Bhagavad Gita is full of management ideas?
Arjuna got mentally depressed in the battle field when he saw his
relatives with whom he has to fight. (Mental health has become a major
international public health concern now). On the eve of battle Arjuna
is filled with deep misgivings; he feels to kill his relatives and
friends would be a great sin. Lord Krishna says O Arjiuna from where
has this delusion come? How could this delusion come upon a great
person such as you, obstructing the path to heaven? O Arjuna gives up
this faint-heartedness. This kind of mental weakness is unbecoming to
a strong person such as yourself. Shake it off. Arise and fight. (Gita
2-.2&3). Arjuna said that now I am confused about my duty and have
lost all composure because of miserly weakness. In this condition I am
asking You to tell me for certain what is best for me.(Gita 2-7). Now
I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct
me. Sri Krishna says that you speak like a wise person but grieving
over something, the wise do not grieve for.(Gita.2-11). Furthermore
the death of the body does not harm the soul, as the immortal quote of
the Gita runs. To motivate him the Bhagavad-Gita is preached in the
battle field Kurukshetra by Lord Krishna to Arjuna as counselling to
do his duty while multitudes of men stood by waiting. Arjuna face the
problem of conflict between emotions and intellect. Gitateaches
Honesty, Sincerity, and Truthfulness etc. Gita also shows how
challenge as an opportunity to find the way to success, it only
depends on you and you are your own alchemist.
The Bhagavad-Gita was delivered by Sri Krishna to boost Arjuna’s
declining morale, motivation, confidence and to increase his
(Arjuna’s) effectiveness.The Gita contains the unwritten laws of the
universe. So if you study the same in a logical manner, you will
achieve salvation. But on the other hand if you are a devotee of Lord
Krishna and read it with devotion, you will achieve salvation. So, the
Gita will lead you to God both the intellectual way and the devotional
Today there are innumerable professionals and industrialists who are
great achievers, have great social prestige yet do not enjoy life. On
the other hand, there are many who are contended and happy but are not
achievers. What is needed today is a combination of these two
qualities. One should be a great achiever and at the same time should
live a peaceful life and it can be assured that a study of Gita will
serve all these purposes.
Indian Vedic contribution is a reservoir of Vibrant Information and
Harmonious Creativity. May the womb of nature embrace all with
tranquil blessings from this day forward? Let this attract one's
attention affecting them positively. It is a sanctuary of the self a
creative venue which serves as an enduring expression of lightness,
where a peaceful atmosphere with sunlight flows and serene atmosphere
In the storm of life we struggle through myriads of stimuli of
pressure, stress, and multi problems that seek for a solution and
answer. We are so suppressed by the routine of this every life style
that most of us seem helpless. However, if we look closely to ancient
techniques we shall discover the magnificent way to understand and
realize the ones around us and mostly ourselves. If only we could stop
for a moment and allow this to happen. May all beings be happy (Loka
Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu) is the essence of Indian philosophy?
The ancient Indian philosophy of keeping mind and body for the well
being has entered the managerial, medical and judicial domain of the
world. Today it has found its place as an alternative to the theory of
modern management and also as a means to bring back the right path of
peace and prosperity for the human beings. In short, attempts to
explain the nature of the universe, its origins, and what’s really
going on require an understanding of how the observer, our presence,
plays a role. According to the current paradigm, the universe, and the
laws of nature themselves, just popped out of nothingness. The story
goes something like this: From the Big Bang until the present time,
we’ve been incredibly lucky. This good fortune started from the moment
of creation; if the Big Bang had been one-part-in-a-million more
powerful, the cosmos would have rushed out too fast for the galaxies
and stars to have developed. If the gravitational force were decreased
by a hair, stars (including the Sun) wouldn’t have ignited. There are
over 200 physical parameters like this that could have any value but
happen to be exactly right for us to be here. Tweak any of them and
you never existed.
Arjuna got mentally depressed in the battle field when he saw his
relatives with whom he has to fight. (Mental health has become a major
international public health concern now). On the eve of battle Arjuna
is filled with deep misgivings; he feels to kill his relatives and
friends would be a great sin. Lord Krishna says O Arjiuna from where
has this delusion come? How could this delusion come upon a great
person such as you, obstructing the path to heaven? O Arjuna gives up
this faint-heartedness. This kind of mental weakness is unbecoming to
a strong person such as yourself. Shake it off. Arise and fight. (Gita
2-.2&3). Arjuna said that now I am confused about my duty and have
lost all composure because of miserly weakness. In this condition I am
asking You to tell me for certain what is best for me.(Gita 2-7). Now
I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct
me. Sri Krishna says that you speak like a wise person but grieving
over something, the wise do not grieve for.(Gita.2-11). Furthermore
the death of the body does not harm the soul, as the immortal quote of
the Gita runs. To motivate him the Bhagavad-Gita is preached in the
battle field Kurukshetra by Lord Krishna to Arjuna as counselling to
do his duty while multitudes of men stood by waiting. Arjuna face the
problem of conflict between emotions and intellect. Gitateaches
Honesty, Sincerity, and Truthfulness etc. Gita also shows how
challenge as an opportunity to find the way to success, it only
depends on you and you are your own alchemist.
The Bhagavad-Gita was delivered by Sri Krishna to boost Arjuna’s
declining morale, motivation, confidence and to increase his
(Arjuna’s) effectiveness.The Gita contains the unwritten laws of the
universe. So if you study the same in a logical manner, you will
achieve salvation. But on the other hand if you are a devotee of Lord
Krishna and read it with devotion, you will achieve salvation. So, the
Gita will lead you to God both the intellectual way and the devotional
Today there are innumerable professionals and industrialists who are
great achievers, have great social prestige yet do not enjoy life. On
the other hand, there are many who are contended and happy but are not
achievers. What is needed today is a combination of these two
qualities. One should be a great achiever and at the same time should
live a peaceful life and it can be assured that a study of Gita will
serve all these purposes.
Indian Vedic contribution is a reservoir of Vibrant Information and
Harmonious Creativity. May the womb of nature embrace all with
tranquil blessings from this day forward? Let this attract one's
attention affecting them positively. It is a sanctuary of the self a
creative venue which serves as an enduring expression of lightness,
where a peaceful atmosphere with sunlight flows and serene atmosphere
In the storm of life we struggle through myriads of stimuli of
pressure, stress, and multi problems that seek for a solution and
answer. We are so suppressed by the routine of this every life style
that most of us seem helpless. However, if we look closely to ancient
techniques we shall discover the magnificent way to understand and
realize the ones around us and mostly ourselves. If only we could stop
for a moment and allow this to happen. May all beings be happy (Loka
Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu) is the essence of Indian philosophy?
The ancient Indian philosophy of keeping mind and body for the well
being has entered the managerial, medical and judicial domain of the
world. Today it has found its place as an alternative to the theory of
modern management and also as a means to bring back the right path of
peace and prosperity for the human beings. In short, attempts to
explain the nature of the universe, its origins, and what’s really
going on require an understanding of how the observer, our presence,
plays a role. According to the current paradigm, the universe, and the
laws of nature themselves, just popped out of nothingness. The story
goes something like this: From the Big Bang until the present time,
we’ve been incredibly lucky. This good fortune started from the moment
of creation; if the Big Bang had been one-part-in-a-million more
powerful, the cosmos would have rushed out too fast for the galaxies
and stars to have developed. If the gravitational force were decreased
by a hair, stars (including the Sun) wouldn’t have ignited. There are
over 200 physical parameters like this that could have any value but
happen to be exactly right for us to be here. Tweak any of them and
you never existed.