So who is the psycho????
Whoelse it could be....? Where is your continuation...?
So who is the psycho????
Whoelse it could be....? Where is your continuation...?
I am waiting for the psycho to appear yaar..what to do before that?
Your story is like an A grade horror movie.
You know in Hollywood A grade horror movies the ghost hardly appears and sometimes at the end also we will wonder is there a ghost or not!!LOL
That's why I like B grade Hollywood horror movies cos the ghost will appear in 1st reel itself and always keep showing it's face.
"Psychopaths are unemotional and do not care about the emotions or rights of others. They show almost noempathy, and do not try to conform to social norms. Very often they lack conscience and do not feel remorse. Psychopaths are charming and often manage to have superficial ties with other people, which they use to manipulate people for their own benefit. Psychopaths often show other antisocial behaviour as well, including sadism, violence and deception. They are very selfish and discard people who they have no further use for"....
When I wanted to name the title ..I asked one of my friend to help.. He frwded the above to me and asked me name it as Encounter with Psycho..This definition has been taken by him from wikipidia.. I also felt this will suite Srinivasan he was CRAZY about his astrological pedictions ..This may be right or wrong as per medical term..but to it is O.K. for me..
Now be a GHOST wrighter....!!!!
Hey but the story was too abrupt.What actually happened??
It's just that the DIL committed suicide cos she was molested..dumb female she could have just moved out with her husband and avoided that molester.
You know once I worked in a remote area where the local Non Hindu nurse told me that her Father In Law who was some 70 years old used to sneak into her room and steal her clothes and smell it.
One day the FIL got too carried away and removed all his clothes and started chasing his DIL all around the house and hugged here and never let go and he had to be restrained by the villagers.
But out here in some non hindus communities they do not harshly reprimand such old men and just close one eye to this.
Even in the same remote area I once had a leprosy patient an old man who had no fingers but just stumps for hands and when I was checking him he actually started touching me all over my face and chest area.
I got real mad with him and told him to behave himself.
His family members were just laughing and telling me "doc you have to understand that he has never been married do not get so angry"
Even the nurses told me the same not get so angry with this old man.
I refused to see the case and told a male doctor to see him.
Even once when I was a trainee in a major hospital here I used to hate my consultant cos he was such an idiot.
He is a chinese man who had no respect for his junior doctors.
He used to tell some of the drug addict drunkard Indian patients that Dr Renuka and this other lady doctor here are not married yet.
Since you are of the same race as them you can hug them when you feel like it.
We trainees used to get real pissed off cos once the patient told us "hey come here you both..your boss said I can hug you both"
That was it...I told off the patient.."you try it tomorrow you won't be around to see sun rise"
The patient complained to the consultant that we were rude to him and the consultant asked me what is there to get so angry about?
Till today when I see that consultant at any medical meetings I give a damn even to say Hello..why should I care?
He should have had respect for us.
AAAHAAA.....We started getting REAL ..real Life stories.... !!!
''dumb female she could have just moved out with her husband and avoided that molester''.....Will any molester give advance Notice...?..
What I meant is after the 1st episode of molest(since it is not rape) she could have moved out of the house.
dear TVK !I never expected the FATE, which snatched his wife from the just blooming life will extend its Arm furthermore with Baskar..
Whatever follows down as my writtings are all I understood from our common friends....since I lost my total contact with Baskar as well as with his family..............................
Just after the completion of first death anniversary of his wife..on the same day evening..he was approached by Mrs.Srinivasan..wife of Srinivasan who lost his life in the road accident..a day prior..and requested his help to carry-out..last rituals to Srinivasan as Baskaran being the son by adoption..This request ..I understood has been made as her son .. only person to do so as long as he was available..After a heated argument with other family members ..I learned ..he went to the police station ,completed all formalities,took the body next day from the mortury and did all the rituals till the end..and this he did it for a person who was responsible for the loss of his wife....What A person he was..!!...I bowed my head ...when I heard this..for his courage..for his ability to see the reality of life..for his attitude even to person such as Srinivasan..
yes.....Fate is 'Cruel'.......and sometimes or always...Very Cruel to 'Good' people... But a question started arising in me...when Baskaran was so kind to Srinivasan ..why he and his family were not so with me..?..What went wrong...?...I couldn't get an answer..Even to-day this question lingering in my mind....but..I know ..I will never get an answer to this...
After a couple of years I happened to know.. Baskaran resigned his job and joined some Ashramam in Haridwar..During my visit to Haridwar in 2010- 2011..I made an trace him..but I was not sucessful...
Whenever I think about this entire incident I sense the droplets of tears in the corners of my eyes.......
My thoughts are floating in a endless 'void' filled with darkness of sorrow...........
I feel like sinking in the vast fathomless ocean of depression.....
The young and Newly wedded Girl....Wife Of My Friend Baskar...Died... On a 29th day of June...
.......and..and...To-Day Is 29th JUNE....
dear TVK !
certainly the family members of Sri.baskaran will be reading this episode &will understand your position.
It is indeed a pity that you became a common enemy to those families. It happens when two people fight and a third person mediates, he gets the blame/punishment. Let us hope that things would change for better.
So.. you wants me to wright exact Word.. She was assulted sexually... I didn't like wright it 'rape'..eventhough what happened was the same...
Sometimes pl. put-up with I will hesitate...
This story was originally written by me in Tamil...There too I wrote .. புதுப் பெண் இழந்தாள்...'இழக்கக்கூடாததை'...கலைந்தன கனவுகள்
அவள் ஆடைகளாய்....
Molest and Rape have different meanings..You have to be very specific.
Hey don't worry about terminology dear..rape and molest are accepted medicolegal definitions.
You see it made a lot of difference..cos why would anyone kill herself for molest?
Since it is Rape I can understand the gravity of the situation.
"Since it is Rape I can understand the gravity of the situation"........ Thanks.. Now it is for you to take over...!!
I will try when I get the time cos I have an exam in august so I am busy studying.
Writing stories take a lot of time...will try when I can.