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Hinduism .. a write up

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[h=1]காற்றைக் கடந்தும் மூச்சுடையான் கோச்சடையான்[/h]


கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
கொன்றை சூடும் கோச்சடையான்
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
கோள்கள் கடந்தும் வீச்சுடையான்
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
காற்றைக் கடந்தும் மூச்சுடையான்
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
காலம் கடந்தும் பேச்சுடையான்

This chit Chat has deviated significantly from the original topic - I guess that is the nature of chit chat section.
I did enjoy listening to Thillana Mohanambal song after some number of decades :-)

Back to the topic of Hinduism - I was recently talking to an elderly person in India over the phone (I guess most here are elderly). He is related to me and it had been more than a year since I talked to him

He was talking about some homam that happened recently somewhere in Chennai. It went on for several days it seems.
The homam was about reciting all 700 verses of B.Gita and after each verse offer salutations to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and do the oblations in the fire.

I asked him why recite all those 700 verses without possibly understanding anything and instead just do oblations in the name of Sri Krishna only. He got annoyed and told me to not bring my American thinking to question a great homam that just took place.

He said all we have to do is just recite Bhagavan's nama and attain all we need in this life and after life.

I decided not to press on with the discussions since that would have just annoyed him more.

Having lived in India till I was 20 years old, it is hard for me to remember what it was like. It seems the practice of Hinduism over the years must have evolved significantly.
[h=1]காற்றைக் கடந்தும் மூச்சுடையான் கோச்சடையான்[/h]


கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
கொன்றை சூடும் கோச்சடையான்
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
கோள்கள் கடந்தும் வீச்சுடையான்
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
காற்றைக் கடந்தும் மூச்சுடையான்
கோச்சடையான் – எங்கள் கோச்சடையான்
காலம் கடந்தும் பேச்சுடையான்


Lifting the leg towards sky challenging perceived modesty of madisar Parvati to make her to concede defeat is hitting below belt! Millennium Parvati is ready for that challenge as well!

This chit Chat has deviated significantly from the original topic - I guess that is the nature of chit chat section.
I did enjoy listening to Thillana Mohanambal song after some number of decades :-)

Back to the topic of Hinduism - I was recently talking to an elderly person in India over the phone (I guess most here are elderly). He is related to me and it had been more than a year since I talked to him

He was talking about some homam that happened recently somewhere in Chennai. It went on for several days it seems.
The homam was about reciting all 700 verses of B.Gita and after each verse offer salutations to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and do the oblations in the fire.

I asked him why recite all those 700 verses without possibly understanding anything and instead just do oblations in the name of Sri Krishna only. He got annoyed and told me to not bring my American thinking to question a great homam that just took place.

He said all we have to do is just recite Bhagavan's nama and attain all we need in this life and after life.

I decided not to press on with the discussions since that would have just annoyed him more.

Having lived in India till I was 20 years old, it is hard for me to remember what it was like. It seems the practice of Hinduism over the years must have evolved significantly.

You are indeed fortunate to have a relative like him.
He has indeed understood the essence of the Geeta..
That is...

Bhakti..Sharaddha and Sharanagati...to abandon every notion and surrender unconditionally to God.

Finally its not about understanding every verse in the Geeta..its about drinking its essense.
A Guru comes in many forms..your relative came in such a form to you..His response echoes Nahi Nahi Rakshati Dukren Karane.
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I asked him why recite all those 700 verses without possibly understanding anything and instead just do oblations in the name of Sri Krishna only.

I think it is rather presumptuous to assume that some are doing homams without possibly understanding anything and almost an implied feeling that some others are somewhat less endowed in grey matter to understand the philosophy or scriptures.

Trying to understand BG itself has some assumptions like (i) there are 700 slokas in BG; (ii) it was reportedly told by Sri Krishna; and (iii) the way one understands is the way Lord Krishna intended the BG to be understood. Some of these may merely be false notions.

He said all we have to do is just recite Bhagavan's nama and attain all we need in this life and after life.

Well he is not that wrong when you take into account what isA upaniSad which starts with "isAvAsyam idham sarvam" and if my memory stands in good stead, you had at least referred to this upaniSad in the past. But as it usually happens the matter got stuck at the SAnthi pAtha of "pUrNam adah, pUrNam idam" what with others participating in the discussion having not been bestowed with SraddhA (which cant be translated) etc. etc and got grounded even before take off.

