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I hope you gain nyana..

This my sincere attempt to explain Para Brammam --

1. conversation with babu and inability to help him gain nyana
2. Asuras and Devas
3. what is said in the texts
4. Some crass example - so it makes sense to the current generation.
5. Explaining Para brammam

Finally, I accept the fact that I might not be able to convey nyana to all the readers of the above points about what exactly para brammam is..

With the above, let me start with submitting myself to the omnipresent..

Sarvam Srikrishnarpanamasthu..
1. conversation with my uncle and inability to help him gain nyana

Well, I was having this discussion with babu about nyana and trying to explain to him what that is.. But as we all know every language has its own restrictions in its ability to convey a thought.. so it ended up that babu was merely listening and not attempting to 'gain' nyana. And I know that nyana cannot be taught, a person has to realise and understand for himself - not for passing a exam or for completing a course or certification. After laying the foundations - basically preparing the soil for cultivation, I tried to see if something will grow. I told babu about Krishna doing amavasai tharpanam and related it to science without fully explaining. But even after the talk, he was unable to learn/analyse for himself what no moon day or amavasai was and what moon and sun coming together means. Instead he was using the faultfinding or inquisitive but unanalytical thought process (simply called as kudhdhrushti) that is mostly prevalent today. He ended up coming back to me with the definition of lunar eclipse. I could not really hurt him and so laughed it off with a grin telling him that he was smart enough to catch it. After all, there is no point in unnecessarily putting someone down. There is no point in castigating a child just because it did not score in the maths exam. But I did remind him that he had no clue about sruthi and smriti when he tried to throw a challenge that he will come back and teach me about brahmin sampradhayam.

Let me see if I can adequately explain the eternal truth of para brammam here. Will I succeed.. you tell me..

2. Asuras and Devas

We hear about all these asuras and devas in our stories and mythology. But have you ever wondered who is an asura or who is a deva..? Nope. What you thought is wrong.. An asura is not really a monster with dracula like teeth and huge proportions and looks that are greatly menacing.. The presentation of ravana as a ten headed monster who ruled over lanka is actually aimed at impressing children and holding their attention so they can be taught something more subtle. It was once asked to a great sage, who is an asura and who is a deva. The sage, as always is the case in all our stories, did not tell the answer directly. He kept a life size mirror and asked both an asura and a deva to look into it and describe what they saw. The asura looked into the mirror and said.. "I see a handsome attractive man who can woo a thousand women, his body is so strong he could fight a 100 armed guards. What i see is a person who can conquer the whole world and do as he pleases without fear of being vanquished or killed. Now, when the deva looked into the mirror and saw himself, he said.. I dont see anything of use, the body I am looking at is going to get old and die eventually, the beauty that I see is going to wane in time and there is nothing of long standing use. So the sage said.. now do you understand who is a deva and who is an asura..?

So the concept is that looking to be the big brother of the whole world and telling everyone what to do or building technology for defense or economic might is symptomatic of asuras. Whereas devas will be looking to develop something like an happiness index to measure and maintain the well being of people. The preference of the importance of unquestioned freedom to the extent that we could possibly interfere with others or nature .. over the rule of nyaya is also what would describe asura type behaviour. Unfortunately, we are all looking to achieve the asura like behaviour and not trying to achieve a peaceful life where the rule of nyaya exists.
So the concept is that looking to be the big brother of the whole world and telling everyone what to do or building technology for defense or economic might is symptomatic of asuras. Whereas devas will be looking to develop something like an happiness index to measure and maintain the well being of people. The preference of the importance of unquestioned freedom to the extent that we could possibly interfere with others or nature .. over the rule of nyaya is also what would describe asura type behaviour. Unfortunately, we are all looking to achieve the asura like behaviour and not trying to achieve a peaceful life where the rule of nyaya exists.

Here we go again. LOL

So Asuras are successful people around the world. And Devas are the weakling who walks the world with a begging bowl, looking for a handout.

Even in our Ancient stories, the Devas were losers, they needed the help of "gods" to even survive. That is why the devas had to constantly bribe the "gods" for favors. Unfortunately, our ancestors choose to be on the side of Devas, and we are still begging for favors (prayers).

First of all, in the oldest scriptures of Zoroastrianism, the Gathas, the Daevas are “gods that are rejected”, as in, not supposed to be worshiped by good Zoroastrians (though they do exist). Instead the Gathas say to pay reverence to only the Ahuras (especially Ahura Mazda, or God Himself), and to rebuff the Daevas.

Later on in Zoroastrian history Daeva, deev, etc. came to be used as a more or less all-purpose term for demons or evil spirits.

