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Beyond Science and Technology

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Even the No-Evolution believers try to exploit the limitations that science imposes on itself

By saying
"why monkeys are not still evolving into human beings" we have been watching the monkeys for the past 20 - 6000 years.

Humans most of the time tried to explain (super)natural phenomenon by

1) Reasoning in the mind to arrive at a logic
2) Discussing the logic in a forum to check its acceptability/validity
3) Experimenting in a lab/controlled environment to add credibility to the logic.

Science requires Step 3 for acceptance. without Step 3 the logic still remains a theory accepted or open to challenges.

spiritual wisdom (or whatever secular word one can think of) did not require Step 3, but it still had to follow logic and prove validity. If we read through early history ideas were constantly challenged and ideas evolved. If we are open minded ideas can evolve even today.

spiritual wisdom evolution can be realized when one reasons concepts of Astrology or Brahman.

Religion/Government piggybacked on (spiritual and science) ideas then and now. I see no purpose bringing religion/Government in this debate.

science and spiritual wisdom need not run in parallel, they can share and challenge each others ideas

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Dear sravna,

....I never said that scientific knowledge is of no use.
You said you reject it.

But you are bound to reach a dead end after sometime with the approach of science which relies totally on physical observations for any validation. My contention is beyond a certain point you will have little happiness if your focus is on the external world instead of the inner world which is the mind.
Yes, this is your contention, unsupported by anything but faith. The inner-peace and happiness are themselves physical states achieved through chemical and electrical brain activity. Mental activities such as thinking and contemplating are also physical activities in the sense these happen due to chemistry, electronics, etc. Even though there is lot more to learn about these, scientists have learned enough to help millions of people suffering from real mental illnesses.

And the seers were far sighted. They knew even if you conquer and be the emperor of the whole universe you still are not out of the survival mentality. You need to go beyond that. That way you can be peaceful even if you are among the poorest
This is a perfectly sensible statement. The wondrous human brain endows us with the trait of being incessantly inquisitive and a drive to go beyond mere mundane existence. This trait has given an unprecedented survival and reproductive advantage to humans, the result of which we see all around us, 7 billion and counting.

Did you notice that the truth of your statement does not require belief in supernatural entities or forces, neither does it require our far-sighted seers to be endowed with supernatural powers.

BTW, in my last response to you I asked you to please give a list of instances when "supernatural powers" were exhibited by people. I request you to respond to this. Please be as specific and complete as possible.

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Dear Shri Nara,

Supernatural power is something that you possess which is rarely found among the general population. To me that power is the power that makes you look at a damsel as you look at a stone, that power that maintains your calm when someone is provoking you with all their might or in general something that makes your defence impregnable to the forces of the world. There cannot be many people who can achieve such outstanding feats but to cite 2 or 3 from history especially from the recent past would be Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Ramana maharishi etc. So supernatural power is not about trying to move a stone a certain distance or any such feat though to one who has mastered the mind there is nothing left to conquer.
Beyond Science and Technology……

//Science is no more than a collection of fully verified knowledge and a process that adds to this sphere of verified knowledge. So, how can it be flawed? All one can say is it is not complete. That is not a flaw. Scientists have never claimed that they have licked all the unresolved questions there are and there could be.//

This is exactly what scientists had been telling us all along. What do they mean by ‘it is not complete’. Not being complete is itself a major flaw. When you take the axiom which defines the straight-line as the shortest distance between two points it was true upto a point in time. When our understanding grew we understood that this axiom is true only for short distances. For longer distances the approximation that has been brought in because of the curvature of the earth’s surface becomes obvious and the original axiom is no more an axiom. The statement that “all one can say………complete” is an innocuous escape door which becomes useful in case of need. My contention as well as the contention of many others is that science is not finally verified set of truths which are true for all time. The truths propounded in science are all relative truths. They are relative to time; relative to initial conditions; relative to point of view etc. etc., This is what is said in a different way by Sankara and Ramanuja when they discuss the inadequacy of the various pramanas.

//If Sravna's claim is that there is a set of knowledge that will always remain outside the realm of systematic scientific study, but is accessible through methods that are not scientific, then that is nothing more than his pet theory. For it to be universally accepted he has to come up with more persuasive arguments than just saying one has to experience it//

That does not appear to be the claim here. Scientific method is only one of the methods available to arrive at the truth. There are other methods also. They are equally valid. Just because scientific method is relative to time(and hence is not reliable) we do not reject it outright because it serves a very useful purpose in a time frame. Similarly the other intuitive method is also to be accepted as useful. Trying to prove the existence of intuition through a scientific method is doomed to fail. This is because of the limitation of language, the nature of the intuition, and the inadequacy of science itself.

