Kannagi did not commit arson due to Kovalan's chastity... She sincerely thought he was killed unjustly and went on burning the place... So goes the story.. Kovalan's chastity was not a factor...
If Kannagi was a cheating spouse, Kovalan would not have commited arson. As I said earlier, commitment of arson was not connected to chastity...
Agreed that even though Kovalan was not a chaste man he was still entitled to a fair trial.
But was Kannagi " chaste" totally?
Is Chastity merely the body?
What about the mind?
Kannagi was experiencing grief and anger and she could not control her anger..knowing very well how ones heart bleeds during grief yet she inflicted pain and death on others who were not related to her husbands case at all.
She should have demanded justice from the King without becoming a mass murderer arsonist.
Making exceptions that children..chaste women ..cows and brahmins be spared from fire is no big deal cos that must be the writers imagination to prevent Kannagi from commiting the forbidden Hatya!
But what about others who died?
Non Brahmin men..other animals..unchaste women?
If her unchaste husband was entitled to fair trial becos the case was unjust killing then isnt the death by fire inflicted upon non brahmin men..unchaste women and other animals too unjust killing?
How come Kannagi could not feel pain for others and grief for other families when she herself was undergoing grief?
Is this "Chastity"?
Zero level of compassion?
Elsewhere in the Puranas..Renuka Devi mother of Parashurama gets beheaded for merely admiring a Gandharva.
So it shows chastity has a mind component too.
Therefore one is ONLY TOTALLY chaste if MIND and BODY is chaste from any thoughts that violate code and conduct of the time and place.
Atma is always chaste..so thats not really a problem here.
So Kannagi?
No compassion..commited Arson..killed others unfairly.."Chaste"?
Killing is immoral.
Chastity is from the Latin word Castus..meaning morally pure.
If going by the definition that chastity is being morally pure..it goes without saying that it has a Thought..Word and Deed component then I guess hardly a few humans in this world are " Chaste".