...Organized conversion ....
that is 'ghar vaapsi'.
...Organized conversion ....
..... those that plan conversion in a an organized way believe they are the only one who has God by their side.
that is 'ghar vaapsi'.
...Conversions should be up to the individual. There should be no coerced conversion. If some one is paying you (i doubt the whole premise) Million dollar, anybody would do a Hemamalini type conversion. And then claim they converted back. There is no faith involved, it is economy, and stupidity.
i am not going to contend or argue saying i am correct. you may be correct. i only wonder how conversion is a threat. i am convinced about my faith. why should i care if my neighbour converts to another religion. even if i remain the only brahmin on earth, i will remain a brahmin (who lives by principles of eternal truth).
are not brahmins who have lived for years in the usa remaining brahmins, holding on to brahmin rituals, traditions and culture? i read about a brahmin community in trinidad, who migrated from bengal during first quarter of 20th century, observing hindu traditions more diligently with austere severity, than indians in india. there are temples where every festival is celebrated with pomp, more than in india.
what percentage of rss, bjp, bajrang dal, vhp know hinduism, hindu scriptures etc. how many of them can recite bagwad gita from memory completely. let alone entire bagwad gita. how many of them could quote at least one verse from the gita. are not all they trumpets about hindutva and as champions and watchdogs of hinduism hypocrisy?
You are from a different planet. I am definitely not from your world. Most Conversions are for convenience, so just because she is from TB group or your party do not elevate her convenience to any other level. She is a piblic figure that to a doyen of Hindu party she is a fair game. So please spare me the lecture. If your dirty laundry is being discussed and it is your fault that you are showing in public.
If someone converted from a religion to other, it is because they did not understand their own religion. Every religion is diverse enough to accommodate any personal view one might have. Religious conversion are for appearances only.
Your defense of Hemamalini is it because of your relation, I am sorry for you. That is your problem and not mine. To stop lecturing.
I wish your post were as invisible as your signature, because they do not make any sense.
Is Amma a supporter of conversions...How did the Christians increase from 6% to 30% in TN?..Not sure how much is true??
they exist as bjp, vhp, bajrang dal, hindu munnani etc.
.... it should be across the board, otherwise it is hard to understand your agenda
If you are opposed to conversion by deception .....
neither of the above is necessary sir.
dear a-tb sir, is this not an inherent problem within us? why are we always skeptical about agendas and why is it we are always interested in agendas than on the important matter here? i think we need to reform/evolve in this psyche/attitude sir. we would sure progress sir.
we are cribbing about someone being deceived into conversion while every one of us have converted in some form or the other sir. we are not being as integral as our forefathers were sir. they were diligent in observing rituals, they did sandhyavandhanam 3 times a day, performed every ritual with austere severity. but we have compromised on almost everything sir being deceived by the change in times and circumstances, being lured by american job, etc sir, are not we? my grandfather did sandhyavandhanam within the campus hostel when he studied in st. joseph's college, tiruchy, and that was before independence from british rule. but i hardly did in the usa while yet circumstances were very much favorable and none, not even my american flat-mates, would object.
are we not all 'aathule oru kaal, sethule oru kaal' case sir? and we cry foul about someone deceptively converting others. i think we must all introspect into ourselves and ask ourselves if we are justified in our claims, if we are being integral.
I am not opposed to conversion by whatever means sir. it is up to the individual and his/her conviction. a person disowns/leaves a faith and embraces another faith for the simple reason he/she either is not comfortable or does not like the initial faith and he/she is free to embrace another.
but what puzzles me is why should anyone be concerned/alarmed about another's conversion unless he/she is not convinced about his/her own faith. why not we mind our own business and let others mind their own business? 'aadu nanaigiradhe endru onai azhudhadham'.
Who told you - observing rituals is only or key thing about following Hinduism?
It is a vast ocean of 'all encompassing' way of life. I do not do any ritual but I consider myself a Hindu.
When deception is involved, agenda becomes important - otherwise no one really gives a damn!
Concern is about deception, manipulation and deceit involved in the process.
Only hindus have been burdened with castes, SC and ST. The abrahamics are superior breeds and do not have or subscribe to nor their scriptures mention castes. So if it is caste based reservation, only hindus are eligible. Simple logic eludes some and make them ask rhetoric questions!
..the abrahamics are superior breeds..
when caste is a burden, why are we carrying it sir?
if they are not, why are we looking unto them for outsourcing and our survival sir. why is it not vice versa, we outsourcing to them? dont we have the intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, skills, expertise and last but not the least, heart.
Dear Brahmachari,
I think you are a troll with ulterior motives in the forum....You are a Christian masquerading as a Brahmin in this site..You have shown your true colors..Please stop posting anti national statements in the garb of questioning or rationalizing
I think Praveenji has taken care of the problem.