//IMO, the scientists of the west who comment on Hindu philosophy are not familiar with the full gamut of the Hindu beliefs, or just ignore that part. When they compare the completely bizarre beliefs of the so called Abrahamic religions, for whom earth is no more than 5000 years old, with that of much the more interesting speculations of the Hindu sages of yore, they are impressed, with good reason. But, this does not mean they buy into all the beliefs of the so called Hindus, they don't.//

While it is true that they do not buy into all the beliefs of the Hindus, it is somewhat presumptive to dismiss the scientists’ understanding of the religion and the belief system. If science is all about rigorous analysis then scientists do understand everything about the subject taken up for study. After understanding, accepting or rejecting or reserving for further study takes place.

//It is quite possible that science can never find all the answers. This is very true. Human mind may lack the capability to understand everything there is. But that does not mean there is something called, spirit, spirituality, etc., and, that such spirituality can give all the answers. That is just a leap of faith.//

When science is unable to find the answers or the answers given by scientific methods are bizarre and misleading, intuition comes in and takes over. When I sit in front of my FIM and look at the pattern in the fluorescent screen and am disappointed by what I see and wonder whether all the known and unknown approximations that have gone into my experiment are misleading me, exactly at that moment I have felt many a time helpless. That helplessness is not due my failure to prepare a good specimen or failure to set up a good apparatus. It is just that the question that I had addressed to ‘nature’ has returned a question to me as the answer. It is at times like this that I find the intuition helpful. I think this is the process that is explained in the Brikuvalli of Thaithreeya Upanishad by Varuna to his son/student Briku. Briku had to contemplate again and again to travel the path of truth.

//As I have said many times, science is a process of observing, etc., etc. It is a continuous process, always pushing the envelop of knowledge further and further. It is a never ending process. Whether it ever gets complete or not is immaterial. The so called spirituality, on the other hand, is stuck in the musings of ancient yogis, unable to explain anything, and worse yet, not even making an attempt to explain anything, but demanding that it must be taken seriously//

I think there is no conflict and there is no need to use terms like “on the other hand” here. To me intuition is a process which takes over where science leaves me unsatisfied. Only because I am unable to analyze intuition with scientific methods it remains a mysterious another process. May be as eminent scientists say, I am too much used to cause and effect kind of constructs, am comfortable with breaking down and looking at the parts to understand the whole, am unable to express the altogether different kind of process with the language that I have, this intuition remains an enigma. Again due to our comfort and familiarity with cause and effect constructs a spirit is brought in and the intuitive process has become a spiritual one. But then what is in a name?
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...To me that power is the power that makes you look at a damsel as you look at a stone, that power that maintains your calm
Dear sravna, what you are describing is self-control, nothing supernatural about it. If someone is able to gaze at an amputated limb and make it grow back, or levitate in the air for a few minutes with nothing but willpower, then you have something worth looking into.

There cannot be many people who can achieve such outstanding feats but to cite 2 or 3 from history especially from the recent past would be Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Ramana maharishi etc.
Rare prowess is not a mark of supernatural power. There are not very many people like King Pele, or Tendulkar, or Stephen Hawking. Their feats are not supernatural. I am aware of the reverence in which RP and RM are held, but, to be honest with you, I have not seen anyone attributing supernatural powers to them, least of all themselves, I think.

So supernatural power is not about trying to move a stone a certain distance or any such feat though to one who has mastered the mind there is nothing left to conquer.
Yes it is, moving a stone by merely willing it is an example of supernatural power. Do you know of anyone who has done it or anything similar? I ask you this because you said, "But no one can deny that there have been cases of exhibbition of supernatural powers by people."

Dear Shri Nara,

Ability to control the physical and mental forces acting on oneself or self control is the perfect exhibition of supernatural ability. I cannot think of any greater spiritual ability than that. It is definitely not just a rare prowess. If you cannot accept that as a supernatural ability you probabaly have a different interpretation of it.

Moving an object or making something appear or disappear etc. are based on the above ability of mastery over the mind and some of them have been reportedly performed by people though I am not sure if have been authenticated.

