I think this is a pointless and self-serving poll.
Wait, wait, hear me out before emptying the bucket full of sewer on my head
Let me begin by saying I voted YES in this poll. I wish I can vote YES 10 times, or even 100 times in favor of my brother Shri KRS, what the heck talk is cheap so let me go for the jugular, 10,000 times. BTW, I am proud of the fact Shri KRS calls me brother both in PMs and in public and I consider it an honor to call him with the same term of endearment.
This poll makes a complicated issue into a personality contest, or a "war" between one group against another. From the kind of reactions I see it seems the most vocal people, probably with the exception of Raghy, seem to look at Shri KRS as their champion against the so called Brahmin Bashers and an YES vote on this poll is in fact a dagger plunged in the heart of these vile brahmin haters.
I call for some sanity here, let us look at the issues without getting into personalities. This is not just the so called Brahmin Bashers who see a problem with the nature of moderation, look at the list, myself, Sangom, Yamaka, Suraju, Saidevo, Kunjuppu. This is a diverse group of individuals. We all went silent because of the nature of moderation. (K was about to.)
Do you want all of us to just walk away? Is that what you all want? Or, do you want to find a way out of this mess so we all can benefit? Stop with this cheap gratuitous piling on and start thinking of a way to help Praveen and Shri KRS make peace with this diverse group.
Do you think this poll helps in this regard? What if there is a poll for the following: how many are you are in favor of talking and finding a solution to this problem so that Shri KRS's moderation is accepted by all, and all of us participate in discussions actively. How many YES would we get for that poll? Think about that.
I call on everyone to contribute ideas and see how to make peace, what kind of moderation rules will be seen as fair by everyone. Be reasonable. To say that anything that hurts the majority sentiment is not only vague, it would never be accepted by me, let alone others. If I criticize an acharya then it is silly to say "how dare you?" Instead, present a cogent argument why I am being a moron when I criticize the acharya. That is what I think this forum should be.
My preference is to set very objective standards like no foul language, no call to violence, no personal attacks, etc. Such language can be edited out without comment. Any repeat offender is given a boot. Everything else goes in the General Discussion forum.
Please contribute your ideas. Be reasonable and be courteous, don't call others haters, bashers, hyenas, etc.
If we want we can come together and help Praveen and Shri KRS find a solution for this bad situation, offer some constructive ideas, just expressing sycophantic platitudes does not help anybody, least of all Praveen and KRS.