Dear Sir,
"Ridiculous" is considered an far as I know Sattva Guna does not condone insulting others.
What I am surprised all your other posts you are preaching Sattva Guna in mega serial stories:
1)Thou shall not drink alcohol
2)Thou shall not smoke
3)Thou shall not eat non veg
4)Thou shall not spend too much on fire crackers
5)Thou shall not look at another woman even though hormones are raging inside
6)Thou shall have arranged marriage.
But when someone asks a question where he feels that Brahmin culture is something he wants to fact the person is giving you a compliment for actually wanting to follow your tradition all you tell him is "For some dimensions'..
Yes, in some dimensions it is laughable and ridiculous.."
LOL! Ha Ha I really feel like laughing at you.!
P.S..I am just a normal human who has all Gunas in me in varying I am entitled to laugh at some posts here.
1. Believe me Renuka, ridiculous, in this context is not an insult. You just need that maturity and wisdom to look at it in different dimensions.
I do not consider any views as low or high..

2. On eating non-veg or drinking or smoking etc, I would say u should take it in a particular context. For a Brahamana way of living, I seriously put forward these as requirements. People may differ with me and I respect their views. Diversity is the hall-mark of our evolution.
FYI, I have dined with people of so many countries who eat non-veg and drink and I don't insult them or their way of living.
3. On point 4, ur picking up seems immature. On point 5, is there anything wrong..?
4. On point 6, no, I did not say that in any post. I don't know where u got it from.. Love or arranged marriage does not matter. What matters is the friendship between the couples..