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cancer medicine.


Active member
நேற்று நண்பர் ஒருவரின் உறவினருக்கு புற்றுநோய் உள்ளது மருந்து வாங்க போக வேண்டும் என்றார். சரி என்று இருவரும் கேரளாவுக்கு கிளம்பினோம்.
கோவையில் இருந்து தடாகம் வழியில் சென்று ஆனைக்கட்டி சென்று அங்கிருந்து முக்காலி செல்ல வேண்டும்..

முக்காலியில் இருந்து நம் சிறியரக சடான் கார்கள் செல்ல முடியாது. ஜீப் வகைகள் வண்டியில் செல்வதே உத்தமம். மிக மோசமான வனதுறை சாலையில் போனால் இருக்கின்றது வள்ளியம்மாள் குருகுலம்.
பாதுகாக்கப்பட்ட வனபகுதியில் பிரம்மாண்ட கட்டிடங்களுடன் உள்ளது இந்த ஒற்றை மூலிகை வைத்தியசாலை. இது எப்படி சாத்தியம் அதுவும் கேரளத்தில் என்று சேட்டன்மார்களிடம் சம்சாரித்தால்.

பிரிட்டிஸ் அரசு வள்ளியம்மாள் என்கின்ற ஆதிகுடி இருளர் பெண்ணுக்கு 112ஏக்கரை பட்டயம் போட்டு தந்துள்ளார்கள். அரிய வகை மூலிகை வளர்க்க அன்று வந்த பிரிட்டிஸ் கவர்னர்
புற்றுநோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டு சாகும் நிலையில் இருந்தவரை இருளர் பெண் வைத்திச்சிகள் சில கிழங்கு, மரபட்டை, வேர்களை பொடி செய்து கொடுக்க அவர் மீண்டு நீண்ட காலம் உயிர் வாழ்ந்திருக்கின்றார்.

அவர் பட்டயம் செய்து கொடுத்த உரிமையில் இவர்கள் வாழ்ந்து பயன்படுத்தி வருகின்றனர். மூன்று பரம்பரை ஆட்கள் இடங்கள் இங்கு உள்ளது. அவ்வகையில் வள்ளியம்மாள், பொன்னியம்மாள், லட்சுமியம்மாள் என மூவர் உள்ளனர். முக்கியமானவர் வள்ளியம்மாள் ரவீந்திரன் வைத்தியர்.
பெயரை கொடுத்து விட்டு வைத்தியரை பார்க்க காத்திருந்தால் நிறைய பேர் அமர்ந்திருந்தார்கள். அவர்களிடம் விசாரித்தால் மிகப்பெரிய ஆச்சர்யம்.

கும்பகோணத்தை சேர்ந்த ஒருவர் தஞ்சை மீனாட்சியில் கைவிடப்பட்டவர் மூன்று மாதம்தான் உங்கள் ஆயுள் என்று சொல்லப்பட்டவராம் எட்டு லட்சம் வரை செலவு செய்தவராம். சாகத்தானே போறோம் கடைசி முயற்சியாக இதை பார்ப்போம் என்று வந்தவர் பதினாறு மாதங்களாக வருகின்றேன் என்றார்.
இங்கு பெரும்பாலும் அலோபதி கைவிடப்பட்ட நிலையில் வருகின்றார்கள். பொள்ளாச்சியை சேர்ந்த முரளி என்பவர் சொல்கின்றார். ராமகிருஸ்ணாவுல பதினைந்து லட்சம் செலவு செஞ்சேனுங்க வீட்டை காட்டை வித்து பாத்தணுங்க கடைசில சாவு உனக்கு கன்பார்முடான்டானுக.

