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Apt ritual to celebrate 80th birthday?


New member
Namaskaram to all,

My mother is completing 80 years on 16-Feb-2021. She was ill since last week of December and back home now.

We wish to celebrate her 80th year milestone in an apt traditional way in which it is supposed to be performed.

Like Thirukadaiyur for ShashtiAbdaPoorthy, is there any temple for 80th year completion?

Please advice on the right place and the right ritual to felicitate her.


Subramanian Vaidyanathan
Namaskaram to all,

My mother is completing 80 years on 16-Feb-2021. She was ill since last week of December and back home now.

We wish to celebrate her 80th year milestone in an apt traditional way in which it is supposed to be performed.

Like Thirukadaiyur for ShashtiAbdaPoorthy, is there any temple for 80th year completion?

Please advice on the right place and the right ritual to felicitate her.


Subramanian Vaidyanathan
The rituals were created at a time when people died in troves due to contagious diseases. Genetically endowed people who lived over hundred were thought to be blessed. Now the average life span is about 70 Years in clean villages and about 65 in polluted cities. So, this celebration is a waste. What can be done is to unite the family celebrate it as a family function, sing and dance and have a good feast. I stopped celebrating the birth day a very long time back and I have no regret nor any one can remind me that it is time for me to "go"? Where I live in the upper story, some times some one will ask " are you going up", I use to tell them that the time has not yet come, but I am ready. Having said, please don't take it as an insult as my mother lived for about 89 years, my father-in-law et al., lived 90, but never bothered about birth days. But loved and cared for each other and often visited with each other. Family and gratitude is the only ritual for this Goddess Amma. If possible feed some orphaned children and give them new dress. One of them may be Lord Krishna or Goddess Laxmi as my grand mother use to say. Pranams to this 80 years old Devi.
Namaskaram to all,

My mother is completing 80 years on 16-Feb-2021. She was ill since last week of December and back home now.

We wish to celebrate her 80th year milestone in an apt traditional way in which it is supposed to be performed.

Like Thirukadaiyur for ShashtiAbdaPoorthy, is there any temple for 80th year completion?

Please advice on the right place and the right ritual to felicitate her.


Subramanian Vaidyanathan
If she is healthy, take her to Haridware and Rishikesh. You can stay many Jain Dharma Shala with Brahmin food(if she insists). You can also stay in the railway station rest room and without announcing take an electric heater and small cook ware for her to cook. Get high quality instant coffee powder and get hot milk form the vendor and she can have her coffee. Then take her Allahabad(There is a Thirunelveli Dist - Nanguneri Jeear Madam - Trithandi swamy madam_ you can stay there and for a nominal fee you get Brahmin food) and then to Kashi (Subramaniya vadiyar from Kallidai Kurich's sons have stay+ food for a fee) and will also do all necessary puja. She can visit Viswanatha temple, and on the return take her to Rameswaram. This will be the best birthday gift. I have done it. My mother died after 5 years relishing her 80th birthday gift. If you take a good sastri with you, you also gain some good deed (Punya).

Now if you are more worried about (bogus) Vaidka rituals, I am sorry I can not help.
If she is healthy, take her to Haridware and Rishikesh. You can stay many Jain Dharma Shala with Brahmin food(if she insists). You can also stay in the railway station rest room and without announcing take an electric heater and small cook ware for her to cook. Get high quality instant coffee powder and get hot milk form the vendor and she can have her coffee. Then take her Allahabad(There is a Thirunelveli Dist - Nanguneri Jeear Madam - Trithandi swamy madam_ you can stay there and for a nominal fee you get Brahmin food) and then to Kashi (Subramaniya vadiyar from Kallidai Kurich's sons have stay+ food for a fee) and will also do all necessary puja. She can visit Viswanatha temple, and on the return take her to Rameswaram. This will be the best birthday gift. I have done it. My mother died after 5 years relishing her 80th birthday gift. If you take a good sastri with you, you also gain some good deed (Punya).

Now if you are more worried about (bogus) Vaidka rituals, I am sorry I can not help.
Sorry I forgot it is now CORONA season. So, inviting poor old ladies and giving them a cotton sari will be a good idea.
Dear Sri Subramanian Vaidyanathan

Only just saw your post asking how to celebrate your mother's 80th year milestone occurring on 16 Feb 2021 "in an apt traditional way in which it is supposed to be performed."

Please ignore any bogus advice proferred condemning "Vaidka rituals" from an atheist iconoclast.

Kindly note that if your mother is a widow there is no sathaabhishekam (80th birthday rituals).

That is done on or after the day your FATHER'S star occurs on or after he reaches his 80th Hindu birthday. On the occasion of that great mahaa-praayaschittham your mother plays a full part, including punyaaha-theertha-abishekam and thirumaangalya dhaaranam (enpathaam kalyaanam).

It can be done, and is often done, at the thirukkadaiyoor temple.

It involves a series of pujas, homams, daanams, and Braahmana bhojanam.

If your father is not alive, what you can do, however, if you are so inclined, is to invite to your home or other convenient and suitable unpolluted place (not a hotel or restaurant) eleven Veda-Braahmanas or other practising Brahmanas, and perform "naandi-shobhanam". Your family priest or any learned Brahmana or shaasthrigal will tell you what to do.

If no such family priest, learned Braahmana or shaasthrigal is available, please let me know your e-mail address, and I shall try to help you in confidence and free of charge how to perform the requisite "naandi-shobhanam" in the traditional way. I shall need to know your mother's janma-nakshathram and gothram.

