Dear Sir,
Does it mean that Adi Sankara cut his mother's dead body into pieces?
How weird!! :dizzy:
My argument that Namboodhiris are not Shaivites becomes valid from the above narration. One member in this forum contended that Adi Shankara was a Shaivite.
If Adi Shankara's parents were indeed true Shaivites, why did they go to Guruvayur and seek the blessing of the God, who will not be considered by a true and staunch Shaivite as God? They could have gone to Shiva temple instead.
Very true, Sir! Thank you.The story or myth that has been passed down the ages is that he cut the dead body into 3 pieces, took them to the pyre made out in the house compound itself and lit fire by invoking his yogic powers, whereupon, the other Nambudiris became aware of Shankara's greatness and yogic powers, etc., and did prostration and begged for his mercy.
It may look weird, but it was a weird world here in this land of ours, a thousand years ago.
Where did you get this idea that Adi Shankara was a SHivite?
What about Bhajagovindum, Kanakdhara strotram, Bhasyam on Gita etc. They are all not shivite.
Why drag everything to this divide between Shiva-vishnu?
Once again, my strong contention is that a true Shaivite Saint will and should not recognize Vaishnavite Gods, let alone worshipping.
Your contention Sir!........ Once again, my strong contention is that a true Shaivite Saint will and should not recognize Vaishnavite Gods, let alone worshipping.
Thank you Jayashree....... Something Amman related: Virtual pooja to Kanchi Kamakshi:
You read my post carefully. One member in this forum maintains that Adi Shankara is a Shaivite and I countered that comment.
Saying Adi Shankar doesn't mean that it indulges in fight between Shaivite and Vaishnavite. It is only a question of who is a true Shaivite. Probably you may not like debate.
Once again, my strong contention is that a true Shaivite Saint will and should not recognize Vaishnavite Gods, let alone worshipping.
Your contention Sir!
But I don't think you have the power to control Saivite saints!![]()
Dear Chandru,
Are there really any 100% Shaivites who do not worship Vaishnava Gods?
Its extremely rare we find people who only worship Shiva.
In fact I am yet to meet anyone who is a self proclaimed Shaivite who does not acknowledge Vishnu.
One should admire people who are open minded enough to see God in every form.
Its not healthy to be closed minded.
Shri Chandru Sir,
When we use the word "Saivite" in everyday use, it means only "not a vaishnavite" and, among Tabras, it will mean "Smaarthas". As you may well know, Vishnu is a name of a deva appearing in the rigveda itself and the smaarthas accept all the devatas from the rig-, yajur- and saama vedas.
Vaishnavam of the Ramanujacharya kind is very recent (A.D. 1200 or so according to scholars) in hindu history and it keeps a certain abhorrence for Siva and things saivite. Probably this step helps the vaishnavites to have more concentrated bhakti towards Vishnu and other vaishnava deities!
There is a third, the Saivite Aadheenams of Tamilnadu for example and I am not aware whether they reciprocate the anti-siva sentiments of the vaishnavites by abhorring all things vishnu and vishnu-related!
Once a person comes to understand and appreciate Siva vaakkiyar's advices as below:
நட்டகல்லை............... அறியுமோ ?
கோயில்பள்ளி ஏதடா ..........இறையையே
or, the thirumanthiram of Thirumoolar which says:—
உள்ளம் பெருங்கோவில் ................காளாமணிவிளக்கே
then, humanity will appear at the right place and all these religions and beliefs will lose all significance.
Smarthas could never give up siva or vishnu because it was a question of survival.
Yes we have to learn about our religion and culture only from the unedited wiki postings. They are the most authentic final word on anything. That is after all a white man's creation and how can a white man be ever wrong? LOL.
Yes we have to learn about our religion and culture only from the unedited wiki postings. They are the most authentic final word on anything. That is after all a whiteman's creation and how can a whiteman be ever wrong? LOL.
Now let us see historically how old is Vaishnavam.
Rig Veda has reference to Vishnu. Vishnu is worshiped in Rig Veda as the God who pervades everything. Rig veda refers to Thrivikrama. Vaikuntha is the place of Vishnu. The way to Vishnu by absolute surrender to him-This too is said in Veda. Rig Veda in it's 10th Book - 19th anthology is called Purusha Suktha. Vishnu is known by the term Purusha.
Yajur veda 31-22 has the same subject of Vishnu spoken about. There is similar references to Vishnu in Sama Veda and Atharva Veda also. There is reference to Vishnu in Aithareya Brahmanam. The word Narayana is used to mention Vishnu in the Black Yajur Veda for the first time.
So Vishnu worship or Vaishnavam is old beyond the times of Vedas.
In Upanishads too there are several references to Vishnu worship.
Panini's sutra 3;98 for which Pathanjali has written a bhashya speaks about the meaning of the word Vasudeva.
