Absolutely, I second you... Leo Tolstoy had said that the simpletons (or fools) were the most contented persons....!!!i love the village elders too - they may be idiots - but they are honest and clean guys
i love the village elders too - they may be idiots - but they are honest and clean guys
Maybe not all of them were clean, but all politicians in this democratic setup seem to be corrupted.... :wof:hv heard of how some village elders were in the past...i hear that all of them were not honest and clean...not sure, but perhaps some ppl have this idea that everything abt the past was ideal or something like that maybe..also, not everyone likes village life...i do but i know of many who do not...they find it boring, etc..also i don't find anyone liking poverty...
poverty is not tolerated by the modern society, and also maturity takes time ...
if poverty is not tolerated by the modern society then how can poverty have a positive side...everyone cannot be doing tapas...everyone cannot see a relative dying just coz they did not have enuf money for treatment...everyone cannot be willing to do menial jobs like carrying night soil...it wud take lack of heart of justify poverty for such ppl.
in the mean-while one has to live through his conditions....his prarbdha , sanchita and agami karma takes hold of him.
diff ppl seem to have diff ideas of karma..
On further reflection : the correct term is not "poverty", it should be read as "simplicity"
irrespective of whether it is poverty or simplicity, ppl like to make a life..and making a life means making money...or no one wud be going to any office to work to earn money...much less going overseas to make a bit more money..
The answer is there in your queries... "wants" are the impetus for this setup of society...what if a man does not want to toil away in the fields? what if he wants to own the fields? what is a man wants to be doing yagams and does not want to work in the fields? what if a man wants to build bigger and bigger villages so that it becomes a city? what if a man wants to live in such a city? what if a man supposed to be doing yagams chooses to live and earn money in such a city by going to an office? what if there is no wealth for distribution?