[h=1]Google is going to integrate a speed-test right into your search[/h] July 3, 2016 Kishore Ganesh
Google used to be just a search-engine, and after it realized that all its eggs were in one basket, it began to diversify, and started delving into various other industries. Of course, even now most of its revenue comes from Search advertising, but Google has its feet into several industries in the hope that one of them might turn out to be its next cash-cow.
There’s no doubt about the effectiveness of Google’s products. Many organizations will be proud to have one product with a billion users, but Google has many. Google, Gmail, Android and YouTube, all in the billion-user club.
But as it diversified into so many industries, it also expanded its Search-engine’s capabilities. Starting with Google Now, which surfaced the most relevant information in the form of cards, Google Search has become a solution in itself, sourcing information from the websites from the search-results and surfacing it to you.
Search for the weather, and bam, you have the weather. No need to click on a weather site, because Google has that information right in the search. In this way, Google expanded the capabilities of Search. Now, Google can tell you information about movies, TV shows, actors, famous personalities and even the main tidbits of articles.
Naturally, many websites are worried about this, because if their target audience finds the information they want before they come to their sites, then their sites are essentially obsolete.
But now many users are reporting that they see a speed-testing tool in their searches. It seems Google is running a small-scale rollout of this feature before it comes to the masses.
Basically, a speed-test will be there right in the search-results, and so you can check your speed right then and there rather than going to Speedtest or Fast, which is convenient for users and worrying for Ookla.

Google used to be just a search-engine, and after it realized that all its eggs were in one basket, it began to diversify, and started delving into various other industries. Of course, even now most of its revenue comes from Search advertising, but Google has its feet into several industries in the hope that one of them might turn out to be its next cash-cow.
There’s no doubt about the effectiveness of Google’s products. Many organizations will be proud to have one product with a billion users, but Google has many. Google, Gmail, Android and YouTube, all in the billion-user club.
But as it diversified into so many industries, it also expanded its Search-engine’s capabilities. Starting with Google Now, which surfaced the most relevant information in the form of cards, Google Search has become a solution in itself, sourcing information from the websites from the search-results and surfacing it to you.
Search for the weather, and bam, you have the weather. No need to click on a weather site, because Google has that information right in the search. In this way, Google expanded the capabilities of Search. Now, Google can tell you information about movies, TV shows, actors, famous personalities and even the main tidbits of articles.
Naturally, many websites are worried about this, because if their target audience finds the information they want before they come to their sites, then their sites are essentially obsolete.
Looks like Google is testing their own internet speed test (query = "check internet speed") – not seeing it live — pic.twitter.com/wjsPIlEbFv
— Dr. Pete Meyers (@dr_pete) June 27, 2016
Now Google seems to have another target in its sights: Speed-testing sites like Ookla’s eponymously named Speedtest to Netflix’s Fast. These are the sites you go to when you feel your Internet is acting up, to ensure that you are getting the speeds you were promised.— Dr. Pete Meyers (@dr_pete) June 27, 2016
But now many users are reporting that they see a speed-testing tool in their searches. It seems Google is running a small-scale rollout of this feature before it comes to the masses.
Basically, a speed-test will be there right in the search-results, and so you can check your speed right then and there rather than going to Speedtest or Fast, which is convenient for users and worrying for Ookla.