JJ ji is matter of fact. She was replying to my query.
She was kind to overlook birth stars and beliefs associated with it to accept a girl as DIL.
To accept sons choice without seeing the girl and go along with the decision to delay marriage by two years calls for a lot of understanding and maturity.
Full marks to he
We want persons with positive mindset who do not use horoscopes to reject prospective matches using either the birth star or the position of grahas.
I mean both experts who are consulted for porutham and those who go to them for consultancy.
So many prospective matches are damaged by experts .
Well I thought about my M in L when I had to decide I followed her foot steps!
Now read on
She had to decide few Maamagams ago when jathaga porutham finalized wedding My eldest B in L was posted to Ferozepur N.Rly and was lonely She had to decide . The girl from Bombay. .was found to suitable . Their josier
opinion porutham OK can proceed He went to Bombay met her and liked her But josier in Madras advised not to proceed because of Kalathra Dosham She over looked and they.were married He is 90+ and she is 85 . Even now she is coaching students for board exams & JEE!
Yes I am boastful M in L & boastful of my M in L as well