Just think for a while that if you stop all that handshaking for a moment and spare some thought over the science behind this gesture, things might appear quite unpleasant. This may be because the human body contains many different types of bacteria. Some are good and we rely on these to help keep us healthy. Others are not so good and might make us sick.
Coronavirus: Here's how to avoid handshakes without offending anyone
The gesture is a super-efficient way to spread germs, given that we also touch our faces unwittingly about one or two dozen times per hour, according to studies, most often touching our eyes, nose, or mouth. Performing the perfectly unnecessary custom of shaking someone’s hand raises the likelihood that you’ll infect yourself with any virus that’s going around.
Indeed, around the world, governments are recommending alternatives to handshakes (and kisses or nose-to-nose touching) to prevent the spread of the virus behind Covid-19.
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Coronavirus: Here's how to avoid handshakes without offending anyone
- Handshaking is an efficient way to spread germs, since we touch our faces multiple times every hour.
- But with COVID-19 coronavirus spreading rapidly, Adeodata Czink, who runs Business of Manners, explains the polite way to avoid shaking hands.
The gesture is a super-efficient way to spread germs, given that we also touch our faces unwittingly about one or two dozen times per hour, according to studies, most often touching our eyes, nose, or mouth. Performing the perfectly unnecessary custom of shaking someone’s hand raises the likelihood that you’ll infect yourself with any virus that’s going around.
Indeed, around the world, governments are recommending alternatives to handshakes (and kisses or nose-to-nose touching) to prevent the spread of the virus behind Covid-19.
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Coronavirus: Here's how to avoid handshakes without offending anyone
Shaking hands is an efficient way to spread germs, since we touch our faces multiple times every hour. But with COVID-19 coronavirus spreading rapidly, here's how to sidestep them the polite way.