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An invasion of falsehoods

Let's see according to the self styled human rights activist, all the information available on oppression against hindus in the Islamic countries are fake. The daughters of hindu religion were never abducted, forced to convert to Islam e.t.c. none of these ever happened. There are no refugees belonging to any of the hindu, sikh religion etc living in India at all.

But there are lots of detention centers where Indian muslims are being kept or going to be kept in the future. To oppose that, you guys are burning cities, attacking cops, etc which you claim to be peaceful. What a load of crap.
India under BJP will do everything to mitigate the plight of oppressed Hindus, Sikhs etc. CAA is being done in that light. Those Hindus who are victims of partition have the right to live a dignified life in India. We get a clear glimpse of what will happen if you fiberals and sickulars pretending to be paragons of human rights capture power. You will leave the plight of Hindus at the hands of oppressors. Astonishing hatred/ apathy towards hindus.

The country lived and thrived in the last 70 yrs under the liberals and seculars. And for your bad luck, this govt has totally messed up and stand exposed on governance. That's the unfortunate reality.

Now let's anslyse the astonishing situation where the Hindu liberal and seculars have hatred towards Hindus and are anti Hindus !

1. Did anyone tell you not to give citizenship so to Hindus from neighbouring countries ? NO. All we are only saying is don't exclude Muslims, give it to them also.

2. Did any liberal secular take part in any anti Hindu communal pogroms? NO. As per your own belevod govt, no liberal secular had been booked for any such crimes.

3. Did any liberal secular falsely accuse this govt in lynchistan ? NO, there are innumerable videos of innocents muclims lynched by your extreme right wing groups.

4. Are any of these lynching videos fake ? NO. The honourable courts in india haven't said so, they have used them as primary facile evidence.

5. Did any Hindu employee from these liberal secular groups, foundations, etc.. come out and say he is being discriminated and Muslims and Christians are favoured ? NO, if any your govt propaganda would have ensured it is all over the paid media.

So what is the fault of these liberal seculars ?

Oh, they consistently criticise, highlight, call out the anti Muslim agenda, of this super duper extraordinary once in a yoga kind of govt.

Sorry, but i cannot control but laugh at this extraordinary travesty and suffering of the right wingers under the hands of the liberal seculars !!

Let's see according to the self styled human rights activist, all the information available on oppression against hindus in the Islamic countries are fake. The daughters of hindu religion were never abducted, forced to convert to Islam e.t.c. none of these ever happened. There are no refugees belonging to any of the hindu, sikh religion etc living in India at all.

But there are lots of detention centers where Indian muslims are being kept or going to be kept in the future. To oppose that, you guys are burning cities, attacking cops, etc which you claim to be peaceful. What a load of crap.

Please read my earlier posts. Did any of us say, don't give citizenship to persecuted Hindus ? NO, we are saying give it to Muslims also who are similarly persecuted. Don't exclude them.

Okay, but why did all these Hindu daughters being abducted and forced into conversions suddenly stop ? We'll, your super duper govt has stopped talking about ghar Warsi for a long time now ? Election time jumlabazi ?

All I am saying - show us any instance of Hindu in india being discriminated and liberals seculars telling you - "let Hindus be discriminated, and let us only favour Muslims and Christians" ? NO.

Basically the bottom line is that this govt is being criticised severely for its anti Muslim agenda and rightly so by all liberals and seculars In need india and abroad.

Truth is very hard to ack, but it is still the truth.
Another argument form the right is - liberals seculars have an anti govt agenda.

So what ? How does it matter ? Govt must do the right thing, ensure all communities and religions are treated equally. Why aren't your govt doing this ?, the only thing it has done is spew hatred - constant Hindu Muslim problems, etc..

Didn't this super duper govt not pull down Manmohan Singh by organising nation wide protests on anti corrutpion? At that time, they had no agenda to come to power ?

As per the great right wing, everyone has an anti govt agenda - Indian liberals seculars, international media, UK Labour Party, European Parliament, Sweden, Malaysia, Turkey, US Congress, Unhrc, UNSC, etc..

