Thanks Renuka for your thoughts. The idea is pretty much at the starting stage and I would want to have the big picture in place first before worrying about the nitty gritties. I will share the ideas as I make progress.
I got an idea of how to store spiritual energy while reading on storage of physical energy. We can occlude spiritual energy and store it in physical form. By applying spiritual energy on the occluded spiritual energy, we can remove the occlusion and eject the spiritual energy. is stored in the testes.
Think about it..
From just minute spermatozoa which resemble Jeevatamas it fights its way..competing with each other to reach the Ovum after swimming tru the Bhava Sagara after a series of jolts and jhatkas it finally attains Sayujyam with the Ovum the Paramatma and one become Born Again...the new entity. The Jeevatama and Paramatma unit.
It contains both the imprints of Jeevatma and Paramatma yet it has its own identity.
God made it simple..He stored everything in the BALLS of mankind.
Yet we humans seek to use our mind.
So search for the Cosmic Balls O ' will find all your answers.
Prima facie, the second technique seems to be the easier way out. Spiritual energy can be occluded by appyling very powerful physical energy and by applying even more powerful spiritual energy, the occlusion can be removed. But I think there are still issues here that need to be resolved.
Dear O'Renuka,
When something is over the top of your head is when you look for the balls. Fortunately I am on top of it. I will get the answer.
None of us were born from cerebral cells.
So never underestimate the arsenal you have.
It can be a weapon of mass creation and mass destruction.
Muladhara has all the energy..stabilized the foundation only then everything else falls into place.
You are sitting on your answers squashing are occluding the very source of your spiritual energy.
Therefore get up and do the head stand.
Let the resevoir of energy hang lose and free and it flows cosmic essence into the mind.
I see you are drowned in the ocean now and being mesmerised by its energy.
I dont have to swim..its the masculine forces that have to cross the Bhava Sagara.
When I do not need to can I ever drown.
Its the feminine forces that drowns the masculine forces.
Just observe form a baby only 1 Ovum is impregnated ..but countless spermatozoa lose their "lives" and only one succeeds.
The act of reproduction echoes the Geeta..Among the thousands that strive to know Me..hardly one truly knows Me.
So Sravna
Among the thousand sperms that want to know the Ova only 1 makes it.
Think on these lines..
Masculine forces are scattered.
The driving force is the directed towards seeking the Feminine force.
Only 1 Feminine cell needed to attract thousands of male cells.
Ever thought of an answer.
So if this scattered masculine forces can be made to be non scattering in nature and directed towards just one direction..just imagine the energy you can unleash?
Scattered light goes tru a lense and becomes focus enough to even burn a piece of paper.
The answer is in what you sit on Sravna.
How else do you think I can decipher all these?
Its becos I am not squashing anything.
May the Balls be with you!
OK folks I am almost done. If you have suggestions or comments kindly do so.
Dear Renuka,
Renuka oru aala irunthalum, nooru aalu mathiri kanakku
I am happy with the response
Your starkly opposing point of view, I am not sure whether you do it deliberately to initiate debate or is your natural thinking, sets me thinking the most. So that is what I meant when I said I am satisfied by your participation.
Dear Sravna,
I do not oppose merely for opposing.
You could see from my post today I gave you an explanation about transmission of impulses in the human body but you prefered big picture of seem to like all BIG only!
Then my posts about muladhara chakra and reproduction also makes sense.
So I prèsent my views accordingly and when you sound incoherent i let you know too.
From a very long time in Forum from your Mayananda days..its mostly me who engages in debate with you.
I also keep track of your sanity for I have the training to do that.
Just imagine..your thread ran into 10 pages so far..thank me for it..I am one in a million.