Shri Sravna,Dear Shri Sangom,
It is not my intention to indulge in any personal insinuations. If you feel any of my posts was offensive to you I sincerely apologize for it.
But I do not understand why anyone should oppose the views that I had expressed or find it inappropriate to be discussed in a forum. Is it taboo or offensive to anyone per se?
Pragmatism is something which is subjective. You cannot say categorically someone or something is more pragmatic than another.
I still think the topic offers scope for useful contributions even more so if it started as a dream
..................Superpower status does not come by virtues ................. it comes out of ruthless machiavellian manipulations in the world arena of realpolitiks and the extent of success of a power (nation) in such manipulations. USSR failed, and in one wrong step, it was brought down!!
China did not have democracy as we have in India at any time. It could crush Tianenmen uprising for various reasons, 1) the autocracy in power and 2) the force behind Tianenmen was most probably in fear of being exposed and so there was no great reprisal, 3) already China had acquired the "lakshanas" of a super power except manned space flight capability.
US is not finding the Chinese market as useful; it is more that US cannot live without the supply of the cheap goods from China and the equally cheap cars from Japan. Thus China has accumulated a very large US$ balance and is the ஈட்டிக்காரன் at the US' doors who can demand repayment of the dues anytime!! US has only one way open now : repudiate its debts, i.e., refuse to pay its dues, in the way some of the tamil movie heros do.
............................ as of today, US will see to it that no other country becomes a superpower, whether China or India or anyone else. The rules of the game are to checkmate the opponent and subdue him and step on to his head and push him down to the nether world. .................................
Shri Suryakasyapa,Sri Sangom,
Thank you for the post.
You have clearly written down the qualifications to become Super power, and why US is a superpower now.
A lot of thanks for that. Actually in so many words I just wanted to expose the same truth.
Everything is justified in a stroke- Iraq,Vietnam,Afghanistan Cuba, etc etc....
So for India to become a superpower, what is needed is very simple... Things made easy... all other excercise is futile..
The same logic if deducted to all other fields will mean that, if a person kills one, he is just a murderer and to be punished.
If he ruthlessly kills hundreds and thousands, then he is a superman,till his record is broken... Is it not?
We are going to get a nice world !!! Definitely the journey has begun...
Sri Sravna,The first step i would take is to present a perspective of india in the light i want it to be viewed by the world. This is less of an image building exercise and more of a carefully planned reality creating exercise. It thus means a deeper and a holistic impact that should be synchronized with real achievements such as in governance, scientific breakthroughs etc.
The challenge is to make the world believe what it sees is the reality and not perceptions because perceptions change whereas realities don't. I am not talking about magic or maya but some well thought out exercise
I don't know whether you agree that some 1000 or 1500 years ago, the psyche of the people of the Indian sub-continent was much more spiritually oriented than today. If you do, then it will be easy to see that such spiritual inclination, wiped out almost all interest in the materialistic side with the result that there was hardly any thought given to what was happening in the other countries with which we had good sea-trade from time immemmorial, and prepare ourselves for any attack from any side. In a way our rulers were smug that their country has all that it required. That is what spirituality usually does in a world full of materialists. As I have said in an earlier post, the law of nature is "survival of the fittest"; spirituality may take us to a new existence in some other dimension or "loka" but our sojourn in this world depends only on our materialistic might. I will, therefore, request you to spell out clearly as to how you propose to manage both or, is it that you think spirituality alone will be powerful for countering any materialistic attack and if yes, how and why it will be sufficient.The other challenge would be in changing the psyche of the citizen from the present materialistic inclinations to a spiritual one. This one is for the future and focus should start right from the young age. It is my feeling that this transformation has the potential to make the country really formidable
This is as nebulous a statement as your original dream. Nevertheless, it is a sign of some realism dawning in you in that you agree that both these are "difficult challenges", thereby conceding that India becoming a super-power is also an equally challenging task.Both are very difficult challenges but with both sustantive developments and the right
projection India is capable of achieving a high status that will be enduring
This again is a very generalized statement not leading to anything. Which type of strenths are you referring to - spiritual or materialistic? As I have already made clear, India does not have any "original" strength for which it can take due credit and feel proud; what we have so far been able to do is run somewhat fast to reach somewhere near the developed countries in their ever-continuing race to super-power status. Perhaps our only unique strength is a large English-familiar, computer work force. I would like you to serially list the strengths of India which you consider can be projected.In my previous post I mentioned the importance of projecting the right image of our country before the world. If that is done in a thoughtful manner we would have made a very good start. Let us emphasize our strenghts in accomplishing the task. And very serendipitiously our strength which is spirituality exactly is the panacea for the violence that rules the minds of the people.