All the best.
It is not understood how this stereotype of மாங்கல்ய தாரணம் has made in roads in the சாதாபிஷேக event. There is no such joking funny item for this event. It is absolutely a laukika practice, with out any vedic sanction. It is just a reflection&exhibition of fashion, more than having any bearing upon vedic sanction. மாங்கல்ய தாரணம் occurs only in the vivhaava. சாதாபிஷேக event is not விவாஹம் AS SUCH.This need to be understood by one&all. Atleast, this is not followed amongst other vedic ritual related items and is to be observed&performed. NATARAJAN PARTHASARAYHY
shasty abdhapoorthy/ aruvatham kalyanam details.
60th birth day-aruvatham kalyaanam, shastyabdha poorthy details.


on the janma nakshathram day of 60th year begining (59 over) ugra radha shanthi must be done. sixty years over 61 year started on janma nakshathram day shasti abdapoorthy

shanthi must be done. 69 years over. 70th year starts on janma nakshathra tamil month and birth star day .. Do Bhima ratha shanthi.

on the 77 years 7 months and 7 days day you have to do Vijaya ratha shanthy. On the end of 83 years sadabishekam must be done. on the end of 100 years and begining of 101

year kanakaabishekam must be done.

Taken from Rudra Ekaadasini book written,compiled,designed and published by R SRIDHRAN. managing trustee swarnapuri trust plot no T-7 1st cross 46th street Nanganallur

chennai 600061. land line phone 22321616. email sridharbooks@hotmail.com and www.swarnapuri.org.Third edition book on 24-6-2004.

ARUVATHAM KALYANAM.Now a days eversilver articles are iron, so you can buy one eversilver container with lid capacity more than half a litre, pour gingilly oil half litre

into it and you may give that as dhaanam after seeing your(all family members)face onthe oil with dakshina to a brahmin.The capacity of the 9 brass sombu It must one litre of

water.In the brass kudam fill that with water pour some saffron, powdered pachai karpooram cardamam; krampu;vettiver vilamichai ver gold rings; gold chain; some small silver

articles like kumkumachoppu.

no.10 nool kandu 1or 2 must be purchased to nool chuttal the kudam.Then adorn the kudam with sandal paste kukkukmam,mango leave kothu one coconut

darbai koorcham and 2yards towel.all the navagraha sombu(9) should be filled with water then with mangoleaves kothu 9nos,9 cocoanuts 9 koorcham made out of dharbai and adorned

with sandal paste kumkumam, with 9 blouse bits length 80cms.

colours;In the centre suryan wheat(100 gram) red colour blouse bit;In the south east white color blouse rice; In the

south sevvai toor dhall red colorblouse;IN the north east budhan green gram green color blouse, In the north guru sundal kadalai(moong dhall) golden color blouse, In the east

sukran white color blouse mochai; In the west gingilly sani baghvan blue color blouse, In south west rahu black gram black colorblouse; In north west kethu horse gram multi

colored(printed) blouse bit.

Betel leaves each two with two betelnut and two poovan valai palam for neivedyam should be put near them.FOR HOMAM FOR THESE NAvagrahas each 15 in nos

(minimum)erukku;purasu;karungali;naayuruvi;arasu;a ththi;vanni;aruganpul and dharbai;is required.Near to this goddess durga; ganapathy;shethrabalar;Abayangarar;Vasthu; thriambagar27 natchathra devatha and varunan aavaahanam should be done.

In the kumbam (kudam)aavaahanam should be done for varunan;lakshmi narayanan;Brahma;Thriambagar(shiva)AAyur

devatha;Nakshathra devathai Your kula deivam Ista deivam;Lakshmi kuberan;sudarshnan;Bhagyadevatha(Bhagya suktam)Dhanvanthri;Durga lakshmi saraswathi etc;Then prana prathistai

must be done Then (16) shodasa upachara pooja Aasanam; (water to clean the legs);aachamaniyam;snanam;aachamana;Vasthram upaveetham;AAbaranangal;Santhanam;kumkumam; manjal

akshathai;Archanai with flowers to all devathaas;

Doopam;deepam neivedyam;pachai karpoora thamboolam; Manthra pushpam Swarna pushpam;camphor aarathi;These are called shodasa

upachara pooja.THen comes manthra japam by sastrigals as follows;mruthyuanjaya sooktham;mrutha sanjeevana sooktham;aayushya sooktham;navagraha sooktham;nakshathra sooktham;etc;

Then homam Purasu kuchhi for homam is needed more here.about250 kucchies; Havis the quantity ask your sastrigal; samithu annam and aajyam =ghee.These three are required for

homam;Homam to all aavahanadhi devathas with athi devatha and prathi athi devatha for navagrahas;dasathikku paalakargal;Then aayushya homam32 times by 4 sastrigals should be

done;Then vyahirudhi homam; jayathi homam;etc;bali to rudran;Then punar pooja to all dieties and navagrahas; then pradhakshina namaskaram including sastrigals homakundam and

devathas in kudam ; and sombu kalasam;

Then pouring of sombu and kudam water to all and drinking that water to all .Then pancha dhaanam or dasa dhaanam to sastrigals. Pancha

dhaanam=dhoti;Bell;Book;water with brass sombu; deepam. Dasa Dhaanam=Dhoti(9+5); honey;salt;jaggerry;gold;silver; cow=Mattai thengai; sandalwood;Ghee;ellu=gingillyseed;Kudam water

abishekam to kartha ; then thirumangalya dhaaranam gold 8 grammes 2 mangalyam and 4 kundu; Then aasirvatham and meals.In the previous day rudra ekadasini=11 sastrigal will recite

for 11 times rudram with chamakam;then rudra homam;1 kudam and 11 brass sombu with maavilai coconut and ghee for homam 1kg or more will be required;Haaram fot the couple for two

days 4 harams required.and one for kudam;flowers for archana and thodutha pushpam and plantain fruits thaamboolam other fruits apple pine apple orange grapes;jackfruit mangoes

etc;are required;You can give to all your relatives dhoties sarees;blouse bits;pants; shirts;and for sumangalis bangles;kumkum manjal thamboolam megandhi comb mirror eyetex

etc;They in turn will give you dhoties and sarees etc;Please feelfree if you have any doubts in this forum.

