Queen Elizabeth viewing the Gold in the vault of Bank of England in London.
1.Wealth never remains stable with anyone but changes like the cart wheel—Tamil Book Naladiyar verse 2 about the instability of wealth.
2.Those who readily gave alms will escape the dreary desert path of Yama- Angel of Death--- Naladiyar in Tamil
3.Fortune coming to one and its departure are likened to the assembling of a crowd to witness a drama and its dispersal respectively---Tirukkural by Tiruvalluvar couplet 332
4.This is a world where a variety of actors come and go; be happy---Uraiyur Mudukannan Sathanar in Tamil Purananuru verse 29
5. If there were no poor seeking charity, this world of beauty and variety, will be like the stage of a marionette show—Tirukkural 1058

6. Wealth is like sand dunes or sand piles in the river made by floods. They appear and disappear; they are not stable (Nalvazi by Tamil poetess Avvaiyar)
7. Money can fetch you bread alone. Do not consider it as your sole end and aim (Great Hindu Saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa)
8. Water always flows out under a bridge but never stagnates so money passes through the hands of the free, and is never hoarded by them (Ramakrishna)
9.Brains and wealth don’t go together: A certain man won million dollars on number 14. When asked how he figured it out, he said: ‘I had a dream. One night I saw in my dream a great big 9, and next I saw a 6, so I used my brains and figured that 9 and 6 is 14.’—Chicago multi millionaire Julius Rosenwald
10. The man who is always full of energy,
Who overcomes others easily,
Who in his speech scornful and haughty,
Is what he is, owing to the power born of wealth—Panchatantra by Vishnusarman in Sanskrit; Story of Winning of Friends, sloka 67.

Compiled by London Swaminathan; pictures are taken from various sites;thanks.