There are more stories to relish...
That was a 2013 news clipping...
Nothing would have changed in these three-four years... there may be more such cases... let their tribe increase.
Love in the time of caste
Even as Tamil Nadu reacts violently to inter-caste marriages, LAKSHMI KRUPA finds three couples who dared to break the unwritten law
Dalit and Thevar
Kathir and Tilakam fell in love when they were working together in an NGO in Madurai, and got married under the Special Marriages Act. "We have been married for 12 years now and we couldn't be happier," says Kathir. They faced pressure from all around, family and community, but Tilakam's father was Leftist and together the family was able to overcome the ire of the caste groups. Kathir says that his wife refuses to use her caste name because it makes her shameful. Kathir does, though, as a way to reclaim his identity. “Generally, Dalits have a complex and tend to hide. Why should they? If someone says I am untouchable, the one who says it should hide in shame. Not me. Everyone knew who I was when I married my wife. I wanted them to know.”
Read more at:
There are more stories to relish...
That was a 2013 news clipping...
Nothing would have changed in these three-four years... there may be more such cases... let their tribe increase.
Love in the time of caste
Even as Tamil Nadu reacts violently to inter-caste marriages, LAKSHMI KRUPA finds three couples who dared to break the unwritten law
Dalit and Thevar
Kathir and Tilakam fell in love when they were working together in an NGO in Madurai, and got married under the Special Marriages Act. "We have been married for 12 years now and we couldn't be happier," says Kathir. They faced pressure from all around, family and community, but Tilakam's father was Leftist and together the family was able to overcome the ire of the caste groups. Kathir says that his wife refuses to use her caste name because it makes her shameful. Kathir does, though, as a way to reclaim his identity. “Generally, Dalits have a complex and tend to hide. Why should they? If someone says I am untouchable, the one who says it should hide in shame. Not me. Everyone knew who I was when I married my wife. I wanted them to know.”
Read more at:
"Iyer ji is busy.........."
@ Rudhran,
This is your final warning. We have had several exchanges in the past and recently also. If you do not like someone's views, there is no need to participate in that topic or avoid that post. Personal attacks are not allowed. As a senior member, you should know better.
Next time i see a post from you that violates any one of the forum rules, your account will be banned permanently.
Many of us have differing views and we do have fun exchanging views with each other.
Forum is fun and unique with differing views.
I hope members continue our usual chatter..its fun.
We are all not too young and we can learn to have a good debate without getting too personal.
We can always shoot arrows that do not kill.
Lets go back to being friendly even if we might oppose each other strongly.
Opponents keep our minds engaged better.
So guys..kiss and make up cos I want round 2 of debates.
Doctor Mam,
I am giving a thumps up for this posting as it richly deserves.
Like a coin having two sides, there will be always difference of opinion.
I never use to throw the first stone.
But never allow anyone to try the strategy of belittling or demeaning others.
Now who is to draw the line....?
The Forum has already laid down rules and regulations.
But few have the habit of knocking the doors of the Moderator for every drop of a hat .. like kids.. Mummy Mummy ...
Let their tribe grow.
And I am ready for the round 2 debate. lol
Many of us have differing views and we do have fun exchanging views with each other.
Forum is fun and unique with differing views.
I hope members continue our usual chatter..its fun.
We are all not too young and we can learn to have a good debate without getting too personal.
We can always shoot arrows that do not kill.
Lets go back to being friendly even if we might oppose each other strongly.
Opponents keep our minds engaged better.
So guys..kiss and make up cos I want round 2 of debates.
The more you read the newspaper articles, the more one needs to be Observant, dear Rudhran.
It is nearly 9 years that I became a member of this forum and right from my first day of joining, the IC/IR marriage threads keep surfacing and re-surfacing at quarterly rests.
If such IC/IR marriages are such a common feature as the proponents keep suggesting in almost every post they make, why is it a news item still in 2016? Do we have news items for ordinary or for out of the ordinary..?
IC marriages have been in existence since the days of Manu, or else why did he compile such a long list of anuloma-pratimola list?
Now about the observation part:
Look how cannily "The (anti-) Hindu" introduced their communist agenda and NGO in the picture. Tilakam's father was a Leftist.. (get some clues there..?) and together with the family was able to overcome the ire of the caste groups. Left unsaid is "How".. It doesnt take one to be a genius to work out that the ire was overcome with strong arm tactics (have you seen any other form of convincing by Leftists?) and the ever present NGO, God knows what the NGO was into.
The reason for re-surfacing of this topic time and again baffles me.... and the only conclusion I can draw is that it is a bit of fascination for non-brahmins to be married into a brahmin family or to get a brahmin bride into their family and notwithstanding the overt anti-brahmin tirade in the public fora, they would like to be included in the brahmin group, which they sort of view as an "Exclusive Club", which may not necessarily be true.
Of course there are some useful idiots in the brahmin community and in Hindu community who unwittingly join the jAlra and at the drop of the hat start blah-blahing the suffocating, constricted, patriarchal, manu-vadi brahminism/hinduism style and their own version of hinduism is what they see in the "Neeya Naana" tele soap opera.
Some of us have "shoot to kill and take no prisoner attitude". instead of calling on the moderator they take the matter in their own hand. And they set bad example for others too. This bullying must stop, bantering is ok as long as others enjoy it. otherwise back off, and let the moderator take care of that situation.
It is easy to ignore certain post.
Dear Biswa Sir,
I think the kanjoos behaviour of Duryodhana was the reason for Kurukshethra war! If he had given five villages
or at least five houses to the Pandavas, the 'veNNai' Yudhishthira would have stopped the war. :becky:
BTW, I may be bad but surely NOT as bad as Duryodhana.![]()
Sorry iyerji you feel offended by my remarks."In this forum, we do not make personal attacks on other members. You are fairly new to the forum, and may not be aware of forum norms. Do not fall into this habit of people who have been banned multiple times for violation of forum norms.
Thank you."
Thank you, Sri Prasad1. Please accept my apologies if I have offended anyone under forum norms.
Was only responding to a personal attack on me in public by a Veteran Member, i.e. Sri Krish44. My e-mail address is available on this forum. He could have addressed me in private if he was being sincere. As other forum members have done.
Would you kindly re-read his e-mail #422 a day or two ago (pillorying me and identifying me by name) to which I responded? Thanks.
S Narayanaswamy Iyer
Sorry iyerji you feel offended by my remarks.
It is not the intention to pillory you for our caste name.
We belong to the same caste.
I am a vaishnavite iyengar . Both my son in law and daughter in law are iyers only.
So do not take anything too personal.
Sometimes in discussions one gets carried away and some get hurt.
If you feel offended due to any post of mine, pl free to PM me email me
I shall delete the same
You are new to the forum.
It hope it becomes an enjoyable experience for you.
With best wishes.