Dear Sri Raghy,

Viktor Brand demonstrated what became recognized as
"Psycho kinesis" -> Psychokinesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -- which is the use of psychic energy to move objects. The word is supposedly derived from psycho = psychic energy and kinesis = movement. An extreme effect of the use of "energy" can cause 'dematerialisation' of the body (ex: Ramalinga swamy). It is also said that Mahavtar Babaji 'dematerialized' the body and can appear at will in any form anywhere. Personally, i do not consider such things to be a miracle. The "super-natural" is just the natural that is yet unexplained. However, it is noteworthy that people with such 'energy' also cannot change the world or create a disease-free world.

Shri Nara,

Think of it this way. The natural forces or the forces we perceive are the physical and the mental forces. When you have control over these physical and mental forces or the natural forces you have the supernatural. Going by hindu philosophy and also by common sense this control happens at the acme of mental development. So it is very very rarely seen in anybody.

Scriptures try to only encourage this objective. It fundamentally and simply asks you to perfect your mind. Also deep insights generally spring in such a mind. Wouldn't those seers who glorified this objectives themselves have attained this state of mind? Would knowledge gained in such a way can ever be dismissed?

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Think of it this way. The natural forces or the forces we perceive are the physical and the mental forces. When you have control over these physical and mental forces or the natural forces you have the supernatural.
Dear sravna, supernatural is something that is above and beyond natural laws. Self control may be rare and something admirable, but is not supernatural.

Going by hindu philosophy and also by common sense this control happens at the acme of mental development. So it is very very rarely seen in anybody.
Sorry sravna, it is seems there is some misunderstanding about what is supernatural. Mental activity and acuity are quite natural, nothing supernatural about them, Hindu philosophy and common sense not withstanding.

Scriptures try to only encourage this objective. It fundamentally and simply asks you to perfect your mind. Also deep insights generally spring in such a mind. Wouldn't those seers who glorified this objectives themselves have attained this state of mind? Would knowledge gained in such a way can ever be dismissed?
Now, you are glorifying these powers, have you achieved it?

I am not overawed by the knowledge you are referring to. Let us start with the Vedas. Poorvamimamsa is just silly rituals, nothing more. Uttra also consists of tall creation stories that are no more valid than other creation myths. They do have some interesting speculations worth admiring.

BG is good, contains some real good advice on how to live our lives, but nothing that cannot be found in secular works like Thirukkural. Then there is ithihasas and all kind of puranas. They are great yarns, some nuggets of good advice, once again nothing that can't be found from secular sources.

Dear sravna, supernatural is something that is above and beyond natural laws. Self control may be rare and something admirable, but is not supernatural.

Sorry sravna, it is seems there is some misunderstanding about what is supernatural. Mental activity and acuity are quite natural, nothing supernatural about them, Hindu philosophy and common sense not withstanding.

Now, you are glorifying these powers, have you achieved it? !


I am not overawed by the knowledge you are referring to. Let us start with the Vedas. Poorvamimamsa is just silly rituals, nothing more. Uttra also consists of tall creation stories that are no more valid than other creation myths. They do have some interesting speculations worth admiring. !

That is some standards you set!

BG is good, contains some real good advice on how to live our lives, but nothing that cannot be found in secular works like Thirukkural. !

At last there is something you consider good
Dear Sri Raghy,

Viktor Brand demonstrated what became recognized as
"Psycho kinesis" -> Psychokinesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -- which is the use of psychic energy to move objects. The word is supposedly derived from psycho = psychic energy and kinesis = movement. An extreme effect of the use of "energy" can cause 'dematerialisation' of the body (ex: Ramalinga swamy). It is also said that Mahavtar Babaji 'dematerialized' the body and can appear at will in any form anywhere. Personally, i do not consider such things to be a miracle. The "super-natural" is just the natural that is yet unexplained. However, it is noteworthy that people with such 'energy' also cannot change the world or create a disease-free world.


Sow.Happy Hindu,

Greetings. I posted those links with respect to his levitation. The fire yogi is unexplainable. I did not say they were miracles.

It is funny you are noting that these people cannot change the world!......if there is God, even that God could not bring a disease free-world....how can such mere mortals?

"We are very far from knowing what relations exist between skeleton, muscles, and organs, and mental and spiritual activities. We are ignorant of the factors that bring about nervous equilibrium and resistance to fatigue and to diseases. We do not know how moral sense, judgment, and audacity could be augmented. What is the relative importance of intellectual, moral, and mystical activities? What is the significance of esthetic and religious sense? What form of energy is responsible for telepathic communications? Without any doubt, certain physiological and mental factors determine happiness or misery, success or failure. But we do not know what they are. We cannot artificially give to any individual the aptitude for happiness. As yet, we do not know what environment is the most favorable for the optimum development of civilized man. Is it possible to suppress struggle, effort, and suffering from our physiological and spiritual formation? How can we prevent the degeneracy of man in modern civilization? Many other questions could be asked on subjects which are to us of the utmost interest. They would also remain unanswered. It is quite evident that the accomplishments of all the sciences having man as an object remain insufficient, and that our knowledge of ourselves is still most rudimentary."
(Man,the Unknown)

These are the words of Dr. Alexis Carrel the famous French Surgeon and Physiologist who was awarded Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1912. In his famous book "Man,the Unknown" (published in1935) Dr. Carrel gives a detailed account of the frontiers of Science and its limitations.

