[h=1]காற்றைக் கடந்தும் மூச்சுடையான் கோச்சடையான்[/h]
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
கொன்றை சூடும் கோச்சடையான்
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
கோள்கள் கடந்தும் வீச்சுடையான்
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
காற்றைக் கடந்தும் மூச்சுடையான்
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
காலம் கடந்தும் பேச்சுடையான்
This chit Chat has deviated significantly from the original topic - I guess that is the nature of chit chat section.
I did enjoy listening to Thillana Mohanambal song after some number of decades
Back to the topic of Hinduism - I was recently talking to an elderly person in India over the phone (I guess most here are elderly). He is related to me and it had been more than a year since I talked to him
He was talking about some homam that happened recently somewhere in Chennai. It went on for several days it seems.
The homam was about reciting all 700 verses of B.Gita and after each verse offer salutations to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and do the oblations in the fire.
I asked him why recite all those 700 verses without possibly understanding anything and instead just do oblations in the name of Sri Krishna only. He got annoyed and told me to not bring my American thinking to question a great homam that just took place.
He said all we have to do is just recite Bhagavan's nama and attain all we need in this life and after life.
I decided not to press on with the discussions since that would have just annoyed him more.
Having lived in India till I was 20 years old, it is hard for me to remember what it was like. It seems the practice of Hinduism over the years must have evolved significantly.
I asked him why recite all those 700 verses without possibly understanding anything and instead just do oblations in the name of Sri Krishna only.
He said all we have to do is just recite Bhagavan's nama and attain all we need in this life and after life.
Having lived in India till I was 20 years old, it is hard for me to remember what it was like. It seems the practice of Hinduism over the years must have evolved significantly.
In almost all religions, the hardest one to reason with are those that are rooted in their religious egos.
Religious ego thinks it has to defend his/her God with its beliefs.
Lets rephrase this:
In almost all fields, the hardest one to reason with are those that are rooted in their intellectual egos.
Intellectual ego thinks it has to defend his/her perception.
This is usually seen in high performers intellectual type and usually mistaken as high IQ or confidence/capability but its is actually a Disorder known as Pathological Narcissism or in lay man terms Pathological Arrogance.
When it comes to learning the universal principles taught in our scriptures every one is an Aam-Admi.
True...you included in this Aam Admi list!..no matter what you might want to project about your perception about Ishwara/Brahman/Allah.
A better metaphor to communicate this point is that is we all are afflicted by an epidemic of ignorance. One should cure oneself before thinking of curing others because it is possible to seriously infect others even more with wrong ideas. The only realistic question is if it is possible to understand what is taught.
Its the hardest to self diagnose and treat self but as human we should not try to play Beshajam Bhava Roginam(Physician for the Ailment of Existence) by judging the mode of prayers of others.
By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance.
Words/chanting are sound waves...sound waves cause vibrations of medium.
So why do you feel its ignorance to state that chanting can have vibrations?
Also this meandering about what each Acharya may have said is unnecessary. Why should one believe an Acharya who says to believe in Vedas. The reason Sri Sankara is taken seriously is not because he is deified but because his writing can be understood here and now. Here the understanding is not limited to just a mental activity though it includes that.
Human existence is endowed with an enormous gift which is a faculty of discriminative thinking. Dulling that for anyone including those who are condescendingly called Aam Admi *in this context* is a serious disservice in my view.
Now this is where we have to get real...yes..we humans are endowed with intellect/Viveka/Discriminative Faculty BUT as long as it functions!
Its easy to imagine about understanding Ishwara etc when we are still having normal cognitive functions, what if we lose it in an accident becos of brain injury or get dementia and even forget our name?
That time when there is no reachable memory or cognitive function..what happens to our so called high thinking capability of Understanding Ishwara?
Totally gone!
This itself shows that the MIND can NOT be the means to even grasp the understanding of Ishwara cos if something as the mind could be subject to disease or degeneration that shows that the mind was never the endpoint for understanding the Ultimate.
So what is the endpoint/ultimate for an understanding of Ishwara/Brahman?
Do we really know? Can we really know with senses and intellect?
Nope..no way.
So finally at the end of the day..if one choose to do a 700 stanza Geeta homa with faith or one chooses to try to understand Ishwara there is actually no difference cos both chose to go thru senses and mind both means that are subject to decay or disease.
Scriptures are the source of right knowledge.
