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Dr. Periyardhsan, an Indian professor, became a Muslim at a Dawa

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Viddler.com - PERIYAR DASAN Dr Abdullah - Uploaded by quran

pl. see (Periyar dasan) Abdullah's justification on embracing islam

I saw the video until 9 min and 21 sec. I know this person 'Periyar Dasan' who acted in the film 'karuththamma'.

I am not at all a learned person regarding ancient history, or sanskrit or religious text or anything else. I am a human who considers others as equal humans - no more no less.

I think this is what happens when 'ஒருவனை வாழ்கையின் எல்லைக்கே ஓட ஓட விரட்டினால்'!

People in this forum can clearly see that most (if not everyone) of the muslims and christians in India were basically Hindus! WHY???

If you guys answer this question as to 'WHY' and find a solution there would be no need for anyone to convert.

My best friend, a Christian, my neighbour, her father expired and they had placed an one rupee coin on the dead man's forehead! The pastor who came for the cremation cermonies told them to remove the coin as it was againt christian philosophies! He came around after another half hour and still found the coin on the forehead and told that unless they remove it he will not proceed with anything! With reluctance they removed it!

Man is a social animal! If he is denied the basic needs in his religion, ofcourse he will convert to other religions to find the consolance.

Apart from Arya Samaj and ISKON who convert other people to hinduism (even that is not truly accepted by the real orthodocs, in my opinion) I understand that the majority view is that hindus and brahmins have to be born into that religion or caste!

Until hinduism becomes one whole hinduism, these conversions cannot be stopped and neither the hate against brahmins by MOST nb be evited!

Kind regards
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The casteism among Hindus has been discussed threadbare in this forum many times. Be that as it may, my opinions are as under:

a) caste identity today provides a lot of benefit in scholarship, employment/ promotional opportunities in government service. So a person may speak vociferously against caste system but even a well-to-do person will not hesitate to avail of the benefits of reservation. With the demand for more and more reservation, caste identity is bound to prosper.

b) Even if a person converts to Christianity/Islam, the caste remains. I understand that Christian Nadars marry only among their own community. So it is a myth that there is no caste system among Muslims/Christians. Look at the clammer for reservation of dalit christians, dalit muslims. Persons belonging to the scheduled castes/tribes realise this only after conversion.

c) Periyar Dasan by name appears to be a follower of Periyar and must be an atheist. His conversion to Islam should not bother Hindus anyway.

The guy is a number joker of the 1st order. I have followed him from the days where he said he is a follower of Periyar. Then he converted to Buddhism and changed his name to Siddhartha and now he is a muslim.

They asked him in neeya naana whether "SATAN" existed or not. The same guy who before a few years said No ...now said yes... Enna koduma Saar idu
golden kodi kambam for the santhome church

Poorna kumbams to bishops who come to the annual velankanni matha festival

I go a step further. Their pitha sudan parisutta aavi is nothing but our ANGA JAPAM in a different format

I saw the video until 9 min and 21 sec. I know this person 'Periyar Dasan' who acted in the film 'karuththamma'.

I am not at all a learned person regarding ancient history, or sanskrit or religious text or anything else. I am a human who considers others as equal humans - no more no less.

I think this is what happens when 'ஒருவனை வாழ்கையின் எல்லைக்கே ஓட ஓட விரட்டினால்'!

People in this forum can clearly see that most (if not everyone) of the muslims and christians in India were basically Hindus! Even Shri. Yamaka admitted that their anscestors converted. WHY???

If you guys answer this question as to 'WHY' and find a solution there would be no need for anyone to convert.

My best friend, a Christian, my neighbour, her father expired and they had placed an one rupee coin on the dead man's forehead! The pastor who came for the cremation cermonies told them to remove the coin as it was againt christian philosophies! He came around after another half hour and still found the coin on the forehead and told that unless they remove it he will not proceed with anything! With reluctance they removed it!

Man is a social animal! If he is denied the basic needs in his religion, ofcourse he will convert to other religions to find the consolance.

Apart from Arya Samaj and ISKON who convert other people to hinduism (even that is not truly accepted by the real orthodocs, in my opinion) I understand that the majority view is that hindus and brahmins have to be born into that religion or caste!

