Amazon makes night-time reading easier with latest update
December 2, 2015 Kishore Ganesh Leave a comment Edit
The blue light emitted by the displays of many of our devices has been blamed for straining our eyes and as the reason behind lost sleep. In fact, blue light is seemingly responsible for a large number of sleep disorders.
Now, Amazon is releasing an update to its Fire line of tablets, that reduces the amount of blue light being emitted at night, At night, the display would adopt a dimmer and warmer color pallette, which is more comfortable for the eyes compared to blue light.
It is great that Amazon is giving options to reduce exposure to blue light, which is often said to be the cause for our sleep disorders. What do think?
December 2, 2015 Kishore Ganesh Leave a comment Edit

The blue light emitted by the displays of many of our devices has been blamed for straining our eyes and as the reason behind lost sleep. In fact, blue light is seemingly responsible for a large number of sleep disorders.
Now, Amazon is releasing an update to its Fire line of tablets, that reduces the amount of blue light being emitted at night, At night, the display would adopt a dimmer and warmer color pallette, which is more comfortable for the eyes compared to blue light.
It is great that Amazon is giving options to reduce exposure to blue light, which is often said to be the cause for our sleep disorders. What do think?