For sixtieth birthday the following things are required. Manjal 25 grams;Manjal thool 100gram;betel 100; betel nut 50 grammes ;pakku pottalam or vaasanai paaku 100

pottalam. Sandal paste or sandal powder 10 gramms;Plantain fruit poovan palam 30 nos;uthiri flowers 1 basket; Haaram 2;Thodutha poo mallikai kadambam 50 feet;Maavilai kothu 4;

manjal akshathai 50 gram; coconut 10 nos; kumkumam 10 gram;2metre thundu 1; Paddy 500grams;rice 2kilo;ghee 500 grams;camphor 1pocket.scented stick (oodhuvathi)1 pocket;


samangal=sraithool 5kilo;vratti 25 nos;visiri 1;Thambalangal5; Navathanyangal= wheat, rice, toor dhall ;green gram;sundal kadalai;mochai;gingilly;black gram;horse gram.

each=100grams; brass dabara 4; sombu; panchapathra uthirini;kuthuvilakku, gingily oil for vilaku thiri;match box 1;karpoora thattu; aarathi thattu ,aarathi karaisal;small size

dabara or kinnangal 6nos;samithu; dharbai, bell, neivedhya samangal;water; homakundam;yellow mustard(manjal kadugu 50 gram)Dhakshinaikku rupee changes coins 1;2;5;rupee coins for

three hundred rupees;Prepare onelist in a paper first nakshathram then raasi then name of yours then your wife your children grand children daughter in law ;son in law and and give

it to your vadhyar (sastrigal).During sangalpam he will read it. First anugai=permission to do this. Iron kadaai 1; gingilly oil 500grams .All your family members must see the

oil in the kadaai and then this must be given as dhaanam to a brahmin;nobody in your family should see thebrahmin going out with this dhaanam; then you all members must seeyour face in a

mirror; then Ganapathy pooja;Nava graha preethi dhaanam;Kalasa sthapanam= wheat 5 kilo, rice 2 kilo, black gram 1 kilo ,gingilly 200 grams; Big brss kudam 1; nine small brass sombu

for navagrahas;.

RUDRA EKADASINI. Sanskrit grantha libi book' Santhi kusumakaram' tells us about santhis. (1) First year completion of the child,,Tamil month wise, star wise ABTHA POORTHI SAANTHI. (2) Ending of

59th year and begining of 60th year on the of janma nakshathram UGRA RATHA SANTHI. (3)Ending of 60th year and begining of 61st year janma nakshathram day;SHASTI ABDAPOORTHI

SHANTHI. (4) Ending of 69th year and begining of 70th year janma nakshathram day; BHEEMA RATHA SHANTHI.(5) Ending of 77years 7 months and 7 days; VIJAYA RATHA SANTHI. (6)

SATHABISHEGAM: At the age of 83 years may be conducted.

After seeing the son's Grandson one may do KANAKABISHEKAM. Ending of 100th year and begining of 101 year one can do

POORNABISHEKAM. During these times rudra ekadasini is being performed. RUDRA EKADASINI; 11 sastrigals should recite rudram for 11 times in one sitting.


sastrigals should recite rudram 11 times in one sitting. ATHI RUDRAM; 121 sastrigals should recite rudram 11 times (in one sitting) 11 sittings; Morning ;noon; evening; 3 sittings

per day For four days; Different methods are there in doing this in a temple and in the house. In maha rudram and Athi rudram 121 sastrigals; in 11 group each group will have 11

sastrigals; each group will have 11 kalasams or brass sombu; In rudra ekadasini one sitting 11 sastrigals 11 brass sombu =11 kalasams

. Prepare a list of your relatives's

nakshathram raasi and name of yours your wife sons and daughters and of grand children and sons in law and daughters in law etc and give it to your sastrigals. Wear new poonal;

With two coconuts and do namaskaaram to your deity and to the elders of the family members and get blessings

. Anugai=Permission; Ganapathy pooja;Graha preethi dhaanam; naandhi

;punyahavachanam;Vaishnava srardham; dhaanam; dasa dhaanam;krucharacharanam; giving power of attorney to sastrigal. minimum 12 sastrigals are required. one brass kudam and 11

brass sombu are required; Chant boo sooktham and spread wheat on the floor; put a leaf over it; then spread rice on the leaf ;then on the another layer with plantain leaf spread

black gram. put the big kudam in the middle and place the 11 brass sombu in a circle form.

Kalasa taathparium :Kalasam with full of water is moorthy;kudam nam udal, amsam;nool

churruvathu; represents 72000 naadis in our body;Vasthram on the kudam represents is our skin; Water in the kudam is the blood and seven dhatus; Navaratnam silver and gold

ornaments in the kudam denotes sperm; Koorcham into the kudam is our vertabral column; mango leaf bunch is jadai pinnal; coconut denotes kabaalam; koorcham outside the kudam is

kudumi;praana prathistai and nyasam are jeevan;Haaram and flowers are alankara articles; wheat and rice under the kudam is the seat for the kudam

.Each sastrigal must sit in the

circle form near each kalasam.ganges water if available may be poured in the kudam;You may put pancha rathnam:Gold; vairam;muthu;neelam; red padmaragham;5 tender leaves of aal;

arasu; athi;mango and ichi; pachai karpoora powder; saffron;vilamichhai ver (root) vetti ver must be added in the water; Thaithareeya samhita 6th kaandam first lesson fourth

para says the kartha and sastrigal should not speak other subjects during this period.

All the 12 sastrigals must do varunan aavaahanam pooja doopam deepam neyvedyam karpoora

neeranjanam separately.then punyahavachanam japam;pavamaana sooktham;mahanyasam;pancha muga rudra nyasam;pancha muga nyasam;dasamam anganyasam;pancha anganyasam;Hamsa gayathri

japam ;Thikku sampuda nyasam;kesaathi paadhantha nyasam; Shodasa anga roudreekaranam;guhyaathi masthakantha shadanga nyasam; AAthma rakshai;shiva sangalpam; Purusha sooktha

paarayanam; apra thirathaha;prathipurusham;shatha rudreeum; pancha anga japam;eight namaskarangal

