hi sir,
this is not corporate based forum....this purely culture/religious/faith based programme....i can tell some example....i heard recently
beautiful kaalashepams of sri velukudi krishnan swamy/sri dhusyant sridhar/smt vishaka ravi etc...even sri dhusyant is BITS PILANI
PRODUCT/IT GUY i think....but many/all listeners are old retired ppls....so every forum is UNIQUE in nature...may not for everyone's taste..
my 2 cents..
Dear Mr tbs:
This forum is much more than culture/religion/faith if we look at the diversity of topics - sociology, philosophy, technology, health, literature, music .. I cannot think of a topic area that is left out.
It is open to all , not just TB. It touches many aspects of a person's lifestyle. Yet it cannot attract youngsters or those in middle ages. It gets flybys at best.
Time for introspection by members that want to see this grow!