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Anything that is changeable or that causes a change belongs to the physical world and anything that doesn't change or stops the change in the physical world, belongs to the spiritual world. Thus change is the essence of the physical world. So it is possible to define everything as a physical phenomenon as long as we experience them physically.
So the million dollar question is: Are the sublime experiences say, love, actually just the effect of physical activities in the body or are the sublime phenomena the cause of such physical activities?
The answer to the question is which one is dependent on the other? For example
if one is able to induce negative feelings or experiences in a person by acting on the physical body, permanently where he really has none then one would conclude that feelings such as love are the effects of physical activities in the body. Otherwise the converse would be true.
Rather hard to answer your Q but I will give my opinion..we humans are basically Sat Chit Ananda in reality so Ananda a.k.a Bliss is our intrinsic nature.
To experience Bliss surely Love is a prerequisite.
But in our mortal coil may be we havent reached that state of Blissful Love yet and we experiment with all different types of Love we see in life till we can sing Chidananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham.
So may be its interdependent...we need the the Physical to realize the Subtle and vice versa.
Well thats how we learn isnt it?
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