1) CAA does exactly that. Confers citizenship to oppressed hindus, sikhs other minorities persecuted based on religion. Their plight in these countries are not the same as the plight of muslims. So don't oppose CAA. Don't burn public property as you did in west Bengal in opposing CAA. Don't vandalize hindu temples as you did in bihar in opposing CAA. Don't say allah is the only Malik. That may be true for you. Don't push it on us. Accept that your favorite religion is oppressive. Don't Live in denial.

2) these protests that you fiberals participate along with jihadis is anti-hindu only. The people who got accused, convicted for burning godhra train and innocent hindus included also fiberals and sickulars. You guys worked hard to show kasab a confirmed Pakistani jihadi as right wing hindu. So don't pretend that you fiberals are different from rioters and terrorists. You guys are hand in glove in everything.

3) I have shown several examples of your Muslim brethren lynching Hindus, right wing or not. I have shown several examples of the problem of cattle thieves vs cattle owners in the So called cow belt areas. Just because a large number of the cattle thieves who kill cattle owners happen to be muslims, you want them to have a free pass. Just after you got to power in Rajasthan, you formulated an anti lynching bill but that one recognizes only cases where victims are muslims/minorities. What happened to your secularism at that time? Accept that you fiberals only care about muslims and don't care about innocent hindu victims.

4) you lynched bharat yadhav. You killed prasant poojari. The two states where you fiberals have been in power for long WB, Kerala you have killed innumerous number of hindu, again right wing or not. How about the murderous riots against the doctors in west Bengal. All by your religious persons. Is it possible that they can be this brazen without your support?

5) our goal is to secure equal parity to Hindus. We want the Hindus to be treated equally to any other person in India. No more special privileges to your Muslim brethren or any other minority religious person. We have seen what happens when you are pampered. You burn down the cities. All the clever amendments you guys did to discriminate against Hindus will be undone one by one. Slowly and surely, it will be done.
1. Include persecuted Muslims in the CAA bill, don't discriminate anyone. All of us will support. the bill.

2. How are these protests anti Hindu ? So basically all the Indian youths mostly teenagers and early 20s in colleges are all anti Hindus ?? Or misguided by liberal seculars ?

Are you saying all these smart next gen kids are dumb and don't understand politics in this day and age of mainstream media news and social media ?

Basically liberal seculars are fanning these protests in lakhs of colleges in india ? They have so much money ? I mean, your great govt cutoff all foreign funding, so how did they get so much money lah ? Chidu ? LOL.

3. Did any liberal secular cheer, encourage, or instigate the Muslims to lynch Hindus similar to what your fringe right wing groups did ?? NO, no such case has been booked against any liberal secular.

4. Did any liberal secular encourage such killing of Hindus ? NO, political parties fighting each other and killing is condemnable but none encouraged by liberals seculars.

5. Who has stopped this govt to bring so called parity for Hindus ? Did you pass any bill saying Hindus who are by the way 80% majority in india, and also occupy all positions of power in politics, govt and businesses are being ill treated by whom no one knows, but should now be treated equally ? LOL.

Manufactured and fake propaganda can only go so far, eventually it has to fall by the way side.

Sorry to bust the right wing narratives, but truth is many times bitter.
The biggest joke of the century is for our great govt supporters to keep saying - I know politics we'll, but common dumb people don't know apparently. And apparently every right wing supporter has read the CAA billy fully and every protestor has not read the bill, they re all misguided. LOL.

Same stuff I keep hearing from some right wing trump supporters who keep saying - apparently most Americans are dumb and brainwashed by democrats, so they keep voting for them,

I meant, what the hellll does the right think these common dumb people do twiddling their thumbs on their cell phones ?? Reading news ? Watching the same tv new channels ??

1. Include persecuted Muslims in the CAA bill, don't discriminate anyone. All of us will support. the bill.

JK is saying muslims are being persecuted in muslim countries. What a load of crap.
It is the muslims who are persecuting the other minorities in their islamic lands. Their law of land is Sharia. In which land of sharia are the muslims themselves being persecuted? What he is saying is akin to saying let us allow the goats who are running for their safety but also allow the butchers who may slaughter the goats.

Even then, the muslims from other countries can gain Indian citizenship through normal existing processes. How come the fiberals are ignoring this important point in all the discussions? What the fiberals are saying is just an excuse to halt relief to hindus. They dont have the temerity to admit it.

