while i agree with you in spirit about aspirations, i cannot think of two communities who are so different from each other.
the jews are rooted in the biblical west asia, given acknowledgement by both christians and muslims, as a 'people of the book', have spread themselves over the milleniums to all parts of the world, particularly adapted to curiosness of learning and critical thinking, excelled in music and sciences, and alarmingly decimated to about 40% of their population during last world war.
tamil brahmins, even though have an ancient tradition, it is rooted in tamil nadu, one corner of india, have been on the top of the totem pole in the caste hierarchy and as a result benefited from the 'hand me down' erudition of rote learning with absolute subservience to the vedas and scriptures, till recently confined only to tamil nadu and its neighbours, never crossed the black water for fear of losing caste, introduced to modern sciences since early 20th century with the advent of english education, thanks to the energy created by the independence movement achieved for a brief period political leadership of tamil nadu, which they soon lost due to forces that they could not comprehend or control, of late taken to modern technologies and are in the process of making a comfortable living for themselves as hired technical & management help in commercial organizations.
if you meet the average chinese in the usa, their family probably has as much determination to strive to succeed. would it be appropriate to say that they are like jews too?
jambu, all i am trying to say, that we are trying to use education as a tool to success. much like any other community. in fact kerala christians and tamil christians were pioneers in this field in india.
everything has to be put in its own perspectives, i think. there is no one better or worse or even similar. all of us, while aspire to higher selves, still remain uniquely different groups.
thank you.
Dear Kujuppu
Tamil Brahamin Population n compared with Jews world over will be small No exact census available since cast based census in India is not there So if you have 4 Noble winners should you not be happy about it Current world chess champion is one of them Even my son studied in Ivy School. Percentage wise I think our achievements may be equal to them or below them since we do not have population Data This as far as achievement . The explanation given to this is Jewish faith encourages accountability it is learning based and not rite based. I think we are doing this daily you even have serial Engay Brhamanan? Is it not a form 0f learning to understand? It says Jews are good cooks economic mangers but bad soldiers Do not we qualify for this? Israelis have keep a foothold in USA At least some among us do that
I am not trying to blow own trumpet I thought our aspiration and out look are similar but may not be equal Come On Cheer Up