I feel that everything in this world has advantages and disadvantages, spirituality included. The problems, if any, caused by science cannot be nullified by spirituality. If you have a different view, please elucidate how you would actually implement your suggestion/idea on the ground.The west had a headstart in Science and ruled the world for over 2 centuries. But science and technology brought in its wake problems that they are finding it difficult to grapple with.If we can employ our advantage creatively on which we definitely have a great headstart we will be a power that is sought after. Science or [COLOR=#DA7911 ! important][COLOR=#DA7911 ! important]technology[/COLOR][/COLOR] is in my opinion cannot find a solution to today's problems.
Not everyone can make an atom bomb or hydrogen bomb or an ICBM (the last one is still evading Indian ability) just because they want one; there are several peripheral things also to be complied with viz., a reliable delivery system, fire-control radar, evading detection and so on. Hence it is glib talk to say the any country at the forefront can do it. The mighty countries like US, China and Russia go on developing newer, more destructive and less vulnerable weapons and so it is not just sufficient to possess a few outdated IRBMs or MRBMs or even ICBMs but to be ahead of the others in the race to power.The perceived strengths of the various countries whatever they may be are just those perceptions. IF USA can develop an atom bomb or a nuclear bomb so can Japan, India or other countries which are at the forefront. now. The real difference not lies in possessing the genius in developing such capabilities but in the fact that these capabilities are sought by them and once they give an advantage, in maintaining that exclusive position.
The game is more played at the strategic and policy making level of the country. But I would say that machiavellianism has its limitations. It is something that can be countered by someone smarter and is not visionary in scope.
This is a pious hope bordering on dream. Hence no comments.I would personally want India to shun such negative approach and resort to an approach that very luckily for it might find takers in a world trying to tackle violence, if not now, soon
Shri Sravna,The first towards making India the spiritual center of the world is to make it the education center of the world. We possess a treasure of knowledge in this regard in addition to techniques and practices such yoga. The knowledge from the vedas and other religious scriptures should be distilled and should be part of the curriculum even from the primary level and should go up to doctorate level.Thus in additional to imparting the wisdom as it is, we can make our own contributions with atleast in respect of gaining a rational understanding.
It is left to our initiative and imagination in creating such a set up. If Science can attract so many people to the western countries why not spirituality to India?
Shri Sravna,Dear Shri Sangom,
In spite of difficult challenges that India needs to tackle I have a sense of optimism for her if she to plays her cards right
The optimism arises because of my belief in the indestructible strength that a spiritual orientation can offer. Science or technology cannot provide such insurance. A silly war can bring even a mighty country down. What was the might of Britain 100 years back? What is its status now? Even mighty nations are not invulnerable. In this volatile environmewnt It may take only some provocations to be dragged into a war and be ravaged by it.
All materialistic orientations insidiously weaken your mind and does not offer healthy long term effect. Why should you rack your brain making a more destructive weapon when you can stay clear of all the dirty politics that necessitates it and instead find real peace and harmony inwards and ensure lasting peace for yourself and others.
All that needs to put an end to this world is an impetuous act by one who can lay his hands on a nuclear bomb or such destructive device. What good is the knowledge gained by science if all that it really is used for is to gain control
and supremacy and trying to send everybody to the nether world when one's own safety may be really at risk?
Shri Suryakasyapa,
I think you are completely forgetting world history and even Indian history (I mean, the history of the Indian sub-continent). Read cANakya's arthasAstra and you will find that "rAjatantra" had very little to do with whatever you think should be followed. Why did Asoka attack Kalinga? Why did Alexander come up to Punjab? Take any attack and you will find the same thing; the mighty will subjugate the weak and rule over them. That is the law of nature. The only option available to the less mighty is to have more of cunningness which also is an essential part of rAjatantra (Sivaji and Afzal Khan)..............
