific meetings, we would get a person standing up to ask about homeopathy. That is when we decided to unravel the homeopathy mystery,” the team members said.
American homeopaths — Dr Joh Ives from the Samueli Institute in Virginia and Joyce C Fryce from the Centre of Integrative Medicine, University of Maryland — said that the IIT-B theory was fascinating. “We are all familiar with the simple calculations showing that a series of 1:99 dilutions done sequentially will produce a significant dilution of the starting material in very short order,” they wrote in an special editorial in the journal. But as dilution increases, this theory goes awry. “(But) Chikramane et al found that, contrary to our arithmetic, there are nanogram quantities of the starting material still present in these high potency remedies.”
The hypothesis is that nanobubbles form on the surface of the highly diluted mixtures and float to the surface, retaining the original potency. “We believe we have cracked the homeopathy conundrum,” said Bellare. However, the scientific world believes that the work needs to be replicated on a larger scale before it becomes an accepted theory.
According to well-known city homeopath Dr Farokh J Master, the IIT theory has proven something what practitioners have always known. “My instruction to my patients has always been to dilute the pills in a cup of water and stir it 10 times with a spoon. Then remove the spoon vertically, dip it in another cup of pure water and stir 10 times. I advise my patients to perform this exercise in five cups before discarding the first four cups and then drink from the fifth cup in two equal doses,” said Master. Dilution works, he says. “Homeopathy can cure dogs and cats who are not susceptible to the theory of placebos. So, the only possibility is that homeopathy is so potent that it cures all.”


Shri Swami,

I remember a similar article, most probably by the Atomic Energy researchers in Mumbai some years ago. It had revealed AFAI recollect, that there was no trace of the metal in usual homoeopathic dilutions as their studies showed. It looks to me that this new IIT B research is contrary to the other. I am not sure what exactly they mean by nano-particle; usually a molecule will be a nano-particle. Much more details will be necessary to get a complete picture of what the findings exactly are.
This article only says that traces of homoeopathic medicines are found even at very high dilution but the study does not relate to the curative properties of these elements.
This article only says that traces of homoeopathic medicines are found even at very high dilution but the study does not relate to the curative properties of these elements.

Dear Sri. Saarangam,

I have only reproduced the article saying that it is interesting, nothing more than that. What appears in press-- more often than not-- does not give the complete picture. Researches are still underway and it will preposterous for us to make any conclusion.

With regards,
Shri Swami,

I am not aware of this. Can you please give some details or url?

I have read in Kamakoti Sankaracharyal Sri Mahaswamigal UpadesangkaL that Sri Mahalingeswara of Thiruvidaimaruthur listened to Adi Sankara's devotional songs and raising a Hand through the Mahalingam said thrice that Advaitam is Satyam and this is also told in Kshetra Puranam!

Dear Sirs,

Gita Upadesha is intended for the Universal good and for the generations to come. Divine actions are always for the benefit of one and all. It may be difficult for the ordinary mortals to understand that.


Dear shri sangom, Since none of the learned members have ventured into this topic, I am taking the liberty to express an opinion -- perhaps this will get the ball rolling.

The objections to Advaitam raised in this site have been around for a long time. These people have done a good job of summarizing and organizing them (they could have formatted the content a little better for easier reading).

Adi Shankara tried to establish Advaitam on the strength of Vedas and Brahmma Sutra, otherwise, Advaitam would not be a Vaideeka Matham. Sankara also argued that Vedas are the only pramana as pratyaksham and anumanam are flawed. Here in lies the root problem. Since the "knowledge" contained in the Vedas can be understood only through pratyaksham and anumanam, and for Adi Shankara these two are fatally flawed, Vedas themselves will have to permanently remain outside the realm of true comprehension since we get caught in a vicious circular logic.

Further, under Advaitam, Bhagavat Geetha must be one of the most silly documents ever written. Lord Sri Krishna, being Para Brahman, must know this guy standing in front of him does not exist in reality, or, he is none other than himself in deluded state -- imagine that if you can get your head around it. So, what was he belaboring about for 18 chapters conveying great wisdom (a) to what he should surely know to be illusion, or (b) to himself. With Advaitam we get into these knots from which there is no logical or rational way out.

From what I have seen so far, it is impossible for me to have a rational exchange with our newcomer Rakesh who has expressed his opinion on this thread -- BTW, I find Rakesh's response quite unsatisfactory; just saying you don't understand, or you have to experience it, is, IMO, a cop out. Instead, I would like to hear your take on the objections raised in this web site.