;Sri rudra lagu nyasam; this is another method; instead of doing mahaa nyasam we

can do lagoo nyaasam rudra japam; If you are having sri chakra or meru and or shiva lingam one sastrigal will do abishegam for the lingam, Abisheka articles; milk 5 litres;curd

honey; fruit juice;Tender coconuts 4 nos;sandal wood powder 100 grams;
Dharma sastram says during veda paaraayanam stomach should not be empty. so they can take some light

food;Food without garlic;onion;and masala canbe taken.Sathu maavu; gruel;fruits milk can be taken;sukku (dried ginger) jeerakam mixed with water boil it then give them to drink;

this will soothe their throat. Then rudra vidhana saamba parameshwara shodashopachaara pooja for each kalasam by individual sastrigal

.A= samba paramshwarar. b1= mahadevar;

shivan ;rudran;;sankaran;;neelalohithan;eesaanam;vijayan; beemam; deva devam; bavothbavam;Aadhithyamaka sri rudram punyahavachanam;kalasam;some will have one sombu for Ambal

also some will not have sombu for ambal; Kalasa dhyanam; aavaahanam prana prathistai;upachara poojas;archana rudra trisathi archanai; pradakshinam;13 namaskarangal;praarthanai;

rudra japa poorvaangam; nyasangal;kavacham; asthram; dhyaanam; pancha pooja;ganapathy dhyaanam;shaanthi paadam

;Rudra japam laghu pooja Argyam; Sri rudra homam; then punar pooja

to all kalasams;kalasam yathasthaanam; prokshanam;Aacharya rithwik sambaavanai;AAsirvaadam; Haarathi thrisuparna manthras during serving food for sastrigals;Ghee and havis and

samithu homam; The quantity will vary according to the method the sastrigal is doing;Vasordharai; Four vedhas paaraayanam; swsta krith homam;jayaathi homam; bali ;agni

yathaasthaanam; sastrigals are reciting rudram; but the kartha is not hearing those manthras;

he is giving more attention for their relatives and freinds who are coming there.

this is wrong;persons who are coming for the function should not speak in the hall they must hear rudra sound and only finishing this one they must speak.do not allow others to

speak at that time; rudra ekadasini will take 6 hours only during that time request all to keep quiet. virati srai thool samithu;ghee will be required for this ;ask your

sastrigal for the quantity required. Brass sombu and kudam can be reused for the next day function;

Abishekam to the kartha must be done only by the sastrigals; You should not

allow others to do abishekam for the kartha; For beema ratha shanthi no thiru mangalya dhaaranam as it is only shanthi. only for sathaabishegam children of the kartha can do

abishegam; rudra ekadasini can also be done without abhishekam to siva lingam and also without rudra homam; number of methods are there. the same method and requirements are

applied for shastiapthapoorthy; beema ratha shanthi sathabishegam ;

The quantity required for dasa dhaanam is described as follows in the shaarangathara samhitha vaidhya grantham ; cow with calf which gives 1 litre milk daily. Boomi;300

kilo yielding per year 20 cent agriculture land; Thilam=ellu=gingilly seed 6 kilo;Gold. 3/4 gram;silver 25 gram;Ghee 3.2 kilo;Dhoti 10x6 or 9x5;Jaggary 3 kilo;Salt 307.2

kilo;Dhanyam 307.2 kilo

Santhi kusmakaram sanskrit book says that bhimaratha santhi must be performed on the end of 69th and begining of 70 th birthday star. I have written briefly about this in the 6th page of this rituals pooja and ceremony on the subject Arupatham kalyanam . required things and all other things. bhima ratha santhi thirumangalya dharanam is not there. all other rudra ekadashini and others for 60th birth day are required for bhima ratha santhi. best doing it in your house one day for rudra ekadasini and the next day ( on birthstar day and tamil month) you can do bhima ratha santhi.

For tiffin and meals marriage caterers will supply to you; some of your relatives and friends will come on the first day and some others may come on the second day.You may do on the next birth star day.

pancha kavyam preparation;etc;
pancha kavyam preparation;etc;

PREPARATION OF PANCHA KAVYAM;place 6 empty cups.In the centre cup pour 35 grams of cow's urine;In the eastern side cup put cow's dung half of your thumb; pour 245 grams of cow's milk in the south side cup; Pour cow's curd 105 gram in the west side cup;pour 35 grams of cow's ghee in the north side cup; pour water 35 grams in the north east side cup;

With help of 2 dharbai touch the centre cup saying GAYATHRI MANTHRAM.; Saying gandad dwaaraam duradarsham......vaya sriyam .touch eastern side cup,cow's dung. saying aapyaaya swasame duthae ........sangathey. touch the south side milk cup; saying dadhikraavinno akarusham.......dhaarishat touch the cow's curd in the west side cup.

Saying sukramasi jyothirasi theyjosi touch the northern side ghee cup; Saying devasyathva savithuhu....maaththey touch the pure water cup in the north east direction cup.

These milk.curd,ghee, urine, dung must be collected from the same one cow.

Saying the same manthras in the same order pour the other cups contents in the centre cup..

. so the centre cup must be a bigger one.saying AUM (OM)for ten times.stirr well the centre cup . now you remove the other five cups.

Now pooja for the centre cup Goh(cow)devatha AAvaahana manthram AAgahwo........duhaana. Asmin pancha gavyae goh devatha dhyaayami, aavaahayami, aasanam,paadhyam;argyam;aachamanam;snaanam , aachamanam. vasthram, upaveetham;sandal paste, kumkumam; akshadai; pushpa maala; archanai, dhoopam. deepam, neivedhyam, banana fruit and thaamboolam;

camphor aarthi, Then chant goh suktham from aagaavo.......thavaveeryea It is in thaithareeya praa ash2.8.8..Then punar pooja, upacharam. yatha sthanam.

Separate mantra is there to take this panchakavyam inside your mouth. This panchakavyam can be used for abishekam to siva.

You can do abishekam by chanting rudram,chamakam,purusha sooktham; sree sooktham, bhagya sooktham ,durga sooktham etc;

IN the cow's urine water (varunan) in the cow's dung Agni is there, in the curd vaayu(air) is there, in the milk Moon is there. in ghee suryan is there.

First abishekam with water, then apply gingilly oil, then water ,then pancha kavyam, then water, then panchamritam. then water, do abishekam like this.

shashty abdhapoorthy: bima ratha santhy and satha abishekam .

