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Cosmic Theory - Life's Real Secrets !

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why do good people suffer inumerable accidents, disasters, health crisis, problems, in life. ?

Is there a cosmic theory behind all this ?.

what does our ancient texts say about all this ?

what is the real secret of life, ?.

In summary:

Too much of Fame, Popularity, Beauty, Happiness, peace, Luck, Big Houses, Property, Gold, Diamonds, wealth, extra marital affairs, success, successful Careers, flashy lifestyle, unlimited spending, are all a curse to the Humans !!

when some one buys a big house, or property, within months, some problems come up from nowhere, health issues, accidents, crisis etc... Or when they get promoted as a Director or VP of a company, some family problems start.

Similarly when people get lucky & make a lot of money from lottery, they lose it all, or die under mysterious circumstances.

Princess Diana had everything - extreme beauty, Royal, enormous fame & cult popularity, married to Prince Charles - future king in waiting, and it was all taken away from her tragically. Similarly Helen of Troy sunk an extra-ordinary kingdown - extreme beauty brings with it enormous curse !!

Thats why grandmothers used to tell very beautiful girls to dress down !! The evil eyes of people (othwerwise known as Jealousy) have a huge effect & creates problems for us. thats why you should avoid flashy lifestyle, houses, cars etc.. so that you avoid attention.

Have you heard of any celebrity living for 100 yrs, none that I have heard of, but you will find some obscure, old man in Japan living for 140 yrs !!.

Steve Jobs was a great genius, inventor, billionaire, made path breaking innovation, cult popularity & following, but unfortunately cut short by cancer.

Remember when people say, they were a perfect couple with perfect life, it is mostly in the past, because some accident or disaster takes it all away !

so when people debate that - " we can have it all" - NO you cannot have it all !!!. Sorry thats the reality, so you should never chase for having everything.

for eg, those who take Drugs experience heights of pleasure, but it chips away at life itself !!. Because you are not allowed to enjoy to that extent !!. those who say life is to enjoy & and go around freaking out in life, end up with disasters !!

So, if you analyse all the people whom we know very well, you can see a pattern in most of our lives.

Thats why all the great kingdoms in the past - Troy/Lanka, Egyptian Civilization, Babylon, Rome, Vijayanagar empire etc.. went down in tragedy !! All these empires reached phenomenal heights of prosperity & happiness, people were all merry making & living happily all the time.

so what do we do ? Is there a solution to all this ?. some way to prevent this ?

our ancient Gurus gave up all lives pleasures, never married, became celibate & they lived very long lives. Many of the people I know are great followers of many swamijis & they all routinely claim these Swamijis are 160 yrs old, 300 yrs old etc.. & I never believed in them till I started investigating this. It is like the nectar of life, you can have it, but NEVER DRINK IT, u can only give it to others to save their lives !!

so that is life's paradox, u want a long long life with out any problems, u have to give up everything !!

It is not possible to live a life away from all this in today's world and one needs money for survival !!

So my view is that one should make enough money but never spend it other than the absolute essentials in life !!.

Live like Warrren Buffet who still travels in economy class, owns the same old house he bought 40 yrs back. if you live like Kennedy's, then you will get hit with untimely disasters !!

Give your money to charity, serve people, make their lives better. It is not only immoral, it is unethical for some of us to enjoy our lives, when billions are suffering in absolute poverty.

Safety & security of our lives & our families lie in our life's struggle, serving other people, once the struggle is gone, & peace & happiness descends, problems come swiftly.

It is not a coincidence that Warren Buffet works 14+ hrs a day even today when he is 80+ yrs old & he has given most of his wealth to Charity. Similarly Bill Gates.

Continue to work all your life, even beyond retirement.

Serve people all your life, work for them, get your families involved, ensure the kids dont enjoy your wealth - remember all the super rich families have suffered great tragedy - Rockfeller, Kennedys, etc.. because if the father works all his life to earn money, the sons/grand sons enjoys the wealth as though there is no tomorrow leading to disaster.

Build a family culture of Charity work, moderation, Obscure & modest living, strong work culture, - our safety & security & longetivity lies herein.

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I just read what you wrote...I totally disagree with most of it.

None of us know Karma as well as we think we know.

BTW what has all these you wrote got to do with the Cosmic Theory??

I was hoping to read something about Creation and Cosmos!