Until hinduism becomes one whole hinduism, these conversions cannot be stopped and neither the hate against brahmins by MOST nb be evited!

Kind regards
If you see the full video you came to know about the character of the man.

He has born as Sesachalam in God believing family. As per his narration, we came to understand he wants to earn name and fame in popular manner.

First he earned his name as speaker of periyarism and afterwards to get acted in Tamil movies, when he was sidelined from Film he has embraced Buddhism and as nobody noticed at last he has embraced to Islam that too not in India and in Doha. This has to be noted, without any benefits all of a sudden how he has converted to Islam that too in Doha.

He was saying that he has read all the 4 vedas. He hashas argued with Kanchi Periyaval by showing his legs towards Him whether he knows some of the vedas, slogas. As Periyaval replied that he told how he is the authority of Hidu Dharma without knowing anything. This shows his araivekkattuthanam and immaturity. Periyaval should have known his nature and replied in negative to avoid further unnecessary arguments.

In the case of periyardasan a abdulla is not a poor man and he was in a well position. He has not been driven to Vazhkaiyin elllai.

Why are going to other castes. What about so many sects in TBs. Whether we are having mentality of behaving smoothly among us. 'Vadama settu, vathima kattu and Braharcharnam Pepppe' like so many criticisms among us.

It is impossible to bring equality. We have to live amicably in university in diversity. 'Medu Pallangal vazhlvil irundhaaldhan nammai uyarthik kolla mudiyum'.

Morever the modern education instead bringing love, affection, understanding, respecting each other created competition, carelessness, ego and unconcerned of atttrocities among human beings and also now a days caste is glorified vigorously.
he converted a while ago. wonder what the periyarist vidhulai is saying about this? conversion happens.