2. How are these protests anti Hindu ? So basically all the Indian youths mostly teenagers and early 20s in colleges are all anti Hindus ?? Or misguided by liberal seculars ?

Are you saying all these smart next gen kids are dumb and don't understand politics in this day and age of mainstream media news and social media ?

Of course the protests are anti-hindu. The CAA will benefit a large number of oppressed hindus who are here as refugees. And that is an issue for you fiberals and jihadis. A Jamia or AMU or even the leftist bastion JNU will hardly constitute a sample of general population. They are the bedrock of jihadis and communists. Don't pretend this is a mass uprising that has support from all section of the population. There are also gatherings in support of CAA. With media in your pocket you are trying to muzzle those voices. In any case, misinformation will be slowly be cleared and people other than fiberals such as yourself and hardcore jihadis will come to senses.

3. Did any liberal secular cheer, encourage, or instigate the Muslims to lynch Hindus similar to what your fringe right wing groups did ?? NO, no such case has been booked against any liberal secular.

All along you were even in denial that the muslims are also lynching hindus. That it is a law and order problem in which case the law should protect equally hindus and muslims. You guys want to run a one-sided campaign somehow relating these lynchings to hindutva so that you can come to power. Alas it did not happen in the last LS elections. Even then Wherever you fiberal, sickulars enjoy power, you are part of the lynch mobs.

5. Who has stopped this govt to bring so called parity for Hindus ? Did you pass any bill saying Hindus who are by the way 80% majority in india, and also occupy all positions of power in politics, govt and businesses are being ill treated by whom no one knows, but should now be treated equally ? LOL.

You are crapping here that muslim countries following sharia law (which is a heavenly law for muslims) oppresses the very same muslims and so these very same muslims who fought for a separate land, these very same muslims who wanted azadi from hindus etc now want to come as refugees to India. It is this argument of yours that is fit for LOL!

But our country which was sickular which has been ruled by your sickular parties all along - it is difficult for you to believe its policies can be anti-hindu? And this after I showed all those examples of actual discrimination favoring the minorities at the expense of hindus.

Yes. This govt has not done much to bring parity to hindus. We hope it will bring it in the future. We will fight for our rights. We know for sure that it will get only worse if you fiberals and sickulars get to power. And this is what this govt is taking advantage of. We will elect someone who promises equal parity to us.

Manufactured and fake propaganda can only go so far, eventually it has to fall by the way side.

I think you should look at yourself in the mirror. With your propaganda, you are supporting burning down the cities. Stop it at once.
JK is saying muslims are being persecuted in muslim countries. What a load of crap.
It is the muslims who are persecuting the other minorities in their islamic lands. Their law of land is Sharia. In which land of sharia are the muslims themselves being persecuted? What he is saying is akin to saying let us allow the goats who are running for their safety but also allow the butchers who may slaughter the goats.

Even then, the muslims from other countries can gain Indian citizenship through normal existing processes. How come the fiberals are ignoring this important point in all the discussions? What the fiberals are saying is just an excuse to halt relief to hindus. They dont have the temerity to admit it.

Of course the protests are anti-hindu. The CAA will benefit a large number of oppressed hindus who are here as refugees. And that is an issue for you fiberals and jihadis. A Jamia or AMU or even the leftist bastion JNU will hardly constitute a sample of general population. They are the bedrock of jihadis and communists. Don't pretend this is a mass uprising that has support from all section of the population. There are also gatherings in support of CAA. With media in your pocket you are trying to muzzle those voices. In any case, misinformation will be slowly be cleared and people other than fiberals such as yourself and hardcore jihadis will come to senses.

All along you were even in denial that the muslims are also lynching hindus. That it is a law and order problem in which case the law should protect equally hindus and muslims. You guys want to run a one-sided campaign somehow relating these lynchings to hindutva so that you can come to power. Alas it did not happen in the last LS elections. Even then Wherever you fiberal, sickulars enjoy power, you are part of the lynch mobs.

You are crapping here that muslim countries following sharia law (which is a heavenly law for muslims) oppresses the very same muslims and so these very same muslims who fought for a separate land, these very same muslims who wanted azadi from hindus etc now want to come as refugees to India. It is this argument of yours that is fit for LOL!

