I hold the view that the effectiveness of mantras is a matter of belief, just as the common man's faith in god is. For example, ref. post # 21 above, even if a person invariably chants the Margabandhu stotram before proceeding on any and every journey, it will definitely be found that he/she gets into danger/accidents/failure in mission. Such things are controlled by more powerful forces over-riding mantras.
Of course we can go on discussing about efficacy of mantras and so on, because it is basically harmless
Post #25 from Shri PJ :
One problem with we brahmins seems to be that we claim knowledge without having it. In the above post (probably c&p from somewhere) the following errors are there:
Mantra Heenam, Kriya Heenam, Bhakti Heenam Mahesvaree
Yat Poojitam Mayaa Deva, Pari Poornam Tadastu Te.
Oh God, I am weak in mantra,
Oh God, i am weak in action and
oh God, i am weak in devotion;
Yet, I know my humble attempt is accepted by Thy Grace.
Mantra heenam kriya heenam bhakti heenam Sureshwara,
Yad pujitam maya deva paripoornam tadastu te,
Aparaadha sahasraani kriyante hanisham maya,
Dasyoham iti mam matwa,
"yat poojitam mayaa deva paripoornam tadastu te" does not mean "
Yet, I know my humble attempt is accepted by Thy Grace." but, "whatever pooja has been done by me, may that (pooja) become paripoornam or 100% perfect and complete to you."
Here one is not only taking his slip-shod pooja for granted but he is also empowering himself saying "whatever I have done, may it look perfect for you". If we try to put it in Tamil context, it will be equivalent to a woman ordering her children to eat and go without commenting on the food items. (குத்தம் கொறை சொல்லாமல் வயத்தெ றொப்பிட்டுப்போ, இல்லயானால் அடுத்த சாப்பாடு கோவிந்தா!)
kriyante hanisham maya, is incorrect. It should be kriyante aharniSam mayaa, meaning "thousands of sins (aparaadhaH) are being committed by me during day & night."
And, since we are very clever and are sure we will never improve, it is said that god should condone all these aparaadhas considering the fact that " I" am a dAsa or servant (of god). Suppose our children or the students of a school are to take the very same attitude and recite this before the father/principal every day and prostrate their full length, will that lead to any improvement?
All this should convince a right-thinking person that we create the "god" in our minds and make that god dance to every tune we like and then gloat over the fact that we have become great bhaktas of gods!