. தென்னை மரத்து மாத்திரைய வாங்கி வச்சுட்டுத்தானுங்க இங்க வந்தேன்... இதை ஒரு மாசம் பாப்போம். சரியாகுலையா இருக்கற சொத்தை பொண்டாட்டி பேர்ல எழுதி வச்சுட்டு நாம செத்தரலாம்முன்னுதான் வந்தேன்.
இன்னிக்கு மூணு வருசம் ஆச்சுங்க..என்னோட நோய் குணமாயிருச்சு ஆனாலும் மருந்தை நிறுத்தலை இன்னும் பத்து வருசம் வாழ்ந்தா போதுங்க எம் பையனை கரையேத்திருவேன் என்று தன் மகனை கட்டியணைத்து கண்ணீர் விடுகின்றார்.
இப்படி பல பேரின் கதை சொல்ல...ஆச்சரியமாக உள்ளது. வைத்தியரிடம் கேட்ட போது இந்த வைத்தியம் முதல் ஸ்டேஜ்ல இருந்தால் 100%குணப் படுத்தி விடலாம். ஆனால் நம்பிக்கையிருப்பதில்லை...

சுற்றிவிட்டுதான் இங்கு வருகின்றார்கள். நான்காவது ஸ்டேஜ்ஜில் 80%பேரை பிழைக்க வைத்திருக்கின்றேன்... அதற்கு மேல் இறைவன் கருணை என்றார்.

இது சாத்தியமா? உண்மையா? என்று அவநம்பிக்கையோடுதான் சென்றேன். அங்கு இருந்த மருந்து வாங்க வந்த 100பேர்களின் கதைகளை கேட்ட போது நம்பிக்கையுள்ளது.
யாராவது உங்களுக்கு தெரிந்தவர்கள் கை விடப்பட்ட நிலையில் இருந்தால் இங்கு அனுப்புங்கள் இன்னும் கொஞ்சம் காலம் வாழட்டும்.
83448 88786‬:
VALLIYAMMAL GURUKULAM, Tribal Traditional Ottamooli Cancer Treatment Center,Ph: 09946097562, address: CHINDAKKI,MUKKALI,ATTAPADY,PALAKKAD-678581
Source: இந்த தகவல் பலருக்கும் பயனளிக்கும் என்பதனால் பகிர்கிறேன்.
Is this proven?
I think when you are desperate you will try anything.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer at a reputable Cancer center, please get the recommended cancer treatment from a reputed proven cancer treatment center.
If you can not get that or can not afford it, and you are desperate situation try even this alternative.

Aim Purpose​

To get an insight in the various medicines that treat cancer and how we can improve the situation of the patient during treatments. What are the goals of Ayurvedic treatment in cancer?
The main difference between Western and Ayurvedic treatment of cancer is that Ayurveda doesn’t have any aggressive body treatments. Ayurveda stimulates the self-healing abilities of the body. Ayurveda has a wide range of therapies and herbs to purify and support body tissues for natural recovery. The starting point is balancing the Tridosha’s and Triguna’s. Ayurveda can determine subtle disturbances in a very early stage of this disease. Even before it manifests itself, Ayurveda can already establish disturbances in the balance of mind and body. Both in this first stage and in the following stages, Ayurveda can help a patient to recover and prevent serious chronic diseases. In all the stages, even when a chronic disease like cancer has been diagnosed, Ayurveda can provide extensive knowledge of herbs and treatment strategies. During chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy, Ayurveda can help to reduce the side-effects of the treatment as well as assist the body in its recovery process.
A chronic disease like cancer does not only disturb the body, it also affects the mind. When someone is blocked in his development, he may become frustrated. This will imbalance the mind and leads to all kinds of symptoms like hyperactivity, lethargy, indifference or even depression. The last three are mental attitudes Ayurveda refers to as “Tamasic”, the negative aspect of Tamas. Tamas has a strong resemblance with the Tridosha Kapha. When a chronic disease such as cancer develops, Tamas and Kapha can reinforce each other. Ayurveda considers psychotherapy as a meaningful part of the treatment. Because health can be attained only through balancing body, mind and spirit.
When radiation or chemotherapy is the only possible way, the body is severely depleted. There are a few Ayurvedic remedies to support the body in this process; preserve your strength, you need all your energy in your recovery process. Limit the amount of proteins in your diet in order to slow down tumor growth. For a large part tumors contain proteins. In case of a loss of appetite, eat a number of small meals instead of three large meals. Drink a little bit more before and after meals. Avoid cold foods as they suppress digestive fire. If solid foods cause problems, replace them with nutritious soups. Use herbs to boost the immune system. In case of nausea use ginger.
Pancha Karma is recommended to activate the body’s self-healing ability, calm the Doshas and Gunas and remove excess Kapha and toxins from the body. Depending on the cause (V/P/K), the site of the tumor and the strength of the patient, large parts of the body channels are cleansed and the Dhatus nourished and revitalized with herbs, diet and complementary therapies. After chemotherapy Pancha Karma will be beneficial for recovery of both body and mind. Ayurvedic medicine reaches beyond “the strict treatment of symptoms.”