Having lived in India till I was 20 years old, it is hard for me to remember what it was like. It seems the practice of Hinduism over the years must have evolved significantly.

Hinduism did change and evolve SIGNIFICANTLY to arrive at the BG and upaniSad stage from its rudimentary Rg vEda days and there is nothing to presume that the evolution stopped there abruptly.
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Over the last few decades Hinduism seemingly has transformed itself in India largely into practices that are rooted in superstition. That is my personal view confirmed by few Mahatmas I have had privilege to discuss such topics.

Of late the big deal is getting one's house Vastu-proofed !
The temples are seemingly enrolled to play in the culture of corruption that is pervasive.

There are exceptions to the above of course. My critique applies primarily to pseudo-intellectuals trying to ape the West, some middle and upper middle class people caught in life of contradictions and those who believe in miracles. This has maligned the word Bhakathi into practices of cult of Bhakthi.

During my travel in rural India in various states, I have come across people who are true Bhakthas in my view. By the way, understanding B.Gita does not require a lot of intellectual capacity. Instead it needs a heart of love. Anyone that has the capacity to speak and converse in any language has enough mental capacity to understand the teaching.

People are seemingly into wanting simple solutions. In Christianity it is all about - "believe in Christ and you will be saved from going to hell" etc. In Hinduism, it is just about "recite some Nama of God and you are done". There is a beauty of Nama recitation but the simplistic view being propagated undermines the ability to think .

Again thinking is a necessary condition but not sufficient for one's sincere pursuits. One needs the heart to understand the teaching.

I don't plan to engage in posts like #56 but will respond this one time.

Post #56: The issue raised is why recite B.Gita verses and create a ritual out of it. Let me explain with two metaphors to convey the point. If a groups of students are studying to develop problem solving skills in say High school Geometry, and if I see the same group of those students writing imposition of the Theorems, I can conclude most in that crowd are probably clueless. Yes, it is a presumption.

Another metaphor: If I see a Doctor taking medication designed to be given in an intravenous manner and try to ask a patient to swallow that orally, I can probably conclude that such a person is not a legitimate Doctor. That is a presumption too.

Members are free to continue the discussions even if I do not continue to participate in any thread. I do not understand the cribbing.

Let me explain the reasons when I choose not to participate in a thread since it is commented. If I sense something is going in a cynical direction or arguments becoming more into what may be termed as 'Vidhanda Vadham' or if I sense that there is darkness of heart in the responses, then I do not have further desire to engage with such posts. Yes, it is a judgment indeed and I am not seeking agreement in that judgement.

Just because someone has an email address and therefore can be a member here does not mean that I have to engage with anyone that writes something on my post.

What is considered to be the number of verses that embodies the teaching of B.Gita or who the character in Mahabharatha was called Krishna etc are irrelevant to the teaching of B.Gita itself.

Sri Krishna is presented as Bhagavan by the author by name Vyasa and that is all that matters to try to understand what is taught.

The teaching in B.Gita represents both Brahma Vidya and Yoga Shastra. The later ensures 100% transmission of what is taught by Bhagavan (Sri Krishna)
New program in CNN includes interviews of cannibalistic tribes in today's India

Face to face with a cannibalistic sect is one of the programs to be aired in March 2017 by CNN
Reza Aslan is an Iranian American who travels around and met some Aghoris.

Reza Aslan learns why some fear the Aghora Hindu sect after he sits down with a bizarre guru covered in cremated ashes.

There is a preview of the program at the link below where the fellow interviewed talks about eating dead bodies from Ghats (though it is presented on purpose as if people are killed by the tribe to consume them)

I suspect the fellow interviewed is paid well to act little crazy

This is how aspects of Hinduism is presented outside India

The question:
"can a ritual or a homa in which BG/some mantra is chanted by individuals without knowing the meaning of those mantras be called a meaningful religious practice at all?"

The answer:

"Yes. Indeed it can be a purposeful and meaningful religious practice".

Now please read further.

