Secondly another question arises, while we have instances in our Vedas
some refer to the modern scientific activities similar to the concepts explained on the
lines of Vedas. Whether one believes or not, people can notice equalities to the
Vedas and Great Scriptures. For e.g in Ramayana, one can notice that King Ravana
flew from one place to another in a Vimana, similar to the one devised by the
Wright Brothers. Similarly the birth of King Pruthu. His consort Arci and the
demon Bahuka by churning the body of Vena, this is identical to cloning. We talk
of nuclear bombs of today. One can notice that Ashvathama fired a Brahmastra
at Uttara, which destroyed the foetus in her womb without causing any injury to
her. In Kurushketra War too, many subtle celestial weapons were used, which are
similar to the present day sophisticated weapons invented by the Scientists. In
Shrimad Bhagavatam, Kakudmuni's experience of relativity of time is described.
Is it not the resemblance Einstein's theory of relativity.
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