Do ayurvedic drugs help treat cancer? While proponents of the alternative therapy claim it does, the scientific community denies it, citing lack of evidence. To clear this confusion, AIIMS is taking up a major research project where it will collaborate with experts from the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences to study and validate the efficacy of ayurvedic drugs used for treating cancer of the breast, cervix, and oral cancer, among others.

G K Rath, who heads the cancer division at AIIMS, told TOI that the large-scale project follows pilot studies conducted at the institute that showed better recovery on the administration of coded ayurvedic drugs, in addition to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, in cancer patients.

However, it did not have any role in curing the disease. “One of our pilot studies involving breast cancer patients confirms that the ayurvedic drug helped in reducing sideeffects like hair fall, nausea and fall in vital blood parameters," Dr Rath said.

AIIMS doctors say many people in India believe and take to alternative therapies, and, in some cases, positive outcomes have been observed. However, evidence generation has remained elusive as most practitioners do not share the ingredients used. “Our aim is to validate the medicines prescribed as alternative therapy .This will help standardise and exploit the potential of this therapy. Allopathic treatment has its limitations and it is often associated with side-effects while alternative therapies are considered safer," Abhishek Shankar, nodal officer for the collaborative project, said.

The AIIMS project will also look into claims that cannabis helps in maintaining quality of life in cancer patients post-treatment and mitigates acute and chronic radiation and chemotherapy toxicities. “Many practitioners of the alternative therapy give herbo-minerals (bhashm, for example) to treating cancer. There are some studies suggesting it benefits the patient but no one knows in what quantity. Different practitioners give away the herbomineral in different quantities, sometimes leading to deterioration in kidney function also,“ Dr Shankar said.


Natural Cancer 'Cures’: What Are the Risks?​

Skyler Johnson, MD, a former Yale School of Medicine chief resident of therapeutic radiology, knows firsthand what it’s like to experience the fear and confusion that come when a family member is diagnosed with cancer. His wife, Laurie, was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma at age 27. Dr. Johnson—then still in medical school—recalls typing her diagnosis into Google and being bombarded with claims of miracle cancer “cures.”

Fortunately, Dr. Johnson, who is part of Yale COPPER Center for cancer research, had the medical training to recognize good sources of cancer research. But, he and his colleagues are concerned that many people who are overwhelmed by a cancer diagnosis do not.

“It’s an alarming trend,” he says. “Some patients choose to forego or delay cancer treatments that have been proven to prolong life and/or cure their cancer, in favor of unproven therapies.”

Patients are looking to alternative answers, trying Chinese herbs, vitamins, minerals, meditation, tai chi, yoga, bee venom, and extreme dieting. Trying these nonmedical approaches instead of conventional, doctor-recommended cancer treatments (chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and hormonal therapy) is called alternative cancer treatment. Using these nonmedical approaches in addition to doctor-recommended medical treatments is called complementary cancer treatment. According to one study, an estimated 48 to 88 percent of people with cancer report using complementary treatments.

“Many patients who use complementary and alternative medicine for cancer believe their use will result in improved survival,” says Yale Medicine radiation oncologist James Yu, MD, MHS, who is part of Yale Cancer Center.

However, Yale research shows the opposite is true.

Drs. Yu and Johnson published a study with Yale Medicine internist Cary Gross, MD, and radiation oncologist Henry Park, MD, MPH, in JAMA Oncology comparing survival of those who used complementary cancer treatments to those who used only medically recommended cancer treatments. They studied 1,290 patients with breast, prostate, lung, or colorectal cancer in the National Cancer Database, and compared 258 patients who used complementary medicine to 1,032 who did not.