Religion and bhakti are not the exclusive preserve of College professors and intellectuals alone. These people can read and understand the meaning of every mantra and do a bit of dukrinjkarane too to boost up their ego and feel important. But the ordinary man-AAm Aadmi (AA)- who is dogged by a number of problems in his daily life struggle too needs the God. He needs God for a different reason. He needs God to pray to, to beg for favours, to thank for help rendered in time, to complain about his misserable circumstances, to complain about the unreasonable denial of certain favours etc., He does all this in his own language. He also goes to temple where the society has placed a deity and while praying to it he follows certain procedure which are common to every bhakta who goes to temple. The pujari does a archana on his behalf uttering some mumbo jumbo and the AA is satisfied that his request has reached the ears of God. He does not understand anything of what that mumbo jumbo conveys though. He has no complaint. Now our "super intellectual professor' comes on the scene and asks the AAm Aadmi the meaning of the mumbo jumbo and the AA blinks. But he says he is not bothered as he knows it was a prayer for his welfare done by pujari and that is enough for him. He asks our Super intellectual professor to go and hang.

So at a vyavaharika level, our AA considers that a homa or an archana done with mantras, the meaning of which neither he nor the chanting purohit may know, is immensely useful and purposeful.

Now let us look at the matter at the intellectual level doing a little bit of dukhrinjkarane -which is the favourite game of our intellectuals, professors and other shraddha ful mahavidwans.

It has been admitted unanimously by all our Acharyas (of vedic religion) that scriptures (vedas) speak the ultimate truth. Sri Sankara in his introduction to Brihadaranyakabhashya remarks that the atman is unknowable through perception and inference and the Schools of Indian thought that claim to prove the reality of atman through perception and inference surreptitiously adopt the intuitions and reasonings of the scriptures. Madhva too stresses this point. He says that the supreme reality is "knowable only through the right scriptures (sadhAgamaikavijnEyam)". Sri Ramanuja too considers this in detail in his Sribhashya.

There are certain ultimate metaphysical questions to which empirical thought can offer no decisive answer. The fundamental question of that kind is about the existence of God. Empirical intelligence can offer no final proof for the existence of God. Again empirical intelligence cannot offer a conclusive refutation of theism. This is an impasse. Reason is powerless to prove or disprove.This is exactly analogous to what Emmanuel Kant concludes in his Critique of Pure Reason. While scriptures are free from contradictions with other assured knowledge as well as are free of self-contradiction other pathways of philosophy are riddled with contradictions and so Scriptures are the source of right knowledge.

Connected with the role of scriptures as a source of knowledge it is also to be noted that there is agreement between all schools of meemamsa and all schools of vedanta that vedas are impersonal and eternal. The vedas were no doubt intuited by the ancient seers. But these schools maintain that the seers intuited pre-existent truths. They only rediscovered an ancient treasure. This eternity is not attributed merely to the knowledge enshrined in the Vedas. It is actually extended to the words and the order of words constituting the vedic composition. The knowledge of Reality is there from eternity as Omniscience is at the heart of existence. So the linguistic embodiment is also to be taken as eternal as the ever existent omniscience must have chosen an ideal mode of embodiment of true eternal knowledge.

The fact that there is an unbroken continuity of vedic tradition and great pains have been taken to pass on the knowledge to generations down the line in its purest form goes to prove the purity of vedic knowledge. Fluctuation in self-expression is a mark of only finite intelligence. Scriptural speech is primeval and original. In vedanta schools as different from the Nyaya school we do not take the scriptures as springing from God. Such a course of thought-that vedas spring from God-would result in a logical seesaw 'God exists because that is the verdict of the scriptures, and the scriptures are to be admitted, because they form revelations from God'. Our vedantic schools have carefully avoided such a logical flaw.

Such a detailed discussion is necessary to stress the importance of accepting not only Vedas as swatah pramanya but also that of accepting the language in which it is embodied and the order in which it has been available to humanity.

Now coming to the subject at hand:

Such a superlative knowledge which is given in a particular language in a particular form is so great a treasure that chanting it itself gives immense amount of benefits to the one chanting it. The karma kanda part of the vedas prescribe several rituals which may appear just meaningless in today's world. But the fact that they are part of eternal knowledge makes them valid any time. So chanting vedic mantras, -knowing the meaning or not knowing the meaning-is indeed purposeful and meaningful as a religious practice.