According to our culture and tradition,, every man bound by the duties as the head of the family, is supposed to complete his duties towards the family, like education and marriage to his children before reaching the age of sixty. He then hands over his duties and properties to his children for further managament and diverts his attention towards pilgrimage to holy places etc; From now on , he performs the role of advisor only. However he imparts an adequate training to his children , to independently manage the family responsibilities so that his absence may not be felt

After a few years, the old couple is no more capable of long and arduous spiritual pilgrimages and time is spent on listening and contemplating on higher spiritual pursuits at home itself. They seek's the Lord's Grace to keep them healthy and fit to face the remaining period of life, without troubling others much. The remaing duties ,if at all any,left over is supposed to be completed by the time the individual reaches 70 years.

His 70th birth day is celebrated by his children and grand children,as Bheema ratha santhy.with all the rituals similar to shastyabdha poorthy . Both these functions are not only the celebrations of his successful achievement of the relevent duties of that particular stage, of life, and also an opprtunity for the children to pay their gratitude to the head of the family.

Sathabhishekam is then celebrated at the conclusion of 81 years, This 81 year old man is fortunate to interact with nearly three generations,and performance of sathabishekam with observance of all rituals, is supposed to releive the couple of all sins and reach the heaven.This punyah is equated to darshanam of all holy places, and a dip holy ganges. It is mandatory on the part of the children, as per our dharma sastra, to show their gratitude by looking after them in their old age.

While everyone in this world worship the Almighty, The Lord Himself adores and worships the following six classes of people:They are
(1) One who does annadhanam daily for the needy.

(2) One who has performed Soma Yagam at a young age and continuing with Agnihothram.through out his life.

(3) One who adhears to Massopavaasam =a praayaschitha karma - to ward off the commissions and omissions .Massopavasam means: Fasting on full monn and new moon nights; Fasting on day times on Sundays, ashtami and chathurdasi, and fasting through out the day on Ekadasi.

(4) A woman selflessly serving her husband without minding the hardships if any.

(5) One who has stidied the vedas and upanishaths with meaning and lives a Dharmic life as laid down in the sastras.

(6) One who has seen 1000 full moon.

Saint vaikanasa feels 80 years and eight months are sufficient enough for the celebration of sathabhishekam.
It is said that on the occassion of sathabishekam, all the gods and pithrus visit the performer's house, rejoice and bless the couple and everyone assembled there. Hence it is considered as a rare and significant event.

The text Shanthiraqtnakaram proclaims that Rudra Ekadasini must be performed.Rudra Ekadashini is an act of atonement for our commissionsa nad omissions. Individuals Who perform Rudra japam get freed from bondage of ignorance. According to Suta Samhita, there is no other japa equivalent to thisfound in vdas and smruthis. It is customary to perform various Shanthi Homas and Yagnaas with the help of learned Vedic Pandits-to ward off all eils that may affect the couple and their children, Grand children in the continuing years.

1. Anuggai, 2 Vigneswara pooja. 3. Graha preethy, Navagraha pooja Krichraacharanam( all purification ceremonies).4. Naandhi to invoke the blessings of fore fathers.5. Punyahavachanam. 6. Kalasa sthaapanam ( invoking Devathas in pots)7. sathabisheka japams. 8. Sathabisheka Shanthy Homams. ( Homams for comissions and omissions)including one for Praayaschitham.9. Pouring purified water over the the couple.10. Wearing of new clothes.

11.Seeing face in ghee. 12. Maangalya Dhaaranam. 13.Obeisance to Lord. ( Perumal Mariadhai).14. Blessing by elders. 15. Blessings by relatives with Gifts. 16. Perumaal, Guru, Achaaryas sambaavanai Paying respect to mutts, or to temples and for teachers by sending money to them. 17. Gifts to relatives and Sambandhi mariyathai.18. Dhaanam to sastrigals vasthram, kalasam, prathimai etc; 19. Paying respect to Guru. 20. Mangal Haarathy.

Devathas invoked in kalasam.5 kalasams. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Prajapathy, Parameshti, chathurmuka and Hiranya garbar. your kula deivam, ista deivam, grama devatha, etc. Navagrahas, seven chiranjeevis namely: Aswathaama, Mahabala, Veda vyasa, hanuman, Vibhishnan, Krupaacharya, and Parasurama. 6 Ayur devathas, 10 dik paalakaas.Kubhera lakshmi, sudarsanar, Dhanvanthri, Bhaagya devatha, etc.

The chanting of japam includes sukthas like Purusha, narayana, vishnu, Sri, Bhoo, Neela, Pavamaana, Varunan, Rudhra, durga, Gayathri, Dhik Paalaka, Sri Rudhram and Chamakam, Nakshathra sooktham Grutha sooktham, Pancha Shaanthy and Ghosha shanthy and anuvakas from Yajur veda samhitha. A Homam or Havan is also there.The smoke that arises from a homam contains a powerful healing energy. It purifies the atmosphere , both physically and subtly,Due to Divine Grace, every kind of negetive Karma can be purified by the sacred homam fire.

Normally , the items used for abhishekam (Snaanam) from kalasam include 11 Dravyas. Gorochanam to be applied on the head. Curd to be applied on the forehead. Ghee to be applied on the eyelids. Blades og Arugan Grass to be placed on the head. Cow's milk to be sprinkled on the head. Fruits. Touch the fruits with the Hands. Place Flowers on the head. .Mirror. View the Mirror. Deepam- See the light of the Deepam. Touch the earth; preferably mud from beneath the thulasi plant. Gold Place a coin or gold article on the head.

Dasa Dhaanam: Offering of cow, praying for peace and Prosperity. Offering of land for cultivation/ dwelling Praying for Comfortable living. Black ellu Gingilly sseds in an iron vessal praying for removal of sins. Offerin of Gold , Praying for removal of acquired sins. Offering of Ghee in a bronze vessal for pleasing all devathas, and praying for removal of all aarjitha sins. Nava Dhanyam - Grains; Offering of grain , Praying for removal of Dhrusti. with navagraha vasthras and dhakshinai. All dhanams must be done along with dakshinai.

