I think too much is being made of gothra. one requires a gothra may be once or twice in a lifetime. for marriage the child can use the gothra that suits her best , fathers or step fathers. such things should not come in the way of happy iving
Hi Folks - I just got back .
Ok here is a genuine case. A man [ say X ] married a widow [ say Y ] who already had daughter through
her first husband . When the girl was about 19 yrs old, X's father married Y's daughter. So X became
his own Father's Father In Law.
In the course of time the couple [ X's Dad & Y's daughter ] got a son [ say Z ]
Now, what would be the relationship between X & Z ?
Would X become his sibling or grand father ?
[ I have been careful not to mention Iyer / Iyengar / Naidu / Reddy / Mudaliar / Thevar / Chettiar etc anywhere]
Ha ha, there was this [ much-trashed ] subject of GOTRA - and I had even cited
the Supreme Court Verdict on this.
[ Every once-in-while, drab subjects such as Who is a Brahmin ? / Should Brahmins Eat Meat ?
keep re-incarnating in this Forum - so too with this thing on GOTRA ]
Ok, it's anybody's take - relationship between X & Z Please - fix a Gotra too, if you like.
Yay Yem
Hi Iam Sridhar from Chennai. Recently married. We got married in a temple and not in the traditional way.
I now want to know how to change the gothram of my wife to my gothram.
Is there some thing of this sort or by literally marring her, changes her gothram to mine ?
Can you please help me in this matter with your proper advice and guidance ?
Email: [email protected]
Some will guide you to the 'sarakku' kadai when you are looking for a milk booth.
Sridharji, you will get all sorts of inane, irrelevant and irresponsible advice from individuals who consider themselves enlightened, modern and progressive. You must approach a learned individual with respect for tradition if you too are in the same wavelength.
Some will guide you to the 'sarakku' kadai when you are looking for a milk booth.
hi sir,Sridharji, you will get all sorts of inane, irrelevant and irresponsible advice from individuals who consider themselves enlightened, modern and progressive. You must approach a learned individual with respect for tradition if you too are in the same wavelength.
Some will guide you to the 'sarakku' kadai when you are looking for a milk booth.
hi sir,
when some body showing normal sarakku kadai is OK....better than TASMAC SARAKKU KADAI....becoz sometimes milk and sarakku
will be same color.....so here we get all kinds of SARAKKU available in our forum....lol
Dear T K S Sir,
Agreed with your post. Hence I requested the OP to get advice from Sri. Gopalan.![]()
:yo:That is a sage advice indeed![]()
There may be few well meaning response, sometimes even with knowledge of traditions which is rare.
But it is often drowned by messages that are mere opinions and possibly prejudices expressed without disclaimer that they are no more knowledgeable than the person who posed the question.
I generally agree with your post. But I am going to differ on this issue.
The so called expert is (is the person with the book) in hand. Todays expert is tomorrows obsolete. I used to be database expert in my days, now I am technologically challenged.
Similarly you depend on these so called "experts" in TB cultures, they are as outdated as yesterdays newspaper. The society is changing, new problems arise that these so called experts are not aware of. Like renukaji said the problem presented is unorthodox and solution has to be found in a modern way.
If a taliban marries a Jew and wants bar miz·vah for his step child the local Mulla Or the muslim cleric (expert) can not give any sane advice.
I do not treat any question lightly. I assume everyone posting here is honest and I accept it on the face value. Similarly my posting are my best judgement at that time with the available facts.
People posting in public forum expecting opinions from anonymous persons, must know the consequence.
My views may be what they are, you may say they are prejudiced, but I think all views are prejudiced one way or the other. It is the nature of an Individual's views. We all are in the forum pontificating, as if it counts, we may claim to be old and have an air of authority, but that and one dollar may buy you a can of coke, but nothing else.
Sarakku or Milk...both are five elements..why differentiate?
Sarang ji..the OP himself has posted a non traditional question where he got married a Non Traditional way and his 2nd question (could be hypothetical or real??) about adopting and changing a step daughters gotra to the stepdads gotra.
Now when the OP himself asked us members these questions which might not seem very orthodox to the orthodox minded..many of us shared with him our thoughts to help him out with the situation.
You see one needs to decide to follow tradition or not..traditionally remarriage was never permitted so this Gotra change question of divorcee bride or stepdaughter never happened in the past..
so now since remarriage is common and advisable that means people have moved on and changed/broken tradition..so I dont see any logic why some part of tradition like Gotra Shotra need to be followed.
So its not a question of Sarraku or Milk here..its all about being practical.
Members have given their practical opinions here ..dont see any harm in that.
BTW Namma Singaari Sarakku Nalla Sarakku
Summa Gummunnu Eruthu Kick Enakku