First of all, in the oldest scriptures of Zoroastrianism, the Gathas, the Daevas are “gods that are rejected”, as in, not supposed to be worshiped by good Zoroastrians (though they do exist). Instead the Gathas say to pay reverence to only the Ahuras (especially Ahura Mazda, or God Himself), and to rebuff the Daevas.

Later on in Zoroastrian history, Daeva, deev, etc. came to be used as a more or less all-purpose term for demons or evil spirits.

Originally all Aryans were Deva worshipers and Assyrians (Semitic people) were Asura worshipers.

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I don't know buddy boy..

In the vedic system.. for the asuras to win .. they have wipe out the devas.. but all that the devas have to do is ignore the asuras and have a peaceful life..

Given that I am now replying to you.. I am pretty sure the devas are doing a damn good job..

Asura characteristic is to sting like a scorpion.. Deva tendency is to understand the characteristic of the scorpion and keep it at a safe distance so that his family can go ahead with a peaceful life..

So I am going to ignore ur stinging comments going forward and go back to sleep..
3. What is said in the texts..

Lets see.. The understanding of the majority is that the big bang theory is true.. that everything was a single piece and something caused it to explode and ever since then, the pieces are moving ever farther outward.. something like saying.. things are going to hell..

well, thats the presumed theory..

But in the vedic texts, something completely different is depicted.. and also written down.. I apologize for the fact that I did not spend my youth memorizing the scriptures.. but I do know what is stated there.. the sloka goes something like..

Asathoma sargamaya.. .. .. .. shanthi shanthi shanthi

I had incidently messaged my father about this particular sloka and its meaning. So let me restate it here.

What the sloka means is that.. everything is not really .. "going to hell". And everything can be described in the form of a disturbance and its eventual return to equilibrium or peace or shanthi. And also that everything is a cycle.. from darkness unto light and from light unto darkness and so forth..

So we should understand and look at the happenings around us as something that would die down eventually.. Given this understanding it would not be entirely intelligent for someone to make a comment like..

"You are lucky to be alive"

and this comment was made by some intelligent beings on one of the forums I frequent. They just dont understand that just like any disturbance dies down eventually.. life is also a disturbance when you consider that most of everything else is not really popping like corn. So the start of a life form also means that the end or supposed death is also an eventuality. Now with out understanding this if someone says something which is only reachable to their own limited understanding.. well.. we just have to move on..

Leaving alone concepts like death and life which are more arcane and difficult to explain.. let me try to give a crass example through which you hopefully understand why everything is a disturbance and the system will attain peace eventually.. I will also try to throw in a bit of asuras and devas to make it interesting.. well.. that was the method used by my ancestors and thats why I am going to use it now.. Think about it.. the western science is so vast today that a person studying a very small focussed part of it would have to do a PhD of sufficient duration.. now try to imagine if you were trying to teach the next generation the entire gamut of scientific supposed facts... can you imagine a kid reading volumes of economics books and understanding everything? he would not even be able to complete 20 percent of todays science before its time for him to pass away into oblivion.. much less transfer that knowledge to the next generation after him..

anyway.. that again is a very big concept in itself and let me get back to the real point of this write-up which is to try and explain what is happening in the form of disturbance and peace..

4. Crass example..

Lets us suppose something as dramatic and as repulsive as a rape is happening..

An asura is forcing himself on a helpless woman.. and everyone is just looking on unable to interfere..

Now let us look at the way the asura thinks that things are happening and the way that the deva thinks..

The asura would probably believe in something like the big bang concept where-in everything is going away to god knows where.. basically everything is going to hell and so it does not matter what he does as long as he experiences the fallacy of control..

That is the very reason why the asura engages in the act of rape in the first place.. to experience the fallacy of having control... control over the helpless woman and control over the people watching by creating a sense of fear in them.. shock and awe.. if you want.. (now.. where the hell did I hear this phrase -> "shock and awe".. I dont know... but it seems apt doesnt it..)

But the devas know that everything is not going to hell.. and that the big bang theory is fundamentally flawed. They have already memorized and understood the very many vedic slokas. And thus, they understand that this act of rape is also merely a disturbance in the huge timeline sequence of things and this too shall die down or this too shall pass for peace or equilibrium to re-establish itself. This type of thinking will force the following scenario to play out eventually ..

The asura having the beliefs that he has.. rejoices in the act which gave him a false sense of achievement and control. He stands up and thumps his chest roaring and proclaiming his act of supposed might and superiority. But even as the asura is pushing forward the conquest to the onlookers.. trying to extend the experience of seeming control, the devas who have been watching are already looking to help the woman back on her feet and get her back to some place safe so she can regain peace..