9x5 cotton Dhoty offering, Praying for good health and prosperity. Offering of jaggary to please Goddess Lakshmi ,seeking all prosperity. with container. Offering of silver to please Pithrus and Maha Vishnu seeking their blessings. Offering of salt with container to please Sri Rudhra, seeking good health.

PANCHA DHAANAMS> Deepam. Book, Bell; dhoty, Brass vessel ( one litre capacity) with water.

SHAD DHAANAS; Deepam, Jala pathram, vibhoothi, Rudhraksham, Siva lingam, Salagramam.

In Sankalpitha Dhanam: Wooden plank seat; umbrella., chappal, walking stick, visiri, will also be given.

Bhoori dakshina to scholors and phala dhaanam is to be given to one and all who attended the function. AArathy and meals to all.



As this is a public forum I am giving a detailed list; each one can select according to their financial status.

For those who are doing in their own houses , shamina; plastic chairs; dining table ;papercups;.

water; 60 bricks; or homa kundam you have to make arrange ments,

writing or printing invitation to your friends and relatives. or phone.
make arrangements with caterer for coffee tiffin and meals.

Buy sarees; dhoty; pants and shirts to your relatives; If you want to take video you have to make arrangements. If you want to give for your friends and relatives order for plastic or paper bags required to put coconut or fruit and thaamboolam; sweet and kai murkku and one gift to those who attended the function.

On the previous day you have to do rudhra ekadhasini. 12 sastrigals are required for this; 11 sastrigals must recite 11 times each ,rudhram. It will take 6 hours for them , and then rudhra homam with rudhram and chamakam should be done.

Kindly give them in the morning sathu maavu or rice or wheat kanjee .

Abishekam for shiva or ANY OF your house deity if available in your house must be done by one person.
abhisheka list= pancha kavyam (cow's dung;urine; milk;curd; ghee; and water must be mixed in the prescribed method.

Panchamritham honey 200 grams; jaggary powder 200 grams; milk; plantain fruits and ghee .

dried draakshai 100 grams; dates 100 grams; kalkandu 100 grams; cow's milk one litre; cow's curd half litre; tender coconut 2 nos; Rose water one bottle; sandal powder 10 grams; veebhuthi (thiruneeru) 2 pocket; lime fruit 4 nos; sandal wood thailam one bottle.

KUthu vilakku 1; gingilly oil for vilakku; thiri; and match box; trays; camphor; scented sticks (oothubathi) pancha pathram and uthurini; trays 4 nos; Bell; stand for dhoopa kaal dheepha kaal .

kola podi and aarthi karasal; uthiri pushpam 2 basket; 2 haaram for your parents and one for brass kudam; manjal podi; kumkumam; sandal powder; coconut; betel; betel nuts; plantain fruits;

vraati(eruvaa mutta) sand; umi; firewood ghee are required. I am giving those requirements for both days. prepare a list of your relatives their birth star; rasi and name and hand it over to the sastrigals and he will use it during sangalpam,

For nava grahams= For suryan (80 cms. lengh blouse bit)red colour; moon white; sevvai dark red; budhan green; guru golden yellow; sukran white; sani blue; rahu black; kethu printed with many colours;each one bit vasthram; wheat; raw rice; toor dhaal; green gram; moongdhaal; mochai; black ellu; black gram and horse gram each 100 grams as dhaanyam; samithu ; erukku; purasu;karungali; naaurivi;arasu;athi;vanni;arugan grass; dharbai each 12 in nos for homam for these navagrahas;

for neivedhyam ; vadai sakara pongal or payasam; chithraanam must be prepared.
to be continued

boil sukku (dried ginger) and jeerakam in drinking water and then give it to these sastrigals while chanting rudhram, this will soothe the throat. in the middle you can give them coffee, fruits,sathumavu and kanjee.Tender coconut water.

you may give them 9x5 cotton dhoties as dhaanam. After this function is over you may give them madi samayal food.(meals). dasa dhaanam and pancha dhaanam must be done now. you can give one dhaanam each.

Mantras are there for doing dasa dhaanam and pancha dhaanam in shanthi rathnaagaram uthara paagam. dasa dhaanams are cow dhaanam cow with calf or its prathinithi coconut (mattai thengai). Bhoomi dhaanam its prathinithi sandal wood piece. karuppu ellu (black gingilly seeds) with container. gold one gram gold rings are available now in jwellary shops. you can give one , or money instead of gold ( as per financial status of the individual) ghee with container. vasthram 9x5 cotton dhoty; dhanyam raw rice or wheat with container. silver, silver metti available in jwellary shop you can give 2 pairs; jaggary with container salt with container. for each of these dhaanams give along with dhakshinai.

Pancha dhaanam: udakumbam brass sombu(one litre capacity) with water; deepam lighted deepam with ghee and thiri jyothi must face you ;Bell; book; vasthram 9x5 cotton dhothy. give along with dakshinai.


On the birth day of your father as per birth star and birth tamil month sathabishegam must be done.


Turmeric powder100 grams; manjal 200 grams; ven kadugu 50 grams; kumkumam 50 grams; sandal powder 20 grams; scented sticks 4 pocket (oothubathi) camphor 2 pocket; thodutha pushpam 15 metre; uthiri pushpam 3 baskets; ( malli; mullai; javunthi; lotus; maru; maru kolundu; bilvam; thulasi; arali; panner poo; etc 5kgs betel 400 nos; betel nut 250 grams; paaku packets 100 nos; haaram 6 nos;

plantain fruit 100 nos; coconut 30 nos; paddy 1 kg; raw rice 10 kgs; wheat 10 kgs; black gram 2 kg; black ellu 500 grams; no.10 nool kandu 5 nos; colour nool 1 set; old news paper 10 nos; plantain leaves 10 nos; visiri 1 no. ; paaku mattai dhonnai 20 nos; mango tree leaf bunches 20 nos; raw rice flour for kolam; aarthi karasal; new brass kudam 1; one litre capacity brass sombu 12 nos; blouse piece 80cms 1; 9x5 cotton dhoty 1; red colour one metre thundu 20 nos; ghee 4 kg; havis 250 grams; elaikaai 10 nos; pachai kalpooram 2 gram; jadhikai 1 ; saffron half gram; vettiver and vilamichai ver 20 grams;

vratti (eruva mutta) 100 nos; broken firewood 5 kgs; umi 1 kg; sand 5 kgs; kalkandu 200 grams; sugar 500 grams;

other dhaanamgal: graha preethi; nandhee sratham; vaishnava sratham; cow dhaanam; krischaraacharanam; and sastrigals and aachaarya sambhavanai.

