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How come I C / I R weddings entered THIS thread??![]()
It will keep appearing in many threads as IC/IR Weddings are a reality which every TB family must face however much they may like or dislike them .
How come I C / I R weddings entered THIS thread??![]()
JJ jiThat is வைத்தால் குடுமி, சிரைச்சால் மொட்டை logic. Not mine.(#45)
குடுமி is self generated & mandated unique ID It should be flaunted when needed I hold it tight in my hand ( imagine) the குடுமிs.of youngsters and when.that slips.away.I have one uploaded on my scalp - never my unique ID is.lost - சிரச்சா மாெட்டை - will never do that - It is my Aadhar!
Ref point1 above, time is on the side of younger generation. When one grows old, you might need them more than their needing you.In two cases I know, it is the IC next generation which looked after the parent who disowned them in last years of the parent.Your ego might be hurt that they made their own decision to marry not abiding your advice without your approval.One can forget and forgive.One NB son in law even performed the last rites of brahmiin father in law besides looking after him in his last days while his own son conventionally married refused to attend to him .
2.. you might believe that your advice based on years of experience is a better one. But the next generation has its own reasons for making their choices.
Your stand is ambivalent both no and They can come and go . But you will not transact with them. This is not the rational thing to do IMHO.
I know more than one senior who has suffered immensely sticking rigidly to his point of view punishing himself and the the erring/defying couple of next generation. In both cases after years , senior parent was looked after by the couple who got disowned.
Each individual lives a unique life in unique circumstances in this world. Perceptions too differ. Period.
Do you think members are so dumb?? :crazy:....... i know one NB gal loving a TB boy nine years younger than gal.....the gal is 9 yrs older than boy......
It is a matter of opinion who becomes the pathetic specimen.This NB son in law frequently coming in in your narrative is because of your giving in easily to circumstances. Fight man. You will win. Giving in is the easiest thing to do. But you become a pathetic specimen when you do that.(#55)
Don't be pathetic - become pugilitic !
It is a fight over Aadhar or குடுமி - naturally it will be குடுமி பிச்சுகர சண்டை!
1) This tendency to reject caste polluters runs deep in blood for many.
How much indoctrination must have gone on over centuries to evolve and sustain this ?
2) Even in 21st century , we hang on to this firmly inspite of western education , being ruled over by british , mughals among others over centuries.
3) Even when one gets converted to another religion , his caste also goes to that religion.
What I have been trying to do is more pragmatic.
I am ensuring that children of these one brahmin parent marriages is get them married to boys/girls who have brahmin parents
Over time, their children will end up as full brahmins again.{ at least 75% brahmin lol}
we have succeeded in one case.
There are a couple more.
I love challenges like this.
It keeps me going.
Can a TB leper go about kissing ever one the street? Please don't turn around and tell me there are no Brahmin lepers
In this age, everyone looks for an elitist as per his perception Towards whom anger can be channelised.How shallow can one get!!
1) Caste pollution is not a polution in the political sense in which it is brandeied about because of the effect of that evil influence by bigriver. It is retaining and improving on the assets gained over centuries for the sake of and for the welfare of society. Bigriver , his blind followers and others indoctrinated by his hatred opiate may not agree with this. But this is the fact.
In the same breath may I ask you a question? Will you go about kissing everyone on the street to prove that you have no tendency to reject any poluters? The crowd may include a few lepers too.
Now please do not turn around and tell me that I am calling every NB a leper. I am sure you are not that low in your wits.
It is my turn to wonder loudly how much of indoctrination you have been subjected to to hold on to this illogical position like a mule.
2) As if Western Education is a cure all medicine. And British and Mughals were great dynasties with great enlightenment ever to exist in the world. They spoilt our superior education system and injected poison in the society in the name of caste. And we have people like you who remain ever faithful to these alien master. Slave mentality.
3) So where goes your enlightened masters British and Mughals who are unable to get rid of this from amongst their herds of sheep?
Dear Krish, You can be ever thankful for your luck in getting good education. But do not give credit to the wrong factors that you think facilitated your achievement. Think about it. You need to come out of your shackles of indoctrination.
In this age, everyone looks for an elitist as per his perception Towards whom anger can be channelised.
Tamil Brahmins whose privileges have been scuttled by dravidian movement,reservation policy, hindi imposition from a central power are looking for targets for directing their anger
Well When I say ,I am secular, enjoy the good life of elitist class and an urban consumerist besides being liberal then I become a fit candidate for directing anger.
A brahmin refusing to agree that he is being discriminated as he has escaped the dravidian anger , also freely mixes with all class of people poor, other castes and
religion, the fury can only increase.
In this age of discontent everyone is looking for someone to direct their anger because of inequalities.
Very poor in villages are jealous of organised poor in cities, working class looks at urban middle class with bad feelings. We middle class look at rich and super rich and
blame them for everything under the sun.
we have become a society where all are blaming one class of elites or other.
Basic issue is disparity and change in the system to reduce them