Executive summary: All vedic mantras are sacred. When chanted or when the chanting is heard, the person comes in contact with a sacred entity. So he benefits. Meanings are at a vyavaharika level. If one knows the meaning, he feels happy besides getting the benefit of sacred association.

I am sure superlative shraddhaful professors would not be willing to engage me on this subject - because they are so full of themselves . They will condemn me as shraddha (the word has a secret definition which they only know) less bohemian. LOL. Others are welcome to ask questions.
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Post #57

Since effort seemed to have been expended to writing a point of view, though perhaps for the 'peanut gallery', let me still provide a response.

1. It is an attempt argue against a strawman by asserting a set of beliefs. Strawman is defined as "an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument".
People are welcome within Hinduism to pray however they wish (homam of any kind is fine) and it could give some a sense of peace. That was never the issue.

2. Asserting a set of beliefs does not make it rational since reasons and beliefs do not mix.
In almost all religions, the hardest one to reason with are those that are rooted in their religious egos. Religious ego thinks it has to defend his/her God with its beliefs.

My question was not about putting down an act of prayer even if it is to get something in life or to deal with fears and insecurities. A little reflection will show that the ultimate goal is to get something (or avoid something) wherein Isvara/Bhagavan is made as an accomplice to achieve that something. The teaching is about prayer for realizing oneness with Isvara which requires a different perspective.

Idea of Aam-Admi people can apply to those that are economically disadvantaged and less formally educated. When it comes to learning the universal principles taught in our scriptures every one is an Aam-Admi.

A better metaphor to communicate this point is that is we all are afflicted by an epidemic of ignorance. One should cure oneself before thinking of curing others because it is possible to seriously infect others even more with wrong ideas. The only realistic question is if it is possible to understand what is taught.

A person with simple heart can indeed understand the teachings if they have the right attitude and is able to speak a language. The complex discussions are only for the intellectuals holding wrong notions which does not afflict one with a purer heart regardless of where they are born.

The issue is those who have wrong notions built over a life time and wanting a simplistic solution. By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance.

Also this meandering about what each Acharya may have said is unnecessary. Why should one believe an Acharya who says to believe in Vedas. The reason Sri Sankara is taken seriously is not because he is deified but because his writing can be understood here and now. Here the understanding is not limited to just a mental activity though it includes that.

Human existence is endowed with an enormous gift which is a faculty of discriminative thinking. Dulling that for anyone including those who are condescendingly called Aam Admi *in this context* is a serious disservice in my view.
Answers in blue.

In almost all religions, the hardest one to reason with are those that are rooted in their religious egos.
Religious ego thinks it has to defend his/her God with its beliefs.

Lets rephrase this:

In almost all fields, the hardest one to reason with are those that are rooted in their intellectual egos.
Intellectual ego thinks it has to defend his/her perception.

This is usually seen in high performers intellectual type and usually mistaken as high IQ or confidence/capability but its is actually a Disorder known as Pathological Narcissism or in lay man terms Pathological Arrogance.

When it comes to learning the universal principles taught in our scriptures every one is an Aam-Admi.

True...you included in this Aam Admi list!..no matter what you might want to project about your perception about Ishwara/Brahman/Allah.

A better metaphor to communicate this point is that is we all are afflicted by an epidemic of ignorance. One should cure oneself before thinking of curing others because it is possible to seriously infect others even more with wrong ideas. The only realistic question is if it is possible to understand what is taught.

Its the hardest to self diagnose and treat self but as human we should not try to play Beshajam Bhava Roginam(Physician for the Ailment of Existence) by judging the mode of prayers of others.

By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance.

Words/chanting are sound waves...sound waves cause vibrations of medium.
So why do you feel its ignorance to state that chanting can have vibrations?

Also this meandering about what each Acharya may have said is unnecessary. Why should one believe an Acharya who says to believe in Vedas. The reason Sri Sankara is taken seriously is not because he is deified but because his writing can be understood here and now. Here the understanding is not limited to just a mental activity though it includes that.

Human existence is endowed with an enormous gift which is a faculty of discriminative thinking. Dulling that for anyone including those who are condescendingly called Aam Admi *in this context* is a serious disservice in my view.

Now this is where we have to get real...yes..we humans are endowed with intellect/Viveka/Discriminative Faculty BUT as long as it functions!