but the overall attitude of caste based discrimination against the dalits, is still a problem in the rural areas. unfortunately...it may take another two generations to overcome the crude two tumbler and such stuff...
Dr PD,A at last found that there is god, Allah. He knows so many things, but does not know why he was born as Seshachalam and what he would be next!. His criticism that Shankaracharya does not know many things about Vedas, Upanishads,etc. is damaging. Nor necessarily one should know everything; but yes minimum things. Mahaperiyaval asked a Haajj whether he does 6 times namaaz and the person was surprised because only Haajj muslim knows it. I am of the opinion that one need not be a scholar to be believer. Anyway, Khuda Hafiz to DrA. And peace be with him.
பெரியார் அவர்கள் ஒரு சமூக சீர்திருத்தவாதி என்பதை ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளலாம். ஆனால் அவர் ஒரு சமூக சிந்தனையாளர் என்பது கிடையாது. அவருக்கு முன்னே பிராம்மண எதிர்ப்பு இருந்தாலும் அதை சரியாக பயன்படுத்தி அதில் சிம்மாசனமிட்டு அமர்ந்தவர் பெரியார்.
இதில் ஒன்று கவனிக்கவேண்டியது என்னவென்றால் அவர் காங்கிரசில் இருந்தபோது ஓரங்கட்டப்பட்டதால் நீதிக் கட்சியுடன் கைகோர்த்தார். நீதி கட்சி என்பது காங்கிரசை எதிர்த்த பிற்படுத்தப்பட்ட உயர்சாதி இந்துக்களின் கட்சி.
பெரியார் திராவிட இயக்கத்தை ஆரம்பித்த போதும் அதில் பிற்படுத்தப்பட்ட உயர்சாதி இந்துக்களின் ஆதிக்கம்தான் இருந்ததே தவிர தலித் தலைவர்கள் எவரும் இருந்ததாக இல்லை. அவர் இருந்த போது தலித்துக்களுக்காக குரல் கொடுத்தார் என்று சொல்ல முடியாது. மேலும் அதற்க்கு முன் தலித் இயக்கத்திற்காக படுபட்டவர்க்ளும் அமுக்கப்பட்டார்கள் என்பதே உண்மை. மேலும் அவருடை சீடர்கள் அண்ணா மு க போன்றவர்கள் mgr என்ற கவர்ச்சியை பயன்படுத்தி ஆட்சிக்கு வந்தபோதும் தலித் முன்னேற்றத்திற்க்காகப் பாடுபட்டார்கள் என்பது அறவே கிடையாது. பிற்படுத்தப்பட்டவர்கள் வாய்ப்பு பெற்றார்கள். அவர்கள் தலித்துக்களை உயர விடாமல் தடுத்தார்கள் என்பதே உண்மை. அவர்கள் ஆட்சிக் காலத்தில் தலித்துக்கள் மீது வன்முறைகள் அதிகமாக செய்தவர்கள் பிற்படுத்த சாதியினரே தவிர பிராமணர்கள் என்பது கிடையாது. மேலும் பெரியாருடைய சமூக சீர் திருத்தம் எல்லா சமுதாயத்தையும் அரவணைத்துக் கொள்ளுவதற்கு பதிலாக பிராம்மணர்கள் மேல் கொண்ட காழ்ப்புணர்ச்சி கொண்டு கீழ்த்தரமாக விமர்சித்தால் இன்றளவும் தமிழ் சமுதாயம் பிளவுபட்டே இருக்கிறது. இவர் உயரிய முறையை கையாண்டு (நாராயண குரு, காந்தி, போன்று) சமூகத்தை முன்னேற்ரியிருந்தால் இவரை நாம் சமூக சிந்தனையாளர் என்று ஏற்றுக் கொள்ள முடியும். மேலும் அவருடைய திராவிட இயக்கம் என்பது எந்தக் கோட்பாடுகளோ அல்லது சமூக சித்தாந்தக் கருத்துக்கள் கொண்டதாகவே இருந்ததில்லை. பிற்பாடு கழகங்கள் ஆட்சிக்கு வந்தபோது அவர்கள் திரித்து தமிழும் திராவிடமும் ஒன்றுதான் என்று கூற ஆரம்பித்துவிட்டார்கள்.தமிழுக்கு தாங்கள் தான் தொண்டு செய்து உயர்த்தியது போல பிரச்சாரம் செய்தார்கள். தமிழுக்காக பாடுபட்ட உ வே சா, கி வ ஜ, போன்றவர்கள் மறிக்கப்பட்டு விட்டார்கள். கவர்ச்சியான எழுத்துக்கள், ஆடம்பரபடுத்தும் விழாக்கள் என்று சலசலப்பு செய்தார்களே தவிர உயரிய தமிழை எப்படி உன்னத ஸ்தானத்திற்கு கொண்டு வாருவது என்ற எந்த திட்டமும் கிடையாது. தமிழில் எல்லா மொழிகளுக்கும் இணையான தமிழ் அகராதி கொண்டு வந்தார்களா என்றால் கிடையாது. ஆனால் உண்மை என்னவென்றால் தமிழில் அடிப்படையான ஆரம்பக் கல்வியை கொண்டு வந்தது, மற்றும் அப்பொழுது கல்வி அமைச்சராக இருந்த அவினாசிலிங்கம் செட்டியார் அவர்களுடைய அறிய முயற்சியால் தமிழுக்கு என்று ஒரு சொல் அகராதியைக் கொண்டு வந்து அமைதியாக தமிழை உயர்த்தியது எல்லாம் இவர்களால் விமர்சிக்கப்பட்ட காங்கிரசினால்தான். இதுவரை தமிழை உயர்த்த ஆராய்ச்சி மையம் என்று ஏதாவது ஒன்று இருக்கிறதால் என்றால் அது இல்லை என்பதே. உலகத் தமிழ் நாடு என்று இவர்கள் அடித்த கூத்துக்களும் ஆடம்பர செல்வகளும் நாடு அறிந்ததே.
கழகங்கள் தங்களுக்கு எதுவும் செய்யவில்லை என்பதை உணர்ந்த தலித்துக்களும், மிகவும் பிற்படுத்த வகுப்பினர்களும் உணர ஆரம்பித்து விட்டார்கள். அவர்கள் திராவிடம் என்பதை மறுத்து தலித்துகள் முன்னேற வேண்டும் என்றும் முழித்துக் கொந்து அதற்க்கான இயக்கங்களும் தற்பொழுது துடிப்பாக செயல்படுகின்றன.
சமூக சீர்திருத்தத்தை மற்ற மாநிலங்களான கேரளாவில் இடது சாரி கட்சிகளும், கர்நாடகத்தில் .சோசியலிஸ்ட் போன்றவர்களும் கொண்டு வந்திருக்கிறார்கள். பெரியார் அவரது இயக்கத்தை பாப்புலர் உள்ளதாக செய்ததால் மற்ற இயக்கங்கள் நசுக்கப்பட்டுவிட்டன. பெரியார் இல்லாமல் இருந்து கம்யுனிஸ்டுகள் வந்திருந்தால் இன்னமும் செம்மை பட்ட இயக்கமாக இருந்திருக்கலாம்.
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Dear Sri.Kunjuppu, greetings.