I feel this concept of giving up everything is only spoken by people who have seen everything in life..enjoyed life maximum with power,money and fame etc and then they have reached their upper limit of their life and get bored and start telling everyone to give up everything.

Many humans on this earth suffer for even 1 decent meal..I don't really want to be preaching "give up everything" to such a person.

BTW a person dying young etc does not mean that he/she lost out..we have no idea the reason behind life span.

Long life is not always a Punyam and short live is not always a Papam.

I feel the only thing we need to give up is excessive desires and attachment.

I have absolutely no problems having money in my hands cos I am confident I use it well.

Money is not evil!
Excessive desire is.

I think if a society or country wants to come up and be advanced both materially and spiritually....firstly all those who keep preaching "give up everything" but are living comfortably happily typing away online with their laptops should be given a jail sentence!

What does it matter if we are in or out of jail when we are supposed to be "giving up" everything!
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Hi Renuka,

Let me clarify pl.

first - cosmic theory not only focus on creation of the world, its rules also govern our lives - birth / death cycle. what happens in our lives etc.. - are also due to the cosmic theory. for eg, when I talked about evil eyes of people, it is negative energy directed at us & if enough negative energy is directed towards a person, bad things start happening.

second - I dont need to be a sanyasi or a Swami to find our the real secrets of life, so just because I am typing online a laptop does not make the theory wrong.

Third - I am not saying people to give up everything, least of all to the poor. this is for the rich /middle class people so that they know the reality, it is now up to them to go from here. my view is that one should make money, but never spend it on themselves except for essentials, give it to charity, help other people.

I dont expect everyone to agree to this view, but this is purely my observations in life & my interpretation of our Vedic texts & why our Guru's always asked us to shun all the paraphernalia in life !.

Lastly - Pl dont curse anyone with a jail sentence - thats the last thing any of us need :)-

Hi Renuka,

By the way, I am practicing what I am preaching here. I dumped my flashy car & bought a normal non-flashy car :)

I also liberally give money to the beggars and the Auto drivers when I am in India. Auto drivers are surprised when I pay them more than they ask for :)

Have signed up with Charity organizations.

yes, I need to do much more.

Lastly - Pl dont curse anyone with a jail sentence - thats the last thing any of us need :)-


Dear JK ji,

That was not a curse..it was just a suggestion..BTW look at it this way..if a person who preaches give everything up lands in jail he can motivate others in the jail to escape from the clutches of Samsara!

The inmates can start by escaping from the jail first!LOL
Hi Renuka,

By the way, I am practicing what I am preaching here. I dumped my flashy car & bought a normal non-flashy car :)

I also liberally give money to the beggars and the Auto drivers when I am in India. Auto drivers are surprised when I pay them more than they ask for :)

Have signed up with Charity organizations.

yes, I need to do much more.


Dear JK Ji,

You got it wrong...so what if you dumped your flashy car and got a normal non flashy car?

Why are you still seeing the difference between flashy and non flashy?

Why can't you see a BMW or a COW as a mode of transport and nothing more?

It reminds me of the story where a sage was walking in the jungle along with his wife.
On the pathway there were gems and he was afraid that his wife might get carried away seeing the gems and not want to venture into the jungle to lead a life of an ascetic..so he covered the gems with earth so that his wife won't be able to see it...the wife saw what he did and asked him "why are you still seeing the difference between gems and earth?"

So same way...one can give up any belongings..but if he still feels that there is a difference in values of objects..that means he has not given up anything in his mind.

Shiva Tandava Stotram has a stanza on equal vision:

Drusha dwichi thra thalpayor bhujanga moukthika srajo,
Garishta rathna loshtayo suhrudhwi paksha pakshayo,
Trunara vinda chakshusho praja mahee mahendrayo,
Samapravarthika kadha sadashivam bhajamyaham

When will I worship Lord Sadasiva (eternally auspicious) God, withequal vision towards the people and an emperor, and a blade of grass and lotus-like eye, towards both friends and enemies, towards the valuable gem and some lump of dirt, towards a snake and a garland and towards varied ways of the world.

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Hi Renuka,

Do we really need a BMW, Audi or Mercedes for our transport when millions are dying in poverty ?. And having a BMW will only attract evil eyes of people & it then triggers a chain of negative events.

So it is not about us viewing Gems or Flash cars differently (as a status symbol etc..), it is about what we could have done with that money.

