[h=1]Indian intelligence agencies should watch out!
Al Qaeda India wing mentions PM Modi in video[/h]
May 04, 2015
A video released by Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent's media publicity wing As-Sahab productions has mentioned Prime Minister Narendra Modis name for the first time.
In the May 2 video titled From France to Bangladesh: The Dust Will Never Settle Down, AQIS chief Asim Umar mentioned the PM when he says that there is a war going on against Muslims through World Bank and IMF policies, drone attacks, Charlie Hebdos writings, UN charter, official sermons by muftis and Narendra Modis utterances.
The video is titled 'From France to Bangladesh: The Dust Will Never Settle Down'.
Indian intelligence officials said the report is being analysed.
In a nine-minute video, Umar also claimed responsibility for the death of four Bangladeshi bloggers saying that they "have recently assassinated several blasphemers of the Prophet and insulters of Islamic law."
Al Qaeda India wing mentions PM Modi in video
Al Qaeda India wing mentions PM Modi in video[/h]
May 04, 2015
A video released by Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent's media publicity wing As-Sahab productions has mentioned Prime Minister Narendra Modis name for the first time.
In the May 2 video titled From France to Bangladesh: The Dust Will Never Settle Down, AQIS chief Asim Umar mentioned the PM when he says that there is a war going on against Muslims through World Bank and IMF policies, drone attacks, Charlie Hebdos writings, UN charter, official sermons by muftis and Narendra Modis utterances.
The video is titled 'From France to Bangladesh: The Dust Will Never Settle Down'.
Indian intelligence officials said the report is being analysed.
In a nine-minute video, Umar also claimed responsibility for the death of four Bangladeshi bloggers saying that they "have recently assassinated several blasphemers of the Prophet and insulters of Islamic law."
Al Qaeda India wing mentions PM Modi in video