....unfortunately...it may take another two generations to overcome the crude two tumbler and such stuff...

Personally, I don't think so. It may not end in two generations.... it may not end at all.

IMOHP that unless and until we return to our roots of being human beings and nothing else, these conversions and reconversions will not cease. To whatsoever religion one converts or reconverts, you cannot deny the basic needs. Everyone feels hungry, needs cloths to wear and needs shelter. And needs God's grace to fulfill and accomplish one's purpose in life. No religion, 'ism' or 'ity' will help.
People in this forum can clearly see that most (if not everyone) of the muslims and christians in India were basically Hindus! Even Shri. Yamaka admitted that their anscestors converted. WHY???

If you guys answer this question as to 'WHY' and find a solution there would be no need for anyone to convert.

From which other religion they converted to Hinduism? What were human beings before Hinduism evolved? When Hinduism evolved, was it necessary? Whosoever embraced Hinduism, why did they do so? Whosoever rejected Hinduism, why did they reject?

When someone converts to Hinduism, it is accepted, welcome and considered a wise move by Hindus. But when someone disowns Hinduism, it causes disenchantment? Why this bias?

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Dear Iyer

I don't know whether the above post is addressed to me or not! If it is so, let me tell you that I don't have disenchantment when anyone disowns Hinduism nor feel too happy when they embrace Hinduism i.e. I see all human beings as just that - humans.

I read and hear that lot of dalits (mainly dalits) convert to other religions from Hindusim because of the way they are treated. It always disturbs me - no, not about their conversion, but just to gain some basic dignity they are pushed to take the decision of converting.

Hope this will suffice! :)

Kind regards
Dear Kameshratnam and Iyer

I feel that it was not really necessary of me to have mentioned one senior member's name when I was talking about the conversion.

I have deleted that sentence in my original post. I request you both to kindly delete them from your posts number 4 and 13 respectively, Please.

Thank you both so much, in advance.

Kind regards
Since I am not able to edit my above post, I am typing once again here. I should have been post number 5 and 13 in which my original post was quoted.

Dear Iyer

I don't know whether the above post is addressed to me or not! If it is so, let me tell you that I don't have disenchantment when anyone disowns Hinduism nor feel too happy when they embrace Hinduism i.e. I see all human beings as just that - humans.

I read and hear that lot of dalits (mainly dalits) convert to other religions from Hindusim because of the way they are treated. It always disturbs me - no, not about their conversion, but just to gain some basic dignity they are pushed to take the decision of converting.

Hope this will suffice! :)

Kind regards

Dear Valli,

My post is addressed to everyone in general.

If Dalits convert to some other religion, let them. Why should it create a sensation at all !!! Any human being has the freedom and right to embrace any faith which he/she is convinced about. Any person is free to follow whichever path comfortable to him/her. I don't understand why conversion should always disturb you. May I know what you are disturbed about when people convert?

We don't choose to be born in a particular religion, caste, creed, community, region, nation or people group. It is not our choice. These are all elements injected and imposed on us externally without our consent. Yet we pretend it is our choice.

Many of us think, because WE are born in a particular religion, that religion is great. Don't you think so. Is it not true? We think, it is OUR birth into that religion makes that religion great. IMHO religion is something imposed on us. This is not for argument's sake. I gave my viewpoints.

