My experience with e-pharmacies
We buy medicines worth Rs.9000 every month Usually the Pharmacies do not have ready stock of specialised drugs like Ryzodeg (Insulin) and Zelaton (drops for glaucoma) which are dispensed in cold pack They are costly products Except these all our medicines we get delivered by courier I buy from Netmeds They don't have physical outlet where I can pick up the drugs which come in cold pack Med plus has many retail points from where you can pick up these specialized drugs with online orders ! With 20% savings (around Rs 1950)
We buy medicines worth Rs.9000 every month Usually the Pharmacies do not have ready stock of specialised drugs like Ryzodeg (Insulin) and Zelaton (drops for glaucoma) which are dispensed in cold pack They are costly products Except these all our medicines we get delivered by courier I buy from Netmeds They don't have physical outlet where I can pick up the drugs which come in cold pack Med plus has many retail points from where you can pick up these specialized drugs with online orders ! With 20% savings (around Rs 1950)
The correct prescription
Entry of e-pharmacies will bring down the price of medicine for Indian patients