I wouldn't say neeya naana represents the real world opinion as a majority, yes, a glimpse perhaps.
One has to be selective about topics. Constructive topics offer some food for thought, while others are merely emotive, and are well ignored.
hi auh,
nobody is saying that neeya naana is representative of current tamil nadu, culture or trend setter. the most i think we can say, is that, it represents the existing trends and the way tamil society is moving.
again, it is an entertainment show, which depends on ratings, to rake up the advertising sponsors. you might have noticed that it now takes 3 sponsors to complete the show (in addition to all the advertisements in between, which i miss, because i see it in the web). so it is a popular money spinner for vijay tv, antony and gopinath

not all episodes are entertaining either. i remember one episode about thali, we had blood dripping in this forum, over a supposedly alledged 'brahmin' girl bad mouthing the thaali. today a few years later, it is a non issue.
what i found interesting, is the prevalence of nuclear families across all castes and religions, as the increasing norm, in tamil nadu. also, the movement of NB across all over india, in central services and private sector. a welcome change, as in my times (1950s, 60s) these were almost all tambrams by default. no values meant here, but just an observation.