Yoga is supposed to be the mental, spiritual and physical practices that issupposed to get permanent peace! Yoga Sutras were propounded by Patanjali whichdescribe the eight fold path to enlightenment
With yoga coming to the West, it has grown in leaps and bounds...
Today, yoga has come to be seen assomething of a panacea for the ailments of modern society --tech overload,disconnection and alienation, insomnia, stress and anxiety. And in many cases,the timeworn technique is the perfect antidote to the modern speed of lifethat’s created a culture of stress and burnout. Yoga has been shown to helpfight everything from addiction and lower back pain to diabetesandaging, in addition to boosting overall well-being and stress relief.
With health, fitness and healing becoming key ingredients in outr lives, Yogahas become a money spinning industry
Are we moving away from the originally intended roots?
With yoga coming to the West, it has grown in leaps and bounds...
Today, yoga has come to be seen assomething of a panacea for the ailments of modern society --tech overload,disconnection and alienation, insomnia, stress and anxiety. And in many cases,the timeworn technique is the perfect antidote to the modern speed of lifethat’s created a culture of stress and burnout. Yoga has been shown to helpfight everything from addiction and lower back pain to diabetesandaging, in addition to boosting overall well-being and stress relief.
With health, fitness and healing becoming key ingredients in outr lives, Yogahas become a money spinning industry
Are we moving away from the originally intended roots?