Active member
There is a thread in Rituals, and I did not want to post a rebuttal in that section.
The choice of word AROUSAL of fire sounds sexual.
You do not need magic or Mantra to start a fire.
Some times people cheat in the name of religion, and some get mesmerized and get hoodwinked.
Generally, there is a rational explanation. And intelligent people should not fall prey to such tricks.
Magicians are good actors, and it is up to the audience to find the actual process behind the act.
Do not believe in superstitions. Always question your observations.
Sodium and Water
When sodium and water are mixed together in the right circumstances, they will burst into flame. Please note that this is pure sodium and not sodium chloride, otherwise known as table salt. You’re not going to get a fire out of salty water.
To do this, you need to prepare a place for the fire. Start with a small pan or a large jar lid. Place one square of toilet paper on your pan, covering it as much as possible. Make a chimney out of half of the inner cardboard core of a toilet paper roll by cutting it in half, across the tube and cutting a half circle out of one end. That end will go down, allowing you to put the water and sodium together.
Place a small amount of sodium on the toilet paper in the pan (about 1/4 teaspoon) and place the chimney over it. Then loosely stuff some more toilet paper in the top of the chimney, so that it will catch fire from the sodium. To ignite the fire, pour a tablespoon of water onto the toilet paper, as close to the opening in the chimney as possible. Step back and within a few seconds the sodium will ignite.
There may be many more tricks, this is one possible explanation.

fire arousal by vedha manthras
Some people might say Mantras have no power. Please see how the Purohits bring up a flame [jwala] for the Homa without a match stick or Camphor. They invite Agnidevada by chanting Vedamantras and offers coconut water. Immeadiately fire arose Pl See the same . This Homa was...

The choice of word AROUSAL of fire sounds sexual.

You do not need magic or Mantra to start a fire.
Some times people cheat in the name of religion, and some get mesmerized and get hoodwinked.
Generally, there is a rational explanation. And intelligent people should not fall prey to such tricks.
Magicians are good actors, and it is up to the audience to find the actual process behind the act.
Do not believe in superstitions. Always question your observations.
Sodium and Water
When sodium and water are mixed together in the right circumstances, they will burst into flame. Please note that this is pure sodium and not sodium chloride, otherwise known as table salt. You’re not going to get a fire out of salty water.
To do this, you need to prepare a place for the fire. Start with a small pan or a large jar lid. Place one square of toilet paper on your pan, covering it as much as possible. Make a chimney out of half of the inner cardboard core of a toilet paper roll by cutting it in half, across the tube and cutting a half circle out of one end. That end will go down, allowing you to put the water and sodium together.
Place a small amount of sodium on the toilet paper in the pan (about 1/4 teaspoon) and place the chimney over it. Then loosely stuff some more toilet paper in the top of the chimney, so that it will catch fire from the sodium. To ignite the fire, pour a tablespoon of water onto the toilet paper, as close to the opening in the chimney as possible. Step back and within a few seconds the sodium will ignite.

Unusual Way To Actually Start A Fire With Water
Of all the things you can use to start a fire, water would be the one that most people would say is impossible. After all, we use water to put out fires, so there really isn’t any way to start a fire with it… or is there? Actually, there are several ways of starting a ...
There may be many more tricks, this is one possible explanation.
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