Its easy to imagine about understanding Ishwara etc when we are still having normal cognitive functions, what if we lose it in an accident becos of brain injury or get dementia and even forget our name?

That time when there is no reachable memory or cognitive function..what happens to our so called high thinking capability of Understanding Ishwara?

Totally gone!

This itself shows that the MIND can NOT be the means to even grasp the understanding of Ishwara cos if something as the mind could be subject to disease or degeneration that shows that the mind was never the endpoint for understanding the Ultimate.

So what is the endpoint/ultimate for an understanding of Ishwara/Brahman?

Do we really know? Can we really know with senses and intellect?

Nope..no way.

So finally at the end of the day..if one choose to do a 700 stanza Geeta homa with faith or one chooses to try to understand Ishwara there is actually no difference cos both chose to go thru senses and mind both means that are subject to decay or disease.
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Scriptures are the source of right knowledge.

Information can be passed on - Knowledge is aquired --- have to analyse the information & evaluate to have the right knowledge - outcome of deep understanding !

Religion and bhakti are not the exclusive preserve of College professors and intellectuals alone. (#59)

Religion and bhakti requires no knowledge and knowledge can be acquired with with out and inspite of bakthi and religion!

The issue is those who have wrong notions built over a life time and wanting a simplistic solution. By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance. (#60)

Occam's razor!

Scriptures can become guided missiles in hands of misguided men! In such situations.the chanting with Homan Smoke can pollute the atmosphere - religious included
Scriptures are the source of right knowledge.

Information can be passed on - Knowledge is aquired --- have to analyse the information & evaluate to have the right knowledge - outcome of deep understanding !

Religion and bhakti are not the exclusive preserve of College professors and intellectuals alone. (#59)

Religion and bhakti requires no knowledge and knowledge can be acquired with with out and inspite of bakthi and religion!

The issue is those who have wrong notions built over a life time and wanting a simplistic solution. By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance. (#60)

Occam's razor!

Scriptures can become guided missiles in hands of misguided men! In such situations.the chanting with Homan Smoke can pollute the atmosphere - religious included

Smt JJ -

I like your insight and message. A thumbs up :-)
Well TN is witnessing a situation because of information with out right knowledge emanating from Veda Nilayam! 'Veda' followers after chanting their 'gosham' & rituals at ' வங்ககடல் Homa kundam ' proceeding to சட்டசபை to decide the fate of TN - effect of information with out knowledge - guided missiles in the hands of misguided men!
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Scriptures are the source of right knowledge.

Information can be passed on - Knowledge is aquired --- have to analyse the information & evaluate to have the right knowledge - outcome of deep understanding !

Religion and bhakti are not the exclusive preserve of College professors and intellectuals alone. (#59)

Religion and bhakti requires no knowledge and knowledge can be acquired with with out and inspite of bakthi and religion!

The issue is those who have wrong notions built over a life time and wanting a simplistic solution. By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance. (#60)

Occam's razor!

Scriptures can become guided missiles in hands of misguided men! In such situations.the chanting with Homan Smoke can pollute the atmosphere - religious included

I already wrote that our sAsthrigaL performed Ayush hOmam with just one kOppaRai thEngai cut into two, in Boston!

Smoke alarm was on too! :cool:

But then, J J ji commented that only the smoke is good for our health!! ;)
I just wish to share this news which I read somewhere during 1985 :

“The tragic incident occurred on the night of December 3, 1984 when the poisonous MIC gas leaked from Union Carbide factory at Bhopal. Hundreds of people died and thousands were hospitalized but there were two families – those of Shri Sohan Lal S Khushwaha and Shri M.L.Rathore, living about one mile away from the plant who came out unscathed.These families were regularly performing agnihotra (havan). In these families nobody died,nobody was even hospitalized despite being present in the area worst affected by the leakage of the toxic gas. This observation implies that agnihotra is a proven antidote to pollution. (English Daily-“The Hindu’of 4-5-85; news item under the heading ‘Vedic Way to Beat Pollution’.)

Source :Haindava Keralam

P.S: This is chit chat session. Let the alleged torch bearers of radical thoughts don’t pounce upon me seeking scientific proof.


