Natarajan, I am very honoured to be addressed as ‘dude’ by such an eminent young iit iim tambram such as yourself. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time I have been ‘dude’d. pray first explain, what you mean by dude? I presume you are in your 20s and comfortably employed with other dudes and dudettes in a fairly mid senior position. Only because you seem seem to have access to firangi girls, and if I know my math right, these are expensive, in india.
My family even though is not the liberal modern ones,we still can be classified as an upwardly mobile society and four of my uncles are CAs and two of them businessmen in Mumbai and all of them made it through sheer hardwork and brilliance. .
Congrats. You and your family are now the norm, I think for tambrams, since the 1990s or even earlier. We can claim credit on our own, even our genes for that matter, but the truth of the matter, is that india is an upward bound economy and tambrams, thanks to tradition of learning and first to jump on the ‘learn english’ bandwagon, got a headstart, and have been successful in passing on the initial advantage to their progeny. Communities, that had absolutely no racial memory re learning for example, also in two generations, have achieved similar success rates – I am thinking of converted kerala Christians, Christian nadars, and other tamil communities whose hitherto earnings were dependent on the land labour. (not landlords)
All the girls of my family would never ever marry a non-TB and the guys now ay. .
This is a profound statement which speaks not only for you but all the girls and girls of your family. Did you not say in a prev post thatyou get possessive and upset when you see a tambram girl cohorting a nonbrahmin (I think you are very liberal and generous here to include other Brahmins ) someone of another caste. At this point, I think, based on trends, you might be in for some ulcers, at some point or the other in your life, which appears, on the basis of averages, to span atleast another 50 years. Good luck re your medicines.
As a TB guy,i have seen what constitutes me and why i should keep my genepool clean and i am even okay with our girls marrying brahmins from all over India and even Kshatriyas like Jatts or Rajputs but if she ever marries a NB from TN,thats the end of it man.Those girls cant seriously justify themselves.She sees what happens in reality and still makes a chocie like that,whacks my head. .
Now you are talking about genepool and pollution. Would it surprise you to know that your genepool is the same as any other group south of the vindhyas? Per dna analysis. Your apparent knowledge of eugenics, is passed on to you by your dad. Yet another case of sons paying for the ignorance of their parents. You might want to read up more, especially, what we are, is more a function of our environment, opportunities, wealth, society, opportunities and above all enterprise and drive.
Why is it, if you are so worried about purity of genepool, that you don’t mind pollution from the jats or rajputs. They are most backward thinking of communities. Have you heard of the khap mentality, and how it has forced so many suicides and murders.
The NBs of TN have a dep hatred for brahmins and everything brahminical and they try to impose themselves at every social circle they have a chance to.And to let a woman of my blood enter that trash bin is as good as suicide for me. .
I don’t think this is correct. There is more tb hatred of non tb than otherway around. Even after supposed hatred and persecution, our community is thriving and prospering in tamil nadu. one cannot have that happen if there is an organized hatred and pogrom. Don’t even go there.
One of my mothers side cousin married a Nayudu guy and except her parents and sister,the rest of us have pretty much denounced her off. .
I think it is a shame on the rest of the family. This is one good opportunity to get to know the nayudus, who are a very enterprising and entrepreneurial community. Your family could have picked some pointers from them kudos to your cousin’s parents, and shame on the rest.
And regarding the other story of girls scoring better than boys,
I did my CBSE schooling from south madras living in West Mambalam and i can assure you at the top end of the schools,when it comes to big exams which test actual application strength,the guys outnumbe rthe girls bigtime.There are of cousre girls who also excel at this level but the percentage is way less.
Moreover,that hogwash of an exam called TNPCEE and that mind numbing State Board Syllabi.Even there when there used to be a TNPCEE,the brahmin boys always did well,they used to switch to State Board and top the exams tehre which was pretty much mugging and rote.CBSE is nothing great but it is way way better than TN state board.Most of these people who got good jobs did it in an IT boom of the 90s and early 2000s and today,the IT job is the worst of the lot. .
Let us get over this hangup of writing and passing first class. There is a tamil proverb about ‘ettu surakkaai’. Book knowledge, I think is being overemphasized along with degrees one after the other. Most of them are useless in jobs and in life. They are used to produce good clerks, simple accountants and pompous managers. All of which, our community excels, except initatives and job creation.
Regarding Brahmin boys,i am shocked to see so many people thinking guys who stay back are ammanjis and the ones outside are cool dudes.
The reality is that the ones who stayed back had no point to prove and they gave up their ammanjiness.I have done fights with slum kids,played football and broken knees and others knees,won athletic medals and still managed to get into IIT and IIM. .
Either you are an ammanji or not. An ammanji is defined, by me, as one, who is a nerd, oiled hair, feminine gait pronounced by chappal wearing, looks down on the road all the time, afraid to lookat anyone in the eyes, does not participate in sports, does not pick a fight or call a fight, book worm, does not participate in team sports, thinks marks is one and end all for getting a good job and above all, shy of girls. it looks like you are nothing of that. you might want to start some evening classes for ammanjis to graduate out of their ammanjidom
The biggest stereotype is that of TamBram guys and the trouble they undergo is immense.After all the hardwork they do,the girls go ahead and say i want this,i want that and all that crap.
How many people know that if a guy and a girl are found equally good for a job even in a top MBA school,the company will take the girl.TB guys have to fight political uncertainity,taunting by school mates,pressure of this bullcrap from a consumerist society,sometimes confused parents who are at odds with their ideology,reservations,recession and favourable treatment of girls. .
Ofcourse,why complain. Are you not proud of our tambram girls. if everything else is equal, what is wrong with them given preference. Atleast they don’t have attitudes like what you expressed, along with the scars of taunts and what nots. Did you not fight it out? If those did not make you stronger, you were not a good fighter. A good fighter does not mean, he has to win..he just has to put up a good fight.
But the good part here is that of my parents,my dad never tried to reason with me why i should feel proud about my Genes,he gave me a take it or leave it offer and same thing as my mom.Emotional things like waking up early,eating healthy vegetarian food,the cuisine of my mom's food will always matter more to me than some girl's physical attraction. .
Again, parental corruption of the mind. I feel like, you should tellyour parents, to read up on geneology and environment. What I am more interested, is the belief that your abhivaadhey tells you all about your geneology. We all have been invaded by several races, and it might be of interest to know that we all carry, certain Persian, afghan and central asian genes..thanks to our great grandmothers forced upon willingly or otherwise, by victorious invaders. So much so for racial purity.
i bet you believe in manusmrithi and its prescribed treatment and punishment for women and panchamas and shudras too!
you should not be talking of mom's cooking in the same breath. that would not be in good taste, to talk of eugenic nonsense, and good tambram food especially if it happens to be of palghat cuisine.
Generally most of the girls,who i ahve found to marry NB tams are generally dumb,bad at studies,too influenced by media and cinema and their peer group or a bad estimation of herself,parents and her society and i concede at times,it could be a genuine case.
After all,i am not saying TB girls should coolly go ahead and marry random loser TB guys.But they should remember their pride first and if their parents dont inculcate this,i guess it is good riddance for our community of these people.
This above statement is unbefitting of iit iim graduate. Either it shows that the quality of those institutions have gone down deephill or you are not telling the truth. A good education is supposed to broaden the mind. Here I see something narrower than the bridge under my nose. Sorry to say and see this, from such apparently otherwise a brilliant young man. So sad!