There arecomments that"Brahmins feel inferior and have fear"! Brahmins have faced all sorts ofon slaughts from many and have progresed inspite of allodds.
They are definitely UP! You may note that the chief minister of U.P Mrs Mayawati has been wooing the Brahmins ! Let us shed our inferirity complex if at all any body feels!
i think, the general strains of thought here meanders around tamil brahmins.
please note, that our caste cousins in other states are quite different from us and have completely different goals and interests.
i use tamil brahmins to include kerala pattars here, of whom i am one.
while this forum is inclusive of all folks who come here, hindus or otherwise, as long as they maintain the decorum of the forum, we hope that the primary focus here will be the issues and challenges and opportunities of tamil brahmins.
i am told that the u.p. brahmins are over 10% of the population, and are quite a voting bloc. also, they are into all trades and professions, including army jawans, which you would agree is a rarity among TBs. we may have a few officers.
the gujarat brahmins, i am told shunned english, and to this day, are among the poorer groups of gujarat. it is the baniyas who have taken the lead in education over there.
the bengali brahmins eat fish, and to the best of my knowledge, are integrated into bengali society more than into the pan brahmin communities.
the reason for my elaboration here, is that facing political oblivion and possibly social decline in tamil nadu, it is tempting for us to fall prey to the certain jingoistic calls coming out of north, in the name of socio-religion.
i think it is best, that we shun such clarions, and focus our interests in our welfare, in the context of tamil nadu, tamil culture and tamil hinduism.
thank you.
ps... mayawati is as alien to us as rajiv gandhi or bal thackeray. i think so.