Aachamanam; guru vandhanam; mandapa pradhakshinam; anuggai=permission. ganapahy pooja; maha sangalpam; ganapathy yatha sthaanam; dhaanangal; aachaarya and rithwik varanam; kalasa sthaapanam;varuna aavaahanam; japam;different kinds of nyaasam; hamsa gayathri japam; aathma raksha; siva sankalpam; purusha sooktha and uthara naaraayana paaraayanam.

prayer to indra; to satisfy rudhran the krura devadai (here) manthras are chanted, this is called prathi purusham; shadha rudhreeyam;pancha anga japam; asta anga namaskaram; laghu nyaasam; anga nyaasam;

In the centre place the big brass kudam filled with water and pour elakai, jathikai;pachaikalpooram; saffron; krambu; vilamichai ver;veti ver; gold ornaments; on the outside of the kudam tied with cotton thread place mango leaf bunch manjal thadaviya coconut. vasthram ; decoration with manjal powder;sandal paste and kumkumam;and akshathai;

you can do aavaahanam in this brass kudam varunan; lakshmi naaraayanan; brahma; thrayambahar; aayul devathai; nakshathra devathai; nava graham; dasa thiku paalakargal; lakshmi kuberan; dhanvanthri ;sudarsanan;bhagya devathai your kula deivam; your village deivam; your ishta deivam.

n the eastern side to the centre brass kudam place brass sombu with water and alankaaram this is named mahadevan; then next clockwise sivan; rudhran; then in south sankaran;neelalohithan ;eesaanan; in west vijayan; bheeman; in north devadevan; bhavothbhavan;then saamba parameswaran; in the middle of bheeman and devadevan place the punyaahaavachana sombu

Then start aavaahanam for each sombu one sastrigal will do ; dhyaanam; praana prathistai; 16 upachaara pooja for each sombu ; aasanam; paadhyam;argyam; aachamaniyam;madhu bargham; snaanam;vasthram; poonal;sandal paste;kumkum and akshathai;archanai to siva and paarvathi; dhoopam; dheepam;neivedhyam;thaamboolam with fruits; camphor haarati;

For the centre brass kudam rudhra thrisathi archanai ; pradhakshinam; 13 namaskaarangal; praarthanai;chamakam japam and other praarthana; then argyam;

Rudhra japa poorvaangam; rishi chandas devatha nyaasam;keelaka nyaasam;kara and anga nyaasam;kavacham; asthram; dhyaanam;pancha pooja;ganapathy dhyaanam; shaanthi paadam;argyangal;

at the end of each rudhra and chamaka paaraaynam (in the first mahadevn sombu in the east ) do 6 upachaarangal= sandal paste;pushpa archanai;dhoopam; dheepam;neivedhyam;camphor aarthi; must be done; this will go clockwise each time. after aarthi kartha must do some argyam; praarthana;phaladhaanam dhakshinai; asirvadham;then starts the second rudhra paaraayanam.

sri rudhra homam; kalasam punar pooja;prokshanam; abishekam;rakshai; sambhaavana to sastrigals; aasirvaatham; haarathi.

Buy one eversilver cotainer with lid pour 500 mili litre gingilly oil and see yours and all relatives face on that oil and then give it as dhaanam to a brahmin with dhakshinai; do not see him while going away from that place and then see your faces in the mirror.

AGNI MUKAANDHAM; RUDHRA VIDHAANA POOJA IN THE AGNI;16 UPACHAARA POOJA; HAVIS HOMAM; GHEE HOMAM; Then rudhra homam; so many methods are there. vasordhaarai; ruk, yajur, sama; atharvana vedha paaraayanangal;swastakrith homam; jayadhi homam;praayaschitha (gyaatha, agyaatha)Homam;bali; agni yathasthaanam;

punyahavachanam should be done to clean the place in the begining.

on the second day ven kadugu should be sprinkled on the pooja and homa places; dur devadaigal upadhravam irukkadhu.

Anuggai= permission; ganapathy pooja; punyaahavachanam; sangalpam; graha preethi dhaanam; aachaarya varanam;brass kudam filled with water and vaasanai dravyam; gold; silver; alankaaram; dharbai koorcham should be placed on all the sombu and kudam on both the days.

500 arasu or purasu samithu will be required for homam; kumbam (brass kudam)and brass sombu should be placed above ellu; beneath it black gram; beneath it raw rice and beneath it wheat should be placed for both the days. the brass sombu and kudam will be taken by the sastrigals. you may use old used sombu and kudam for these purposes . sastrigals will not take old one but they will charge money for these things;

aavaahanam in kumbam: varunan; lakshmi narayanan; brahma; thrayambahar; ayur devathai ;nakshathra devadai; navagrahams; dasa thik paalakargal;lakshmi kuberan; sudarsanan; dhanvanthri; bhaagya devathai; kula devathai; ista devathai; village devathai etc;

place the 100 grams navagraha dhaanyams on their respective places. suryan in the middle(wheat) on the left sani; on the right sukran; above suryan guru; on the left of guru kethu; on the right of guru budhan; below suryan sevvai; left of sevvai rahu; right of sevvai chandran;

place durga on the right side of budhan; below durga ganapathy; below kshthra paalar;below abayankarar; below vaasthu; below thrayambakar; below it nakshathra devatha;

below sevvai agni ( homa) kundam left side kartha; right side of abayankarar and kshethrapaalar varunan kalasam.

Place the navagraha vasthram for each with the prescribed colour; then place coconut (if possible) thaamboolam and plantain fruit for each navagraham.

