1. What is the relationship among adhyasa, avidya and maya?
Adhyasa + Avidya = Maya
2. Why is worldly knowledge called illusory knowledge?
Worldly knowledge revolves around the understanding of ordinary human brains, that can not understand and realize more than what humans could see, feel and experience, within the scope of illusory world of survival
Maya is all pervading and creates Illusions around and within the brain. Emotions, feelings, sufferings, pains, pleasures, understanding, misunderstanding etc are the products of deluded brain and are outcome of falsified projection of this physical world as real.
Thus what ever knowledge gained within the frame work of falsified land of survival, they are just illusory knowledge and nothing else.
3. How can illusory knowledge lead to real knowledge?
Illusory knowledge helps instigating the quest to gain understanding of the reality that exists in real, beyond illusory experiences gained in this illusory land of survival.
Illusory knowledge is the product of human's all emotions, feelings, understandings etc..etc within the scope of human's deluded brains, gained through illusory circumstances, illusory presentations & illusory realities.
When human's could attempt towards coming out of this overwhelming and burdened illusory knowledge, realizing there is nothing to be owned for ever and nothing to be lost for ever-nothing can be true and nothing can be false-nothing can be right and nothing can be wrong-nothing to be gained and nothing to be lost-nothing can be useful and nothing can be useless etc.etc, human's could attempt to explore the ultimate reality/real knowledge, taking charge of their brain and taping its full potential.
Illusory knowledge helps exhausting the illusory potentials of the brain and instigates one to explore the real knowledge.