But our country which was sickular which has been ruled by your sickular parties all along - it is difficult for you to believe its policies can be anti-hindu? And this after I showed all those examples of actual discrimination favoring the minorities at the expense of hindus.

Yes. This govt has not done much to bring parity to hindus. We hope it will bring it in the future. We will fight for our rights. We know for sure that it will get only worse if you fiberals and sickulars get to power. And this is what this govt is taking advantage of. We will elect someone who promises equal parity to us.

I think you should look at yourself in the mirror. With your propaganda, you are supporting burning down the cities. Stop it at once.
Hello,you are the one crapping here !!

Anyone can be a persecuted in any country. Some Muslims like ahmediyas can be persecuted in Muslim countries. Remember kamal Rastogi murdered in the embassy in turkey by Saudi agents. So don't act all shocked.

Whether you like it or not, our constitution says, we are secular. So this CAA bill is unconstitutional. And opposing it is the right thing to do. Yep, don't be so shocked to hear the truth that your super govt has passed a unconstitutional bill.

How come when the fiberals and sickular ruled for last 70 yrs with anti Hindu agenda, and policies, there is more than 95% Hindu leaders and managers in politics, govt and corporate businesses ??

And can you tell us , where are these Muslim leaders and people who have immensely benefited from these liberal and secular anti Hindu and pro Muslim, appeasement policies ??

Jumlabazi and lies and fake propaganda again !!
Ooh yeah one kamal rastogi incident is equivalent to lakhs and lakhs of oppressed hindus, sikhs etc living as refugees in india. Even so a Adnan Sami can get citizenship in India through normal processes. So don't come here and pretend all this is being done for upholding secularism.

How come you have special enclaves such as Jamia etc which provides religion based reservation? Why should a government funded institute provide reservation on the basis of religion? What happened to secular constitution then?

Should everyone who is slighted by this go on burning cities, shouting muslims se azadi just like how you are shouting " hinduon se azadi". Should everyone go vandalize other prayer areas just like you are vandalizing hanuman idols shouting "no God but allah" .. you do all this but you say protest is not against Hindus. We are not fools.

Note here the rally is pro-CAA. People are starting to see through the design of fiberals.

Alas, the fiberals believe only they have the right to freedom of expression. So they start silencing anyone who opposes them.
We'll, another case of kettle calling the pot...

Blaming liberals for attacking freedom of speech after forcing this forum to ban politics section and move to private.

Playing victim hood has become the favourite past time of right wing. After taking over most media channels,attacking all and sundry on facebook and twitter, arresting many journalists for thier freedom of expression, not to forget many innocent citizens were docked for their posts on Facebook and Twitter, now we are back in a circle.

None of us support sharia law, so let's not get into some fear mongering. There are always going to be fringe elements in all communites, let's not mainstream them,
And what is shocking ? Raising these Hindu persecution issues after 70 yrs !!

I mean where was this human rights concerns so far, and as per you millions of Hindus in these 3 countries, were killed, coerced , converted in lat 70 yrs !!!

After you suddenly woke up to such humongous human rights concern, why didn't you include the Eelam Tamils ? Oh because they were driven out by a Buddhists nation. If it was Islamic, they would have been included.eh ?

After such open islamophobia, you want all of us to applaud your effort !

Wah re wah !! Besh Besh !! Sabaash !!
Pointing out to the fact that the Islamic countries oppress its minorities is Islamophobia? This is why no one believes the fiberals and the Islamists masquerading as fiberals.

Other cases will also be considered in due course. The CAA focuses on the cases that need urgent attention.

And these guys have the gall to talk about human rights etc.

The exodus is an ongoing phenomenon. Not just something happened 70 years before in one shot. A fiberals' contempt for Hindus is beyond sick.

Something is seriously wrong in the thinking of fiberals. Wondering if the fiberals believe as the faithful that the life and dignity of a pagan is not worth as much as that of a believer. Otherwise can't see how one can explain this...
Nobody is disputing the persecution. All we are saying is, as a secular liberal inclusive country , we cannot discriminate the incoming refugees basis their religion in any bill or amendment or act as per our constitution.