What they found was that patients who chose to use complementary medicines during cancer treatment were also more likely to refuse some aspects of conventional cancer treatments their doctors recommended. And their refusal of at least some of the recommended cancer treatments was associated with an overall higher risk of dying when compared to those who used no complementary medicines at all. Those most likely to opt for complementary cancer treatments tended to be female, younger, more affluent, well-educated, and privately insured.

“The bottom line is that alternative and complementary medicines marketed and used as treatment for cancer are associated with an increased risk of death, if they lead patients to not use accepted medical cancer therapies. The alternative therapies themselves are not causing death—it’s the fact that they are replacing effective therapies,” says Dr. Johnson.

Today, Dr. Johnson’s wife is cured, after completing chemotherapy. The couple has three young children and hope for the future.

However, in his work as an oncologist, he wrestles with being unable to dissuade young patients of his who have opted to refuse one or more medically proven cancer treatments, only to lose their battles with cancer within a couple of months.

Dr. Johnson says he feels a personal responsibility to look out for people who are desperately searching for answers about alternative therapies. “Every day patients are bombarded with false and exaggerated information via the internet or from well-meaning friends and family, promoting unproven treatments. I know because it happened to my wife, who is here today because of chemotherapy.”

#1 is a widely circulated message in the social media quite sometime back .It came as great revelation to me also felt
good about it.
But being an old practice and uses herbs in the alternative medicine category and not well propagated cannot take its value unless it is proven otherwise,
In India Ayurveda hospitals are run and managed at Sringeri
and also Degrees are offered by
Kanchi University, There is a need to develop an integrated
approach to the medicinal system for affordable and effective
cure for various ailments for the public.
Is this proven?
I think when you are desperate you will try anything.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer at a reputable Cancer center, please get the recommended cancer treatment from a reputed proven cancer treatment center.
If you can not get that or can not afford it, and you are desperate situation try even this alternative.

Whether English Medicines cure 100% ? I heard few cases wherein, even dropped out cases of cancer institute, were fully cured with siddha medicines.
We 100% believe what ever said by Western people but seldom we believe out traditions.
Why don't they cure covid immediately. Why we are depending on inji, milagu, vetrilai, lemon, sukku, garlic, steam inhaling etc.
Why don't they cure covid immediately. Why we are depending on inji, milagu, vetrilai, lemon, sukku, garlic, steam inhaling etc
These are all used as preventive or improving immune system and not as curing system. Like this people are misinformed by preventive and cure.

The same is applicable to OP also.
For cancer though allopathic is not 100 percent cure but it is effecive and proven while the alternative medicine is not. Also people who are dropped out by allopathy that is to say their immunity system could not cope up with radiation etc and hence for the sake of being alive for some time without any pain they can go to alternative medicines which will keep them good for some months or may be one of two years and that doesn't mean they it cured the cancer. I have seen one such person who survived eithou pain for four months after came out from allopathy dropping.

Another one little boy who is undergoing cancer in the hospital suddenly died and the doctors treated there told that the parents have given in parallel the ayurvedic medicines eithou the knowledge of doctors and revealed only after fatal. One more lady I came to know that she herself refused the treatment due to high cost and taken this same medicine mentioned in the OP and died with severe pain and died within one or two months.

So it is better to go with the proven medicine which has maximum cure.
The case is that those that failed to get cured in allopathy go to valliammal Gurukulam as a last resort.
In Allopathy. because of its reach and our frequenting it for various ailments,it gets promoted in this field also. The cure much depends on nature of disease and
its early detection.
Also successful cases in alternate medicine need to be documented and propagated among patients. This is an area
needs to be looked into. I feel.
These are all used as preventive or improving immune system and not as curing system. Like this people are misinformed by preventive and cure.

The same is applicable to OP also.
For cancer though allopathic is not 100 percent cure but it is effecive and proven while the alternative medicine is not. Also people who are dropped out by allopathy that is to say their immunity system could not cope up with radiation etc and hence for the sake of being alive for some time without any pain they can go to alternative medicines which will keep them good for some months or may be one of two years and that doesn't mean they it cured the cancer. I have seen one such person who survived eithou pain for four months after came out from allopathy dropping.

