But It has a special effect in the evening for Honeymoon couple as well as young couple.
A small piece of advice to those boys who got married recently;
Whatever you promise to your spouse during night, please ask her to ask you again in the morning for reconfirmation!!!
That will save you from many problem..
Dear PJ sir,
I am somehow not able to stand the smell of jasmine flowers.
I find it too strong.
So even for my wedding I did not use it for my hair do.
I like flowers that have no fragrances or very light fragrance.
Sir, This thread has become interesting day by day with contributions from venetans. The style of naration is so good that it will be the most viewed thread shortly. Great source of relaxation after a hectic day's work!! I take this oppotunity to appreciate Raji Madam for this. Most of the veterns seems to be having bundle of exciting moments, interesting events, etc. I fail to understand when cupid strikes his arrow, all nine grahas unit together and ensure touble by all means. Let me wait for my turn.
probably you like Hospital smell !!
remember my post about the sex of the computer, whether it is male or female; even the smallest details are stored and retrieved and used later on.; so any promises made during day or night are stored by women and later on retrieved , used for their advantage. We all know about King Dasaratha promise to his queen Kaikeyi, and how he got into trouble!!
My advice to young married boys, as they are likely to become defenseless during night, not to make any promises during nights ( or at any time) to their spouse and if they are cornered to make a promise during night, they can, at best put a condition that their promise is valid only when it is again reconfirmed in the morning!!
Sir, Normally, as the marriages are reported to be made in heaven, the Honeymoon should be a cake walk. While so, in few cases, it is like a game of snakes and ladders, with highly llimited ladders and abundant snakes. Lot of slips between the cup and the lip.
Dear PJ sir,
I wonder what promises are made at night???LOL
BTW what is this defenseless???
You make it sound as if guys do not use their brains after sun set? LOL!
Dear sir...those days guys/girls got carried away after marriage cos it was their very 1st time for almost everything and anythings..that's is why people get defenseless and drown in sensual pleasure.
Guys/girls waited and fantasized about wedding/married life etc.
Nowadays guys and girls are quite well experienced at least minimum knowledge is there before marriage either from internet or practical sessions....so no one is defenseless anymore.
So all this advise won't hold good for now.
Dear PJ sir...you are very innocent!
You are right, in those days, boys used to take lot of advice regarding nuptial day..
Girls were more nervous in those days!! Everything was new for both of them!
A strong wish for moksha will definitely be heard and granted.
Most wishes for moksha start off very very strong...like how a new broom sweeps clean.
But even that strong wish/desire will loosen eventually either due to the follwing:
a)1st type---gives up the desire due to a burn out(over enthusiasm) which leads to lack of interest and abandons the search for Moksha
b)2nd type...gives up the desire for Moksha not becos he lost interest but becos he realized that a strong desire for even a very good reason is yet but a desire and still binds.
When we want something too much that means we have not yet surrendered to God's will cos we never question ourself if we deserve it.
The 2nd type of person realizes this and frees himself from any strong desire even for Moksha and works his way leaving it to God's will.
It is the 2nd type which eventually gains Moksha.
Now this 1st types and 2nd type of thinking holds good even for marriage.
Some get so over enthusiastic and burn out too soon when all the excitement is over and some sail through smoothly.
Dear Sarang Ji, It is true what you said that "strong wish for moksha will definitely be heard and granted" Believe in God coming to the rescue of those who sought His help like 'Gajendra Moksham'. There are lot of examples like Draupadi, Markendeya, etc. All the pleasure we derive are temporary and the permanent joy is service to Lord, 'Perinbam'. Detachment towards desires and attachment towards bhakti.இமைப்பொழுதும் என் நெஞ்சில் நீங்காதான் தாள் வாழ்க
P.S: Raji madam. Excuse me for the derailment on the subject.
Dear Sri P.J. Sir,
Please continue your interesting story. After yours, I will narrate my uninteresting HM story.
Are you Ready? we are Ready?
Dear Sir,
Don't worry Raji Madam wont consider this a derailment.
Marriage itself is like a river with a crocodile ..eventually everyone will be like Gajendra Moksha only!LOL
Not only audio! Video too!!!! Beware!....... These days even kids record what we say in mobile phones..so for all you know the girls and guys could be recording each others promises!