There is a place called Kosundhi in the state of Rajasthan. A stone engraving discovered there belonging to BC 2nd century speaks about worship of Vasudeva and Sankarshana. The stone engraving has been properly dated by the archaeologists.
Another stone engraving belonging to the same period found in Beznaagar speaks about a certain Greek pilgrim by name Eliadora who built a memorial Garuda sthamba. The engraved message speaks about this Greek pilgrim calling himself a Bhaagavatha.
In Naanaghat caves in a stone engraving, there is reference to worship of sankarshana and Vasudeva. This engraving has been determined by archaeologists to be from the BC 1st century.
In Itihasas there are several references to exclusive Vishnu Worship.
All this proves the indeterminably ancient origin of Vaishnavam. Ramanuja is just one of the several acharyas who were Vaishnavs. Period. To say that Vaishnavam started with Ramanuja is like telling Saivam started after Sankara.
About my flight of fancy I will write in the next third post. LOL.
Now post #2:
As we are discussing things with reference to Tamil Brahmins' belief systems, it is worth looking at evidences which determine the antiquity of Vaishnavam in the Tamil country.
Tholkaappiyam is considered the most ancient literary work available in Tamil.
"மாயோன் மேய காடுறை உலகமும்" -- தொல். பொருள்.அகத்திணை- 5
"மாயோன் மேய மன்பெருஞ்சிறப்பிற்
றாவா விழுப்புகழ் பூவை நிலையும் -- தொல். பொருள். புறத்திணை-5.
These two references indicate the existence of Vishnu worship in the days of Tholkaappiyam.
கடல்வளர் புரிவளை புரையு மேனி
யடல்வெந் நாஞ்சிற் பனைக்கொடியோனுக்
மண்ணுறு திருமணி புரையுமேனி
விண்ணுயர் பொற்கொடி விறல் வெய்யோனும் --புறநானூறு.
(திருமணி-ஸ்ரீவத்ஸம்). இப்பாடலை நச்சினார்க்கினியார் தம் உரையில் கையாண்டிருப்பதைக்காணமுடிகிறது.
Also the reference in Tholkaappiyam as
காமப்பகுதி கடவுளும் வரையார்
ஏனோர்மருங்கினும் என்மனார் புலவர் and
குழவி மருங்கிலும் கிழவ தாகும்
These are from tholkappiyam puraththinai 23 and 24.
In Sangam Literature:
In Paththuppaattu (AD 2nd century):
"புள்ளணி நீள்கொடிச்செல்வன்" -- திருமுருகாற்றுப்படை அடி 151.
"நாற்பெருந்தெய்வத்து நன்னகர் நிலையிய
உலகம் காக்கும் ஒன்று புரிகொள்கை" -- திருமுருகாற்றுப்படை அடி 160,161.
"இருநிலங்கடந்த திருமறு மார்பின்
முந்நீர்வண்ணன் பிறக்கடை" -- பெரும்பாணாற்றுப்படை 29-31.
"காந்தளஞ்சிலம்பில் கயிறுபடிந்தாங்குப்
பாம்பணைப்பள்ளி யமர்ந்தோனாங்கண்" --பெரும்பாணாற்றுப்படை 372,373.
"......நேமியொடு வலம்புரி பொறித்த மாதாங்கு தடக்கை
நீர்செல நிமிர்ந்த மாஅல் போல" -- முல்லைப்பாட்டு அடி 1-3.
"கணங்கொள் அவுணர்க்கடந்த பொலந்தார்
மாயோன் மேய ஓண நன்னாள்" -- மதுரைக்காஞ்சி 591-9
Now the other major anthology called Ettuththokai speaks thus:
This anthology belongs to the BC 1st century.
Paripadal 1,2,3,4,13,15 may be referred to. These poems speaks of
thirumaal who has Adi seshan as his bed. He has Sri in his chest. He wears Koustubham, He has srivatsam in his chest. etc., etc., There is a poem which speaks about the Thirumaliruncholai, a divya desam.
Kaliththokai (8-10) speaks about
"பனைக்கொடிப்பால் நிற வண்ணன்"
"புகழ்நெமித்திரு மறு மார்பன்" etc.,
akananUru speaks as:
"கோகுலம் மேய்த்துக் குறுத்தொசித்தான் என்பரால்" (20)
நற்றிணை speaks about
"மாநிலஞ்சேவடியாகத் தூனீர்.......தீதற விளங்கிய திகிரியோனே" (1)
And there are several references in the other major anthology pathinenkeezhkanakku also. I am not giving them for space and time.
There are several references in the Silappathikaram and Manimekalai, the two Kaappiyamkal of Tamil.
All these go to prove beyond any doubt that vainavam or vishnu worship belief system was an ancient tamil belief system/religion which existed even before the time of Sangam literature.