IMHO all these confusion about conversion, religion etc is caused because we are unaware of our true identity. When someone dies, you dont't call it a Hindu corpse, Muslim corpse or Christian corpse. Every corpse, regardless of religion, stinks, decomposes and mingles with sand from where man came.

IMHO all these confusion about conversion, religion etc is caused because we are unaware of our true identity. When someone dies, you dont't call it a Hindu corpse, Muslim corpse or Christian corpse. Every corpse, regardless of religion, stinks, decomposes and mingles with sand from where man came.


Very deep philosophy expressed in stinky expression.

But the tomb stone may say a different story.
Very deep philosophy expressed in stinky expression.

But the tomb stone may say a different story.

Dear Prasad,

Whatever be the story tombstones tell externally, inside every tomb is the same dead bone.

I doubt whether all people converting to other religions treat one another as equals. The religion may be same but

their castes follow them as shadows! Rarely SC / ST converts are treated as equals
by others who consider themselves

as converts from higher castes! :angel:
..... So a person may speak vociferously against caste system but even a well-to-do person will not hesitate to avail of the benefits of reservation.

Dear vsubbu48, I agree, but do you think that is wrong? If the government offers a benefit, why would he/she be expected to not avail of it? Brahmins would do so as well given a chance. I say this based on couple of facts, (i) in this very forum there was a call demanding reservation for Brahmins and (ii) parents of Indian immigrants to the U.S. take up citizenship so that they can avail of Medicare and Social Security benefits -- even parents of children making upwards of $500K per year. So, whatever position one may take on the question of caste based reservation, expecting those who criticize caste system to not avail of caste-based reservation is mean.

.. So it is a myth that there is no caste system among Muslims/Christians.
I don't think it is reasonable to make such a generalized statement based just on the Indian condition. The jati feelings we notice among Muslims and Christians is India centric and can easily be traced back to the Brahminism inspired varna/jati system. IMO, the important difference for us to realize is the doctrinal difference. The Islamic and Christian doctrines, while there is much to be desired in both, are at least free of varna/jati based differences. When the Indian Christians and Muslims observe caste distinctions they are actually going against their own religious doctrine, unable to rise above the doctrine of Brahminism they were raised under. So, the caste feelings Indian Christians and Muslims exhibit is more an indictment of Brahminism than Christianity or Islam -- not that there is any dearth of material to indict them.

Look at the clammer for reservation of dalit christians, dalit muslims.
For the reasons I stated above this is not something peculiar only to Dalit converts, anything materially worthwhile coming the way of Brahmins or NB, or anybody else, be assured, clammer they will. So, please, do not be so hard on Dalits who have converted.

c) Periyar Dasan by name appears to be a follower of Periyar and must be an atheist. His conversion to Islam should not bother Hindus anyway.
If I were a Hindu I would like to understand why a Periyar Dasan prefers to abandon Hinduism and follow Islam, a religion that would put to death an atheist like his master EVR. Hindus choosing not to bother about such matter are doing so at the peril of their own chosen religion. Even though my first preference is to rid ourselves of all religions, given there is a competition between religions, I rather see Hindus care about their own coreligionists (Dalits, MBCs. OBCs, etc.) more than the Christians and Muslim converts. For this to happen, Hindus must learn to bother about what subbu48 says Hindus need not bother.



dear vsubbu48, .............
i rather see hindus care about their own coreligionists (dalits, mbcs. Obcs, etc.) more than the christians and muslim converts. For this to happen, hindus must learn to bother about what subbu48 says hindus need not bother.


waste of time and energy
Conversion comes out of individual's confused mind. Why Hadley converted to Islam? Why Cassius Clay did so? Why AR Rahman did so? And many others? Even one of the "Naalvars"? You cannot help. These things will happen so long as feeble minded people are there. Many maybe debating in their mind to cross over even today. What is unfortunate is we have saddistic mind to flog ourselves in public. The craving for unknown things will drive some people to do anything. The mind! Alas, the mind and its vagaries....
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