Advaita means not dual,
- - that has a uniformity,
- - that does not change,
- - that can not be matched,
- - that is unique
it is the supreme truth of universe;
it is the supreme truth of BRAHMA.
Everybody wants to know this supreme truth;
Who understood the truth of ADVAITA?
Then it must be there somewhere in his writtings;
Who is capable to discover this from his writtings? ? ? ?
This widely quoted sentence of his is also widely misunderstood.[citation needed] In his metaphysics, there are three tiers of reality with each one more real than the previous. The category illusion in this system is unreal only from the viewpoint of the absolutely real and is different from the category of the Absolutely unreal. His system of vedanta introduced the method of scholarly exegesis on the accepted metaphysics of the Upanishads, and this style was adopted by all the later vedanta schools. Another distinctive feature of his work is his refusal to be literal about scriptural statements and adoption of symbolic interpretation where he considered it appropriate. In a famous passage in his commentary on the Brahmasutra's of Badarayana, he says "For each means of knowledge {PramaNam} has a valid domain. The domain of the scriptures {Shabda PramaNam} is the knowledge of the Self. If the scriptures say something about another domain - like the world around us - which contradicts what perception {Pratyaksha PramaNam} and inference {Anumana PramaNam} (the appropriate methods of knowledge for this domain) tells us, then, the scriptural statements have to be symbolically interpreted..."
Adi Shankara's contributions to Advaita are crucial. His main works are the commentaries on the Prasthanatrayi (Brahma Sūtras, Bhagavad Gītā and the Upanişads) and the Gaudapadiya Karikas. He also wrote a major independent treatise, called Upadeśa Sāhasrī, expounding his philosophy.
  1. Nityānitya vastu viveka — The ability (viveka) to correctly discriminate between the eternal (nitya) substance (Brahman) and the substance that is transitory existence (anitya).
  2. Ihāmutrārtha phala bhoga virāga — The renunciation (virāga) of enjoyments of objects (artha phala bhoga) in this world (iha) and the other worlds (amutra) like heaven etc.
  3. Śamādi ṣatka sampatti — the sixfold qualities of śama (control of the antahkaraṇa[7][8]), dama (the control of external sense organs), uparati (the refraining from actions; instead concentrating on meditation[citation needed]), titikṣa (the tolerating of tāpatraya), śraddha (the faith in Guru and Vedas), samādhāna (the concentrating of the mind on God and Guru).
  4. Mumukṣutva — The firm conviction that the nature of the world is misery and the intense longing for moksha (release from the cycle of births and deaths).
Adi Shankara states in Tattva bodha (1.2) that moksha, or liberation, is available only to those possessing the above-mentioned fourfold qualifications. Thus any seeker wishing to study advaita vedānta from a teacher must possess these.
The kārya (effect) and kāraṇa (cause) form an important area for investigation in all the systems of Vedanta. Two kāraṇatvas (ways of being the cause) are recognised:

  1. Nimitta kāraṇatva — Being the instrumental cause. For example, a potter is assigned Nimitta kāraṇatva as he acts as the maker of the pot and thus becomes the pot's instrumental cause.
  2. Upādāna kāraṇatva — Being the material cause. For example, the mud is assigned Upādāna kāraṇatva as it acts as the material of the effect (the pot) and thus becomes the pot's material cause.
Advaita assigns Nimitta kāraṇatva to Brahman with the statements from the Vedas (only two are given below):
Sarvāṇi rūpāṇi vicitya dhīraḥ. Nāmāni kṛtvābhivadan yadāste — That Lord has created all the forms and is calling them by their names (Taitiiriya Aranyaka 3.12.7)
Sa īkṣata lokānnu sṛjā iti — He thought, "Let Me create the worlds" (Aitareya Upanishad[9] 1.1.1)
Advaita also assigns Upādāna kāraṇatva to Brahman vide the statements from the Vedas (only two are given below):
Yathā somyaikena mṛtpinḍena sarvaṃ mṛnmayaṃ vijñātaṃ syādvācāraṃbhaṇaṃ vikāro nāmadheyaṃ mṛttiketyeva satyaṃ — Dear boy, just as through a single clod of clay all that is made of clay would become known, for all modifications is but name based upon words and the clay alone is real (Chandogya Upanishad[10] 6.1.4)
Sokāmayata bahu syāṃ prajāyeti — (He thought) Let me be many, let me be born (Taittiriya Upanishad[11] 2.6.4)
The Chandogya Upanishad[10] 6.2.1 states
Ekamevādvitīyaṃ — It is One without a second
Thus, based on these and other statements found in the Vedas, Advaita concludes that Brahman is both the instrumental cause and the material cause.
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