"God has made them -- lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals, and trans-sexuals -- abnormal and we should never mock at them."
Did God do that?
Which God? Jehovah of the Jews? Jesus of the Christians? Allah of the Muslims? The "muppaththi mukkodi" gods in Hinduism? Shiva? Vishnu? Amman? Ganapathi? Aadithyan? Kumaaran? Navagrahams? Ashta-dik devathaas?
Want to know what the Bible and the Acts of the Apostles say? Jehovah and Christ did NOT create them so. Please see:-
(1) Leviticus 18: 22 -- Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, it is detestable.
(2) Leviticus 20:13 -- If a man lies with a man as with a woman both of them have committed an abomination; they shall unquestionably be put to death.
(3) John 5.14 -- Jesus never said, "Go your way, your sin is okay." Rather he said, "Go and sin no more."
(4) Corinthians 6:9-11 -- Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Neither will those who commit sexual immorality, adultery, homosexuality.
(5) Timothy 1:10 -- Sexual immorality and committing homosexuality is contrary to sound doctrine.
(6) Jude 1:7 - Residents of Sodom and Gomprrah and surrounding cities which indulged in sexual immorality such as sodomy and homosexuality and pursued unnatural desires undergo punishment by eternal fire.
(7) 2 Kings 14:24 -- There were also cult prostitutes in the land, both men and women. They committed abominations and the Lord drove them out (into he barren desert) before the people of Israel (who presumably killed them).
(8) James 1:13-15 -- Let no one say that he is tempted. Or, "I am tempted by God." For God cannot be tempted with evil, and He Himself tempts no one. Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
Nowhere in the Quran that I can identify does it explicitly say that lesbianism and homosexuality is permitted on earth. In Heaven, as reward for being a good Muslim on earth, especially a martyr, that is a different matter.
Now we come to our own sacred scriptures.
Except for the single instance of Shiva-Mohini (Vishnu as a woman) congress, which produced Ayyappa (Shaasthaa, Harihara Puthra, Bhootha-naatha, Sabari-gireesha) there is no mention of even seeming homosexuality in our scriptures. Note that Vishnu had taken the form of a female. For that matter, except for the marriage of Valli the Kuraththi (gypsy woman of low caste) and Lord Subrahmanya, the second son of Lord Shiva, there is no mention of a god marrying a mortal.
No Hindu God among the 330 millions we pray to created lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals, and trans-sexuals.
Not Shiva. Not Vishnu. Not Amman. Not Ganapathi. Not Aadithyan. Not Kumaaran. Not the Navagrahams. Not the Ashta-dik devathaas.
In the Criminal Courts of the land where I have practised I have also come across defence counsel arguing that the murders, rapes, seduction, abduction, molestations of women and infants, arsons, were in reality acts of God in that the accused was tempted, or ordered, by God to do the acts complained of, and that the accused was not responsible as he had lost his mind and was acting under divine influence.
How many of these pleas succeeded, you think? None.
Surgeons, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, rehabilitation experts, special-needs nurses and medical staff I have spoken to all agree that IF DETECTED AND TREATED EARLY, these patients can be returned to normal society. Even priests agree.
They say parents and relatives, ashamed and embarrassed, and ashamed of being shunned by society, hide the patients until it is too late for effective treatment. And then blame God. Not themselves or the patients.
So, please, let us not take the easy way out by conveniently blaming God for these people.
S Narayanaswamy Iyer