Then dasa thik paalakargal east indran; south east agni; south yaman; south west nirruthi; west varunan; north west vaayu; north kuberan (soman) north east eesaanan ; in the middle of south west and west ananthan; in the middle of north east and east brahma;

dhyaanam; aavaahanam with manthras ; praana prathista; aasanam; paadhyam; aachamaniyam; snaanam; aachamanam; vasthram;poonal; aabharanangal;sandal paste;kumkum;akshathai; then archanai; doopam;deepam; neivedhyam; thaamboolam with fruits; manthra pushpam; swarna pushpam; camphor aarthi;for all the kumbham; navagraha m; and dasa thik paalakargal.

homa kundam poorva bhagam; 16 samithu homam; (porasu kuchi) homa mudhrai;

Manthra japam: mrudha sanjeevini sooktham;;mruthyanjaya sooktham; aayushya sooktham; navagraha sooktham; nakshathra sooktham; for the second day 4 sastrigals are enough.

Then homam ayur devatha homam with havis and ghee; Then homam to varunan;ayur devatha; lakshmi narayanan;brahman;thrayambahar;nakshathra devatha of the kartha and his wife; one homam for ayul vrudhi;

ayul vridhi homa manthram must be chanted for 108 times. then homam with this manthra 108 times with ghee,sakkarai; dates;almond fruit; athi fruit; dried drakshai; and elandhai palam mixed together.swastakrith homam

then navagraha homam with the respective homa samithu ; havis; ghee; for each navagraha their athi devatha and prathi athidevatha homam should be done.nakshathra homam for all other members of the family.

Then one time ghee homam for dasa thik paalakargal;Then pradhaana ayushya homam 8 manthras are there. each manthra should be recited for 32 times by the 4 sastrigals eachtime ghee homam . that is homam 128 times for each manthram at a time. 8 manthraas should be done like this;

sastrigals must know that you know these things. other wise they will finish with one time and go away.

Then jayadhi homam; vyahrudhi homam;praayaschitha homam; then varuna and brahma pooja; bali;

punar pooja to kumbam; and navagraha devatha;dhoopam; dheepam; neivedhyam; camphor aarthi;
kumbha water prokshanam; drinking; sastrigal sambhavanai; kartha abishekam;wearing new clothes.

thiru mangalya dhaaranam; new gold thiru mangalyam must be purchased.

maha aasirvaadham then sarees and dhothy; pant shirts giving to your relatives; they will give dhothy ad sarees to the kartha after doing namaskaram; then aarthi. then meals.

All the kudam; navagraha dhanyam; vasthram; will be taken by the sastrigals.
The rituals were created at a time when people died in troves due to contagious diseases. Genetically endowed people who lived over hundred were thought to be blessed. Now the average life span is about 70 Years in clean villages and about 65 in polluted cities. So, this celebration is a waste. What can be done is to unite the family celebrate it as a family function, sing and dance and have a good feast. I stopped celebrating the birth day a very long time back and I have no regret nor any one can remind me that it is time for me to "go"? Where I live in the upper story, some times some one will ask " are you going up", I use to tell them that the time has not yet come, but I am ready. Having said, please don't take it as an insult as my mother lived for about 89 years, my father-in-law et al., lived 90, but never bothered about birth days. But loved and cared for each other and often visited with each other. Family and gratitude is the only ritual for this Goddess Amma. If possible feed some orphaned children and give them new dress. One of them may be Lord Krishna or Goddess Laxmi as my grand mother use to say. Pranams to this 80 years old Devi.
Beautifully said - and I must congratulate you on your thoughts and lifestyle - Both my parents lived over 90, as well as my m-in-l , no "celebrations" were done , unless the family gathered together on such days, To them as also to us - it was just another day .
Infact, sometimes , if you dont have people to care for you in your very old age, living beyond 90 can be a curse, with all the infirmities that old age can give you and our dependence on hospitals !
Again, people think that the Mrutnjaya Mantram is to give you long life ! - it most certainly is NOT - it's a request and a prayer that you may be released from the bondage of being reborn again and again.
I am NOT against people wanting to perform rituals - far from it - but one has to realise the necessity of it . While Rudhra Ekaadasini is being done , if the kartha as well as some of the family members are more involved in greeting the visitors, or organising the food, there's not much point in the chanting being done ! This is just an example . There should maximum involvement in the slokas / mantra japam being said - and all the gifting of vastrams to relatives- in the olden days , clothes were not bought indiscriminately like today, they were bought only for occasions . Dhaanam to the sastrigal is different . When all is said and done - Lifestyle matters !
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Dear Sri Subramanian Vaidyanathan

Only just saw your post asking how to celebrate your mother's 80th year milestone occurring on 16 Feb 2021 "in an apt traditional way in which it is supposed to be performed."

Please ignore any bogus advice proferred condemning "Vaidka rituals" from an atheist iconoclast.

Kindly note that if your mother is a widow there is no sathaabhishekam (80th birthday rituals).

That is done on or after the day your FATHER'S star occurs on or after he reaches his 80th Hindu birthday. On the occasion of that great mahaa-praayaschittham your mother plays a full part, including punyaaha-theertha-abishekam and thirumaangalya dhaaranam (enpathaam kalyaanam).

It can be done, and is often done, at the thirukkadaiyoor temple.

It involves a series of pujas, homams, daanams, and Braahmana bhojanam.

If your father is not alive, what you can do, however, if you are so inclined, is to invite to your home or other convenient and suitable unpolluted place (not a hotel or restaurant) eleven Veda-Braahmanas or other practising Brahmanas, and perform "naandi-shobhanam". Your family priest or any learned Brahmana or shaasthrigal will tell you what to do.

If no such family priest, learned Braahmana or shaasthrigal is available, please let me know your e-mail address, and I shall try to help you in confidence and free of charge how to perform the requisite "naandi-shobhanam" in the traditional way. I shall need to know your mother's janma-nakshathram and gothram.

All the best.
Sir kind reply.
My father have completed 75 years of age and this year is there 40th marriage anniversary. Please suggest which Pooja and in which temple it should be done? I would be more thankful to you. Humble pranams.

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