I am not saying people to buy very cheap cars, because unfortunately safety features only come in expensive cars, but what we need to decide is do we really need a BMW/Audi/Bentley etc.. class of cars.

I would rather spend that money on serving poor people !!

Hi Renuka,

Also it is not about giving up in mind alone, agree we need to first give up the attachment to these desires, materials, we also need to shed these things out of our lives completely.

Give this to the needy & poor, that is the only way to ensure our safety, security & longetivity.

Hi Renuka,

Do we really need a BMW, Audi or Mercedes for our transport when millions are dying in poverty ?. And having a BMW will only attract evil eyes of people & it then triggers a chain of negative events.

So it is not about us viewing Gems or Flash cars differently (as a status symbol etc..), it is about what we could have done with that money.

I am not saying people to buy very cheap cars, because unfortunately safety features only come in expensive cars, but what we need to decide is do we really need a BMW/Audi/Bentley etc.. class of cars.

I would rather spend that money on serving poor people !!


Dear JK sir,

I do not believe in buying a BMW or any Mercedes cos it is waste of money in my opinion cos the value of a car depreciates the moment it hits the road.

I rather invest in properties like house and land where the value increases.
Why be scared of evil eye when were want to give up everything.

Giving up everything also means giving up the pairs of opposites..so where can there be room for evil??

Having a non flashy car does not mean less desires.

I drive a car named Iswara(a local car here) which I bought in 1999.

It is simple so called non flashy car.

My car is 14 years old..everyone asks me why I don't get a new car...I find it hard to part with my car cos I love my car so much...so you see one can even be attached and not give up even a non flashy old car.

What I am trying to tell you is....you need not have given up your flashy car..you could have kept it and just looked at it as a mode of transport and nothing more.

That way you would have given up desire!

For me I do not desire a new flashy car not becos I don't have desire but becos I am too in love with my simple 14 year old car.
Give this to the needy & poor, that is the only way to ensure our safety, security & longetivity.


Dear JK ji,

This sounds like a transaction with ulterior motive..that you want to help others for the well being of yourself.

That is why some "rich" people even always want poverty to exist so that the "rich" can get Punyam by helping the poor.

The poor are not a "dumping ground" for us to gain Punyam.

Charity should be selfless..Karamanyevadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadacana.
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Hi Renuka,

In my OP, I clearly mentioned that it is NOT possible to give up everything in today's world !. hence the suggestion we go to as modest a living as possible & serve poor people. Hence I gave the example of Warren Buffet.

It is not about giving up the flashy car & investing in properties. It is about giving up all the flashy stuff & move towards a life of serving others. By the way, buying lands / properties are a Big curse, thats why the entire Vasthu Shastra was written to guide people on this. I would rather suggest people NOT to buy unless absolutely required.

if you ask people do to selfless service, no one will do. But if you tell them the reality that they need to serve other people for their own safety, security & longetivity, you will see a flood of people doing it.

It doesnt matter if people do it for unlterior motives (not recommeded of course), as long as one lifts the poor, it is punyam / God's work.

Hi Renuka,

Infact - I would rather have good people amass money & give it to charity, than evil people amassing money. So Warren Buffet is a great example of a very rich man donating most of his money to Charity.

Infact most of the erstwhile conservative families have moved away from their roots to very opulent lifestyles & spending. thats why many of their sons, daughters are unmarried, increasing divorces, health problems that never existed in our Grand parents & parents era....

I am surprised at how many the boys & girls (specifcally from conservative families) want to marry only prince handsome/charming OR Helen of troy, moving away from the conservative culture.

Many of the conservative families have started looking at old age homes for support because the sons/daughters & daughter in laws dont want to serve their parents. But in time, this curse will swiftly come upon them when they reach old age.

So thats why charity starts @ home, serve your grand parents, your parents, old uncle, old aunts & of course serve poor people & needy as much as possible.
Hi Renuka, Infact - I would rather have good people amass money & give it to charity, than evil people amassing money. So Warren Buffet is a great example of a very rich man donating most of his money to Charity. Cheers, JK

JayKay sir, I appreciate your generosity.

The Waren's and Bill GAtes, may be doing charity for the good, but they open up a trust organization in their name and give the proceeds as charity. Thus, they are still the trust owners or benefactors. That must be all the charity donors' theme, so I guess.

So, dont get carried by that and become penniless!

To whom do we do the charity is also another important Factor!
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