Hindu eagle mystery is deepening with more information coming from different sources.
1.Why do Hindus worship eagle (suparna=garuda) from Rig Vedic Days till today?
2.Why do Hindus including the greatest Tamil king Karikal Choza built their Yaga Kundas (Fire altars) in eagle shape?
3.How is that two eagles come to Tirukazuku kundram just to eat rice pudding everyday for over 1300 year period?
4.Why do Hindus call Emeralds as Garuda Ratna (eagle gem), which Sindbad story writer copied it from the Hindus?
5.Why a Saivaite saint sang 1300 years ago about an eagle bringing flowers to Shiva every day?
6.Why do Tamil children shout ‘Drop me a flower please’ when they see Garudas (falcon/eagle) in the sky? Why do Hindus recite a Sanskrit hymn when they see Garuda?
7.Why does Vishnu use Garuda as his Vahana (Mount of God)?
8.Why did Rama cremate an eagle Jatayu in Ramayana? Was it eagle totem people or real eagle? Why Tamils associate this with Vaitheeswarankoil (eagle town)?
9. Why did Eagle people and Snake people (Garudas and Nagas) fight all over the world? We have the story here in Puranas, but symbols are in Egypt and Maya civilization?
10. How come eagle brought Soma plant for the Yagas (Fire ceremonies of Hindus)?
11. Why did a Greek build an eagle pillar with inscription calling himself as a great devotee of Vishnu?
12.Tamil Encyclopedia Abithana Chintamani ( year 1899) attributes sixteen acts to Garudas. Many of them actually belong to people with eagle totem. They were against people with snake totem (Nagas). It is the ancient history of India. One must go deeper in to it to reveal the secrets.
13. Why do women fast on Garuda Panchami day every year?
14. Why is Garuda Purana is associated with the departed souls? It is read in the 13 day mourning period.
15. Indus People painted eagle in (funeral ??) potteries, Why? Has it anything to do with Hindus reading Garuda Purana after the funeral?
16. Why is it that Amrita (ambrosia) is linked with Garuda/suparna?
17. In the Assyrian bas-relief in Khorsabad (885 BC) Eagle headed winged genie is carrying a vessel of lustral water and a pine cone sprinkler. It is one of the benevolent genies that protected men from diseases and evil forces. Is it Garuda with Amrita? (see the images)
18. Why does Jaiminiya Brahmana (Vedic literature) say that eagle separates water from milk like Krauncha (swan) bird?
19. Why does Romulus saw an eagle on the Aventine Hill and considered it as a good omen like Hindus and keep it in front of his army? Orthodox Hindus wait for Garuda Darsanam every day.
20.Why do newspapers report sighting of Garuda as a good omen during Kumbhabishekam or any religious event?
21. Why does Krishna say that he is garuda/eagle among birds in Bhagavad Gita (10-30)(vainatheyascha pakshinam)? Western cultures also consider eagle as ‘King of Brids’.
If I write answers to all these questions it would become a big book. I am going to answer a few of these questions in this article.
I have already written about Vahanas, eagle shaped fire altars of Karikal Choza, Eagle Vs Naga clans enmity, Double headed Eagle, Garuda Sthamaba of Greek Ambassador etc. Please see the titles of the articles given at the bottom.
Eagle, falcon, kite, hawk, osprey and vulture are known as symbol of might and valour. Rig Veda, the oldest religious scripture in the world mentions Suparna and Syena. Later literature gives the story of Garuda (Haliastur Indus=Brahminy Kite), which is the Vahana and flag of Lord Vishnu.

Picture Shows Greek Ambassador Heliodorous' Pillar at Vidhisha 150 BC
Oldest Eagle Miracle
Perhaps the oldest and strangest eagle miracle in the world is Tirukkazuku kundram eagle miracle. Two eagles have been visiting this hillock for at least 1300 years just to eat temple rice pudding. We have records from Thevaram and Tiruppukaz . Saivaite saint Sambandhar of seventh century has sung bout Vedagireeswarar temple in Tirukkazuku kundram. The name of the town means eagle hill. Arunagirainathar of 15[SUP]th[/SUP] century mentions very clearly that the eagles visit and worship god at Vedagiri. So we have records for at least 1300 years. Normally birds of prey like eagles gather in flocks and hunt for food. They are carnivorous and so prefer animals dead or alive. But in Tiruk kazuku kundram only two eagles come to the hill and wait outside for the temple prasad (offering) which is nothing but rice offering. Is it not strange for two birds of prey come just to eat rice that too every day at the appointed time? I heard that nowadays the eagle visit has become irregular. But my family members themselves have seen this wonder.
There is a story behind this eagle visit. Sambu Budhan and Ma Budhan were great devotees of Shiva and Shakti respectively. Now and then they had heated argument on this issue. They wanted to find out who was the greater of the two and went straight to Shiva for an answer. Shiva told them it was like two sides of a coin. No one is bigger than the other. Out they came and started arguing again on the same issue. Shiva cursed them to become eagles. When they begged him to take back the curse, Shiva told them to come to Tiruk kazuku kundram until the end of Kali yuga.
Hindus believe two different persons come as eagles in every yuga. The story has an underlying truth. That is, it has been going on for Yugas (epochs).