So even before the semen has stopped dripping from the rejoicing asura on to the floor, plans would have been made for the woman to go onto a much better life experience..

And finally when the asura calms down and realises that everyone has walked away and started their own work, the system has already proceeded towards equilbrium.. There is no win or loss, pain or pleasure.. just a disturbance and equilibrium. There is no real thing that the asura has achieved while the onlookers have achieved nyana and the ability to identify the scorpion in their midst. Since everything leads to equilibrium and peace.. the scorpion will .. in due time.. be isolated and longer peace will be established.

The devas realise this and that is why their reasoning was the way it was when they looked into the mirror and looked at themselves.

But there is a very earthly or man oriented problem of how to deal with the disturbance and the supposed pain it causes.. and that is yet another story.. there are many more concepts of karma and things described which makes it easier to handle the disturbances which are a fact and also the eventual peace and equilibrium which are also a fact.

But for now..

just picture the asura standing over the woman.. roaring.. semen still dripping from him onto the floor.. trying the extend the experience (shortlived) of superiority, control and might.

please choose to be a person with deva tendencies and move on.. isolate the scorpion if you can..
5. Explaining Para Brammam


Lets be as blunt as possible. There is no magic that is going to happen. No gold is going to rain from the sky.

And. There is no way for me to explain para brammam through english words here.

But let us take a look at what has happened..

When I was in high school and I found that I had scored bloody well in the english exams to come up with a national level recognition. I was wondering.. what use is that.. I did not score in science or maths or anything useful. Its just english and its not even the language of the scriptures. So it made zero sense as to what use it might be.

But if you look at it now.. it is the only tool that is helping me out when all else has failed.

Similarly, when I started to write about the mythili initiative, I knew it was going to be absurdly impossible to achieve. But for some reason, I still sat down and wrote what I thought.

The word mythili is the name of my mother. But, Mythili also means Sita. You see Sita is the only person who has jumped into a fire and walked out without a scratch or blemish. Both scientifically and according to the texts, fire is supposed to burn everything and return only the purest form of whatever enters the fire. So Sita is supposed to signify purity. Purity of thought, Purity of action and such. And the other name for Sita is Mythili because she is from the city of mithila.

Thus with clear intentions to make my ideas to be the purest form possible, I titled it Mythili Initiative.

Just like not knowing what to do with the national recognition for english proficiency, I also do not know what to do with the mythili initiative document.

The reason I am stating the above is because of my belief in the Para brammam. You see, you can only achieve the realization of what the para brammam or pure knowledge is through what is prescribed in the scriptures.

And the scriptures tell us that for this current time period, Bhakti ( Devotion / belief in doing the right thing) will lead to revival of nyana (or understanding) and together they will lead to the true knowledge of the para brammam. Being nothing but a humble brahmin, I can merely show you the way, it is you who have to actually walk the path and reach para brammam. So I humbly suggest that you step back a bit.. and look at all that has happened.. from my scoring in english, to everything else happening, to the mythili initiative that I will post here even though I know I cannot do anything by myself. Again, the understanding of what is happening depends on each persons level of intelligence.. whether you want to accept the scriptural sloka Evar Avar.. or simply scientifically say no two people can see the same rainbow. But I can only encourage all concerned to give it a thought.

Of course, an asura tendency, would be something like what the thought process of some indians was when they coined the word saffronisation. But there is nothing called saffronisation. Saffron by itself is good and people who understand this will automatically apply saffron in their daily usage. But an asura will have a-nyana or zero understanding of what is happening and will only scream when he sees the colour saffron spreading. He will scream saffronisation and do everything to stop it. This is the same concept which caused the spread of vedic beliefs all through south asia without a single drop of blood being spilled. It was through the concept of vadham and prathivadam.. argument and counter argument.. where in the knowledge which comes out of consensus is taken as true.

Maybe that explanation was unnecessary.

But do take a step back and look .. hopefully your bhakti combined with nyana will lend you a better understanding..

Mythili Initiative .. you know what.. hahaha.. i think you already know what I wrote in the mythili initiative. I believe the para brammam has already made sure of that. Did it or Did it not?

Since I believe my job is done.. Maybe there is more work according to the supreme beings plan. But I dont know. It is my humble belief that I am done.

Like Jim carrey says in the movie which was reflective of the voyeuristic leanings of the society that it was made in..

Good morning.. and if I dont see you again.. Good afternoon, Good evening and Good night.

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