Another one little boy who is undergoing cancer in the hospital suddenly died and the doctors treated there told that the parents have given in parallel the ayurvedic medicines eithou the knowledge of doctors and revealed only after fatal. One more lady I came to know that she herself refused the treatment due to high cost and taken this same medicine mentioned in the OP and died with severe pain and died within one or two months.

So it is better to go with the proven medicine which has maximum cure.
What is proven medicine ? Here that is the question. None of the cases, I knew, survived with allopathy treatment. Though I personally not aware, but I heard of successful survivor after taking siddha medicines (complete grape with seeds) and Karnataka treatment. However I strongly believe that departure is decided by the soul and not by medicines, we claim. It is one of the routes of reasons.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
What is proven medicine ? Here that is the question. None of the cases, I knew, survived with allopathy treatment. Though I personally not aware, but I heard of successful survivor after taking siddha medicines (complete grape with seeds) and Karnataka treatment. However I strongly believe that departure is decided by the soul and not by medicines, we claim. It is one of the routes of reasons.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
For any medicine to work, you have to have faith. Faith in system, faith in doctors, and a will to live.
The proof that a system works, it has to work for a large sample of patients. Also it has to be successful that can be displayed from across varies countries.
What is proven medicine ? Here that is the question. None of the cases, I knew, survived with allopathy treatment. Though I personally not aware, but I heard of successful survivor after taking siddha medicines (complete grape with seeds) and Karnataka treatment. However I strongly believe that departure is decided by the soul and not by medicines, we claim. It is one of the routes of reasons.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
You can take a horse to water, but you can not make it drink.

Question on Quora: Can any kind of mantra-chanting alone heal the wound caused by the poison infused by a snake bite? If not, why has it been a traditional practice? https://www.quora.com/Can-any-kind-...30897&share=2f38a4fe&srid=vfP8&target_type=qu
You can take a horse to water, but you can not make it drink.

Question on Quora: Can any kind of mantra-chanting alone heal the wound caused by the poison infused by a snake bite? If not, why has it been a traditional practice? https://www.quora.com/Can-any-kind-...30897&share=2f38a4fe&srid=vfP8&target_type=qu
can everybody studied physics become President of India ?
can everybody worked as chaiwala become Prime Minister of India ?
Can everybody worked with computer become Bill Gates ?

Once I had jaundice severally. It was completely cured by a lady, placing needles in water between us and chanting some manthrams .Slowly the water became yellowish and my eyes became white. hree days.

After some 25 years, again I had severe jaundice when I was at Surat. Could not eat food. Eyes became thick yellowish. Pain in stomach. My higher ups drove me to my native place.
Came to Salem. Next morning went to Kondalampatty, foot hill of Yercaud, Had siddha medicine mixed with goat milk one dose in empty stomach given by a rural person. Followed their instructions. The very next day evening, to test their assurances, had two vadas, one fully roasted with lot of oil special Masal Dosa. I am ok till now (another 30 years).

I am not here to justify our traditional remedies. All people do not take remedial actions just hearing what others. They have their own testing methods and then risk is taken. I am not fit to judge them.
can everybody studied physics become President of India ?
can everybody worked as chaiwala become Prime Minister of India ?
Can everybody worked with computer become Bill Gates ?

Once I had jaundice severally. It was completely cured by a lady, placing needles in water between us and chanting some manthrams .Slowly the water became yellowish and my eyes became white. hree days.

After some 25 years, again I had severe jaundice when I was at Surat. Could not eat food. Eyes became thick yellowish. Pain in stomach. My higher ups drove me to my native place.
Came to Salem. Next morning went to Kondalampatty, foot hill of Yercaud, Had siddha medicine mixed with goat milk one dose in empty stomach given by a rural person. Followed their instructions. The very next day evening, to test their assurances, had two vadas, one fully roasted with lot of oil special Masal Dosa. I am ok till now (another 30 years).

I am not here to justify our traditional remedies. All people do not take remedial actions just hearing what others. They have their own testing methods and then risk is taken. I am not fit to judge them.
One can deal with rational beings.
There's a proverb in tamil "Kurangu kaila poomalai" It means , Greater things to be given to Greater Beings !

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