Information can be passed on - Knowledge is aquired --- have to analyse the information & evaluate to have the right knowledge - outcome of deep understanding !
Religion and bhakti are not the exclusive preserve of College professors and intellectuals alone. (#59)
Religion and bhakti requires no knowledge and knowledge can be acquired with with out and inspite of bakthi and religion!
The issue is those who have wrong notions built over a life time and wanting a simplistic solution. By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance. (#60)
Occam's razor!
Scriptures can become guided missiles in hands of misguided men! In such situations.the chanting with Homan Smoke can pollute the atmosphere - religious included
hiScriptures are the source of right knowledge.
Information can be passed on - Knowledge is aquired --- have to analyse the information & evaluate to have the right knowledge - outcome of deep understanding !
Religion and bhakti are not the exclusive preserve of College professors and intellectuals alone. (#59)
Religion and bhakti requires no knowledge and knowledge can be acquired with with out and inspite of bakthi and religion!
The issue is those who have wrong notions built over a life time and wanting a simplistic solution. By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance. (#60)
Occam's razor!
Scriptures can become guided missiles in hands of misguided men! In such situations.the chanting with Homan Smoke can pollute the atmosphere - religious included
J J ji commented that only the smoke is good for our health!![/SIZE][/FONT]
In almost all religions, the hardest one to reason with are those that are rooted in their religious egos.
Religious ego thinks it has to defend his/her God with its beliefs.
Lets rephrase this:
In almost all fields, the hardest one to reason with are those that are rooted in their intellectual egos.
Intellectual ego thinks it has to defend his/her perception.
This is usually seen in high performers intellectual type and usually mistaken as high IQ or confidence/capability but its is actually a Disorder known as Pathological Narcissism or in lay man terms Pathological Arrogance.
When it comes to learning the universal principles taught in our scriptures every one is an Aam-Admi.
True...you included in this Aam Admi list!..no matter what you might want to project about your perception about Ishwara/Brahman/Allah.
A better metaphor to communicate this point is that is we all are afflicted by an epidemic of ignorance. One should cure oneself before thinking of curing others because it is possible to seriously infect others even more with wrong ideas. The only realistic question is if it is possible to understand what is taught.
Its the hardest to self diagnose and treat self but as human we should not try to play Beshajam Bhava Roginam(Physician for the Ailment of Existence) by judging the mode of prayers of others.
By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance.
Words/chanting are sound waves...sound waves cause vibrations of medium.
So why do you feel its ignorance to state that chanting can have vibrations?
Also this meandering about what each Acharya may have said is unnecessary. Why should one believe an Acharya who says to believe in Vedas. The reason Sri Sankara is taken seriously is not because he is deified but because his writing can be understood here and now. Here the understanding is not limited to just a mental activity though it includes that.
Human existence is endowed with an enormous gift which is a faculty of discriminative thinking. Dulling that for anyone including those who are condescendingly called Aam Admi *in this context* is a serious disservice in my view.
Now this is where we have to get real...yes..we humans are endowed with intellect/Viveka/Discriminative Faculty BUT as long as it functions!
Its easy to imagine about understanding Ishwara etc when we are still having normal cognitive functions, what if we lose it in an accident becos of brain injury or get dementia and even forget our name?
That time when there is no reachable memory or cognitive function..what happens to our so called high thinking capability of Understanding Ishwara?
Totally gone!
This itself shows that the MIND can NOT be the means to even grasp the understanding of Ishwara cos if something as the mind could be subject to disease or degeneration that shows that the mind was never the endpoint for understanding the Ultimate.
So what is the endpoint/ultimate for an understanding of Ishwara/Brahman?
Do we really know? Can we really know with senses and intellect?
Nope..no way.
So finally at the end of the day..if one choose to do a 700 stanza Geeta homa with faith or one chooses to try to understand Ishwara there is actually no difference cos both chose to go thru senses and mind both means that are subject to decay or disease.
This is interesting - on புகை !
The cause for cancer lung
புகை இல்லை
புகை இலை,!
Information gathered while watching homam recently !
Such a detailed discussion is necessary to stress the importance of accepting not only Vedas as swatah pramanya but also that of accepting the language in which it is embodied and the order in which it has been available to humanity.(#59)
In that case what was the need for 4000 திவ்யபிரபந்தம் - தமிழ் வேதம்?