"We are very far from knowing what relations exist between skeleton, muscles, and organs, and mental and spiritual activities. We are ignorant of the factors that bring about nervous equilibrium and resistance to fatigue and to diseases. We do not know how moral sense, judgment, and audacity could be augmented. What is the relative importance of intellectual, moral, and mystical activities? What is the significance of esthetic and religious sense? What form of energy is responsible for telepathic communications? Without any doubt, certain physiological and mental factors determine happiness or misery, success or failure. But we do not know what they are. We cannot artificially give to any individual the aptitude for happiness. As yet, we do not know what environment is the most favorable for the optimum development of civilized man. Is it possible to suppress struggle, effort, and suffering from our physiological and spiritual formation? How can we prevent the degeneracy of man in modern civilization? Many other questions could be asked on subjects which are to us of the utmost interest. They would also remain unanswered. It is quite evident that the accomplishments of all the sciences having man as an object remain insufficient, and that our knowledge of ourselves is still most rudimentary."
(Man,the Unknown)

These are the words of Dr. Alexis Carrel the famous French Surgeon and Physiologist who was awarded Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1912. In his famous book "Man,the Unknown" (published in1935) Dr. Carrel gives a detailed account of the frontiers of Science and its limitations.

Shri Brahmanyan,

It is true that human knowledge is not "complete". As compared to 1935, human knowledge in several areas including some referred to by Dr. Carrel, has increased by leaps and bounds in the last nearly 100 years. It will continue to grow. But the topic is whether we should ascribe the unknown portion/s of human knowledge to a superhuman agent/agency who plays "hide and seek" with Man (and displays the knowledge bit by bit), just to show the former's omiscience and omnipotence, and Man's subservient position at all times to such an agent.
This is my hypothesis on how the progress of supernatural power happens. It first starts with the control of mind over physical energy such as sexual energy and mental energy such as emotions. In fact this is the major step which takes eons by natural process. Assuming the control is got it implies that a person has got control over physical and mental forces. I assume sexual energy is the strongest physical energy one has to encounter and similarly those causing emotions are the strongest mental forces one has to encounter. So control over them implies one is prepared to tackle any force.

This fiundamental power of the mind can be enhanced to protect the body also from any physical energy such as used in synthetic telepathy technology. Since matter is also a form of energy though more physical it takes more effort from the mind to neutarlize the forces of matter than forces of energy but it is a logical continuation of control over energy.

Once you have control over the forces of matter you can do such things as making them appear and disappear or moving them etc. Mind does all that can be done by force. But the key to all this is control over the natural physical and mental forces that interact with the body.
Talking of progress made by Science, we seem to miss a serious point here. The problem is that Science tries to validate physical observations. It seems to embrace for that purpose any theory that at that moment more accurately describes the observations.

Consider the case of explanation of gravity. Gravity was discovered by Newton whose explanation was that it was a natural force due to mass of an object. It was the accepted explanation for a few centuries when certain anomalies were noticed in experiments in the early part of the twentieth century. It was not until Einstein came up with the theory of relativity was that problem "resolved". But consider Einstein's explanation of gravity. According to Einstein, gravity is not a force but exists because of certain properties of space and time itself. It is the commonly accepted explanation among the scientists now.

Consider the gap in terms of the concept by the two greatest physicists of all time. Which one would you accept as true? What is the reality? The one by Newton since it seems less bizarre and more in tune with common sense or Einstein's because it improves the accuracy by 0.000000...1% over that of Newton.

I don't think there is progress here but only an abrupt shift in the way reality is viewed. I don't think the present yardstick of favoring a particular theory over another because of its increased accuracy in explaining observations is any good because history has often shown that anomalies keep consistently cropping up necessitaing a overhaul of the existing theories. I think scientists should focus more on the intuitive appeal of the theory as in my opinion nature reveals itself more fully to a mind than to what are necessarily adjunct means such as the physical senses or artificial instruments.
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