Source: https://www.hindujagruti.org/news/15349.html

(2) Source: http://www.homatherapy.org/content/vedic-way-beat-pollution-excerpt-hindu-newspaper-april-1985
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In almost all religions, the hardest one to reason with are those that are rooted in their religious egos.
Religious ego thinks it has to defend his/her God with its beliefs.

Lets rephrase this:

In almost all fields, the hardest one to reason with are those that are rooted in their intellectual egos.
Intellectual ego thinks it has to defend his/her perception.

This is usually seen in high performers intellectual type and usually mistaken as high IQ or confidence/capability but its is actually a Disorder known as Pathological Narcissism or in lay man terms Pathological Arrogance.

When it comes to learning the universal principles taught in our scriptures every one is an Aam-Admi.

True...you included in this Aam Admi list!..no matter what you might want to project about your perception about Ishwara/Brahman/Allah.

A better metaphor to communicate this point is that is we all are afflicted by an epidemic of ignorance. One should cure oneself before thinking of curing others because it is possible to seriously infect others even more with wrong ideas. The only realistic question is if it is possible to understand what is taught.

Its the hardest to self diagnose and treat self but as human we should not try to play Beshajam Bhava Roginam(Physician for the Ailment of Existence) by judging the mode of prayers of others.

By telling people some mumbo jumbo about vibrations of chanting etc there is perpetuation of ignorance.

Words/chanting are sound waves...sound waves cause vibrations of medium.
So why do you feel its ignorance to state that chanting can have vibrations?

Also this meandering about what each Acharya may have said is unnecessary. Why should one believe an Acharya who says to believe in Vedas. The reason Sri Sankara is taken seriously is not because he is deified but because his writing can be understood here and now. Here the understanding is not limited to just a mental activity though it includes that.

Human existence is endowed with an enormous gift which is a faculty of discriminative thinking. Dulling that for anyone including those who are condescendingly called Aam Admi *in this context* is a serious disservice in my view.

Now this is where we have to get real...yes..we humans are endowed with intellect/Viveka/Discriminative Faculty BUT as long as it functions!

Its easy to imagine about understanding Ishwara etc when we are still having normal cognitive functions, what if we lose it in an accident becos of brain injury or get dementia and even forget our name?

That time when there is no reachable memory or cognitive function..what happens to our so called high thinking capability of Understanding Ishwara?

Totally gone!

This itself shows that the MIND can NOT be the means to even grasp the understanding of Ishwara cos if something as the mind could be subject to disease or degeneration that shows that the mind was never the endpoint for understanding the Ultimate.

So what is the endpoint/ultimate for an understanding of Ishwara/Brahman?

Do we really know? Can we really know with senses and intellect?

Nope..no way.

So finally at the end of the day..if one choose to do a 700 stanza Geeta homa with faith or one chooses to try to understand Ishwara there is actually no difference cos both chose to go thru senses and mind both means that are subject to decay or disease.


A well thought out and presented reply. I would have said the same thing. Good effort. A thumbs up.
Such a detailed discussion is necessary to stress the importance of accepting not only Vedas as swatah pramanya but also that of accepting the language in which it is embodied and the order in which it has been available to humanity.(#59)

In that case what was the need for 4000 திவ்யபிரபந்தம் - தமிழ் வேதம்?
This is interesting - on புகை !

The cause for cancer lung

புகை இல்லை
புகை இலை,!

Information gathered while watching homam recently !

The only புகை I have heard that is supposed to be good is that of Sambrani.
I have not seen its use in USA.
Such a detailed discussion is necessary to stress the importance of accepting not only Vedas as swatah pramanya but also that of accepting the language in which it is embodied and the order in which it has been available to humanity.(#59)

In that case what was the need for 4000 திவ்யபிரபந்தம் - தமிழ் வேதம்?

Please try to go to Chidambaram and find out from the Deekshitars there the reason for the existence of the பன்னிரு திருமுறைகள் besides the Vedas. நம்பியாண்டார் நம்பி had taken great pains to bring out these பன்னிரு திருமுறைகள் from the underground chambers in Chidambaram temple to lime light.

Once you get an answer from them you would have got an answer to your querry here too. The answer is the same.

It is better to learn the hard way than to ask questions and get answers here. நோகாமல் நுங்கு தின்ன முயல்வது உடம்புக்குக் கேடு. LOL.
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