Let the OP decide it, Renu.Dont close the thread...its so much fun.
Let is be open yaar.
Dear RR ji,
My answer is always to the point.
No amount of spiritual energy can cure anyone from any ailment.
In this world all of us are fools..only difference is majority are regular fools.. a handful are bloody fools and the gifted few Enlightened Fools who realize that they only call their ownselves a fool.
So the choice is ours where we fit in:
1)Regular Fool
2)Bloody Fool
3)Enlightened Fool.
4) Filtered fool! I prefer them - perfect filter coffee!!
I remember குரங்கு குசலா a lady character associated with Rani weekly on those days. It was a favorite section for most. After reading few postings, I remember that character. Any body recollect….???
With the entry of most filtered Idiot, the 'fools paradise' has got full quorum I believe.
I think since the members of the TPG are bit aggressive in their activity and involvement today, I may be constrained to give them befitting reply.
In the process, I may be even banned and on such drastic action imposed on me, I may not be able to bid good bye.
I take this opportunity to thank the members for all the support and encouragement extended during my tenure.
You are misrepresenting the fact thus exhibiting your poor wisdom.
And you talk about குரங்கு குசலா as though she is your own sister. LOL
Who is wise and who is practical….?
குரங்கு குசலா
If you think that she is a Female Hanuman, immediately construct a temple for her and pray for her blessings for more wisdom at least from now on and try to grow.
மாமா குரங்கு மாமா குரங்கு
பாபா குரங்கு பாபா குரங்கு
தாத்தா குரங்கு தாத்தா குரங்கு
நீதான் குரங்கு நீதான் குரங்கு
நீ குரங்கு நீ குரங்கு நீ குரங்கு நீ குரங்கு
குரங்கு குரங்கு குரங்கு குரங்கு
குரங்கு குரங்கு குரங்கு குரங்கு
குரங்கு குரங்கு குரங்கு குரங்கு
குரங்கிலிருந்து பிறந்தவன் மனிதன் கொம்பேறித் தாவும்
குரங்கிலிருந்து பிறந்தவன் மனிதன்
இது எப்படி ….??
Source: Google images