Tirukkazuku kundram is not far from Chennai in Tamil Nadu. It is easily accessible by bus from Chengalpattu.
Garuda brings flower
As children we used to shout “O Garuda, Drop me a flower”, whenever a Garuda flies just above our head in the sky. At the same time elderly people used to recite a Sanskrit sloka (hymn). Till a few days ago I did not know the meaning. When I read Thevaram hymn in Tamil, there was a reference about Garuda bringing flower to Shiva every day. Probably like Tiruk kaluku kundram there was another eagle mystery happening every day 1300 years ago. Sambandhar sang about another shrine in Vaitheeswarankoil near Mayuram in Tamil Nadu.
He says that the eagle brought flower every day from Kaveri Poompattinam, which was a famous harbour 2000 years ago. Some of the Cholza kings ruled from this port city which was mentioned by Greek and Roman writers as Kaberis. Eagles brought flowers from this city to Vaitheeswaran koil every day! It is a small town with a very famous Shiva temple. The very name of the town is named after the bird PULLIRUKKUVELUR ( Pul=eagle, Irukku=Rig Veda, Vel= Lord Skanda, Ur= Sun; all the four worshipped here). Once again we get some new information which no Ramayana gives us. The two great two eagle men Jatayu and Sampathi (Jatayu fought with Ravana while he abducted Sita Devi to Sri Lanka) worshipped Shiva here according to Gnana Sambandhar.
When Jatayu died after giving the vital information about abduction to Rama, he cremated the bird. Birds are not cremated when they die. Even today tourist guides show you the Jatayu’s ash. So my guess is that Jatayu and Sampati were men with eagle symbol (totem). Whatever they may be, they brought flowers every day to Shiva thousands of years before our time. So this is what made Tamil children shout at eagles or Garudas, ‘Please drop me a flower’ (கருடா, கருடா பூப் போடு in Tamil).
Tamil references are given at the end.

Picture: Eagle with holy water, Norrthern Iraq 850 BC
Eagle and Ambrosia, eagle and Soma plant
Hindu epics and mythologies give us some information about Garuda getting Amrita from the heaven. Kadru and Vinata were daughters of Daksha Parajapati and wives of Kashyapa. Because of infighting, Vinata was enslaved by Kadru, mother of snakes (Naga clan). When Garuda came to know about his mum’s pathetic condition he tried to release her from this bondage. But Amrita was demanded for her release. Garuda went to heaven and stole Amrita (elixir of life). When Indra saw this, it ended in a big fight. Indra was worsted but allowed Garuda to take part of the Amrita. Once again this confirms my guess they were men with eagle tattoos or symbols and not birds.
Garuda was a sworn enemy of snakes (people of Naga Clan). Though we see here part of ancient history, we must remember both the clans were cousins. Garuda was considered an incarnation of Fire God Agni. Rig Veda praises him for bringing Soma plant. Probably people of Garuda clan were involved in this business.
Emerald= Garuda Ratna= Eagle Gem
One of the Nine Gems, emerald is known as Garuda Ratna (Eagle Gem). The reason for this name is eagles brought this gem from the valleys and deep ravines. People who could not go deep down the ravines and valleys where emerald stones were in plenty threw lumps of meat. When the eagles brought those meat balls stuck with emerald, people shot the birds with arrows and got the emeralds. This story was copied in the Stories of Arabian Nights and later literature. The link between Garuda and Amrita- Gem stones- Soma plant throw lot of light on ancient history of India. Deeper research will explode the myth of Soma being an addictive drug producing hallucination. A Pandya copper plate inscription describes Soma plant as purifier of mind (Mano Sudhdha Soam yajee) . I will write a separate post about it.
Tamil References:
1).கழுகுதொழு வேத கிரிசிகரி வீறு
கதிருலவு வாசல் நிறைவானோர்
கடலொலிய தான மறைதமிழ்க ளோது
கதலிவன மேவு பெருமாளே
(திருக்கழுக்குன்றம் திருப்புகழ்)
2).யோசனை போய்ப் பூக்கொணர்ந்தங் கொருநாளு மொழியாமே
பூசனை செய்தினி திருந்தான் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளீரே (தேவாரம்)
3).தள்ளாய சம்பாதி சடாயு என்பார்தாம் இருவர்
புள்ளானார்க் கரையனிடம் புள்ளிருக்கு வேளூரே (சம்பந்தர் தேவாரம்)
Please read my earlier posts:
1.Vishnu Seal in Indus Valley Civilization 2.Double Headed Eagle: Sumerian- Indian Connection 3.Karikal Choza and Eagle Shaped Fire Altar 4. Bird Migration in Kalidasa and Tamil Lterature 5. Friends of Birds 6.Are Mayas, Hindu Nagas? 7. Four Birds in One Sloka 8. Cn Birds Predict Your Future? 9.Hindu Vahanas Around The World 10. Who Rides What Vahana? 11. Hindu Vahanas in Greece and Italy 12. Intersting Facts About Vahanas 13. Deer Chariot: Rig Veda to Santa Claus 14. Mystrous Fisg Gods 14. Why do Animals worship Gods? 15.Can Parrots recite Vedas16. Gods and Birds