By the way, you haven't answered why your great suddenly compassionate govt did not include our Eelam Tamils ?? Why ??
Nothing is wrong with liberals seculars and that is what the students are finding out. They are spontaneously protesting the discriminatory bill.

The problem is the right wing is living in 1900s and worse in an hate ideology, and rest of the country has moved on.
After writing again and again that all these posts on persecution are lies, fake, and jumlabaazi etc now you are saying no one is disputing the persecution... what you are indulging is called gish galloping - just jumping from one topic to other even taking contradictory strands along the way. If one puts all your posts together one can see how many times you contradicted your own posts...

Oh. Indian people themselves have no jobs. Why do we need CAA? Hindus are not persecuted. All these are fake. But ahmadiyas are also persecuted. This happened 70 years back.. what you are doing is Islamophobia. We burn cities because of secularism. But we like special privileges when it suits us. If discrimination benefits muslims it is good. Otherwise it is bad. So on and so forth. Now you are coming to eelam Tamils. Yes they deserve help too. Like I said many times, the processes for acquiring citizenship for any refugee is still available. The CAA does not negate it. It fast tracks certain processes because it recognizes that the human rights situation is worse along the bangla and pak border. So they are given priority. That is all. Unlike the oppressed Hindus from Pak, Bangla, Afghan who have no choice but to settle down in India, the eelam tamils own preference is still a separate Tamil country in SL only.

I think you should shed hindu phobia and if possible hindu hatred. That will help clarity in this matter. I don't have anything more to add.
No contradiction in my comments.

1. My point is if minorities are persecuted "as claimed" by this govt, then why exclude Muslims.

2. If there is so much persecution, why didn't our great govt raise it to unhrc ?? And why there are no news reports in the local and international media ?

3. Above 2 points, raise the doubt about all this sudden hue and cry about the Hindu persecution.

4. And when the economy is dead, 100s of million joblessness, what is the prioirty ? Address jobs or raise some "possibly non existent " issue to distract the country ??

5. Key is why we're persecuted Eelam Tamils left out ?? Obvious because srilanka is a buddist country, the ideology targets Muslims and hence only Islamist countries like Pakistan, Bangla, afghan has been included. Obvious because this ruling dispensation has a anti Muslim agenda. And you can the Hindu Nepal, Buddhist Bhutan are not in the list.

Lastly, let's not keep parroting, anyone who questions this great govt as anti Hindu, etc. the irony is your great govt is the one that is against the core tenet of Hinduism of Vasudaiva Kutumbakam.

No point in trying to bolt after the horses have left the stable. Naturally in this backdrop, large section of the youth, secularists, liberals, minorities are protesting...
Just repeating the same useless points. The muslims are not minorities in the Islamic countries where the Hindus, Sikhs etc are persecuted. So why should the act which is for protection of the persecuted minorities include muslims?

Show me some examples where UNHRC actually resolved a crisis. If UNHRC is just a great organization, why did the US leave UNHRC? Just opposing something for the sake of opposing. You want all these persecuted people to remain at the mercy of the UNHRC which has a very shoddy record of tackling human right issues especially in any Islamic country. Don't try to fool us.

The problem is not a sudden problem. The problem had been existing for a long time. This govt is the only one who is doing something to help the suffering of the people. Don't scuttle it because you hate Hindus. Eelam tamils also will be helped in due course.

Bangla, Pak, Afghan have the worst record. So that problem is tackled first. Saying this does not make anyone islamaphobic. You are in denial. Probably self -serving. Who knows? Because your behavior is same as that of the islamic fanatics for whom allegiance to ummah is the foremost thing..

Any one who questions this govt is not anti-hindu but the fiberals and jihadis are certainly anti hindu. You guys have proved it time and again by indulging in whole sale violence.
OMG! what an exchange of posts!
Actually i still feel everyone is too emotional.

Each country have their own policies as who the offer citizenship to.
So if India doesn't want to offer Muslims from other countries citizenship its the policy of the country thats all! BUT the problem why open your mouth and tell the whole world the policy?

No one needed to know about it!
Silently India could have handled this.
Thats why one should not be emotional and be a silent Sakuni and get the work done.

I thought politics is about knowing when to shut up!

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