You have said something and also indicated its impossibility in the very next para. What I refer to as "present day realities" very much includes this also; in addition, I also hold the view that at all points of time in world history, scientific knowledge has been put to destructive uses more. This is true even in our puranic (may be mythical, but they reflect, all the same, the working of the minds which composed/compiled the puranas) stories in which you find ever so many weapons for destruction in the hands of both the warring factions; in the process of establishing dharma by rooting out adharma, a very very large number on the so-called dhArmic side also lost their lives. Even in the rigveda there is the well-known "dASarAjna" war and many hymns/ riks pray for destruction of enemies of the concerned rishi and his clan. So, you see, with my limited knowledge of these info., I am not at all sanguine about the day when the world will start looking at technology with abhorrence for its destructive aspect.Shri Sangom,
One theme I find recurring in your posts is your reference to "present day realities" . You seem to paint them as if realities don't change. Changes in realities keep happening periodically and it is my suspicion that we are in fact in crossroads now. As much as the world has seen how technology can enhance physical comforts, to the same extent it is at the receiving end of it from terrorist activities to a range of crimes that are being perpetuated using technology.
The sad part is that people still don't seem to attruibute or blame such happenings on technology and I doubt whether that will ever happen but the truth is something that needs to be eventually handled. Actually I would not blame technology per se but the minds that find devious uses for it.
What you say is, in effect, that the world has grown in a topsy-turvy manner; to set it right, we will have to begin at the beginning, nothing else. To achieve this, first it will be necessary to wipe out all technology (including fire which served, once upon a time, as the most formidable weapon for attacking the enemy) from the face of the earth, train all the world population (or at least its leadership material) in Yoga, mind control and discipline, and then only allow any one to start the journey on the arduous and risky path of technological discovery and innovation. Will that be possible except after the next praLaya?So you see the problem? We are trying to put the cart before the horse. whereas it would be the right way to discipline our mind first and then focus on inventing external tools that will enhance our quality of life we are doing exactly the reverse. We are rushing to build destructive weapons mainly because our minds are not equipped enough to envision the disastrous consequences of such acts.
Of course, you are entitled to your opinion and spread it. I will be only too glad if you are able to achieve even a modicum of success in your endeavour.What if rest of the world does something different. I think the time come for a fundamental shift in philosophy. Why not India take that initiative at this opportune moment when the world wants a peaceful existence?
Shri Hoover,friends and respected elders,
I think that for prosperity, peace and wellbeing of people on a marked geographical area three things are decisive.
1. ethnic origine of people, their race; this is most important factor. though a large no. of us will criticise me for this but it is in my openion.
2. Natural resources on that land i.e. water, soil, enviroment, etc.
3. their spiritual enclination and nature.
our country is rich in 2 and 3. but we lack in 1. so poor utilisation of natural resources. failure in good administration is commen here. I think considering population, unrest among people and failure of administration increasing day by day. and so i think that india being superpower is not a clear truth. It is large market that forces multinational companies to picture like that.
just for example buying land is extremely murky and there is always a large possibility of cheating in mainland india it is a fact and it shows what social conditions are here. I just dont think that rule of law exist here. and what to say about response of our country in international matters it is better not discussed here. Certainly these are not marks of a superpower.
Shri Hoover,the whole net is full of conflicting studies about race. what compells me to think about these things is. i rely on commen sense.
1. why no african country is in peace and prosperiy. inspite of the huge natural and minaral resources including dimonds, gold, eurenium, oil.
2. why countries sharing commen ancestry to so called nordic aryans, greeks and romans are known as devloped countries.
3. why the country calling itself of pure aryan blood is the most devloped and gives social securiy pension equqal to payment of our IAS. produces machinary which we use to manufacture goods and have brands like nike, puma, mercedes, wholkswagan, bosch, siemens and so on. and their roads known as autobahn are an example which all other countries appreciate. If you want a copy of pure Rugveda, you will have to buy it from german publishers. why they are so enthsiastic of knowledge of every kind. note that much of the scientific discoveries are on their account and not only scientific they are leading in philosophy and music also. which are known as higher human persuits. these are facts worth mentioning.
4. why there is a commen trend and wish to settle in countries of white population. everyone wants to migrate to US, UK, Germany and so on. and not in ethiopia, liberia, chili, bangladesh, mongolia, tibet etc. etc.
5. why when there is flood and any other natural disaster happens US dispatches aid which is agian a country ruled by whites. why it is the deciding factor in every international conflict including ww I and ww II.
I think there is no point in denying these things. our genes are also more match with them than any other indian ethnic group. and so there is Sachin Tendulkar, and Vishwanathan Anand and CV Raman and Vs Naipaul and v. Ramakrishnan. Lata Mangeshkar and Indira Gandhi (the most powerful politician of Indipendant India). There is no point in denying that. There cannot be an all accepted definition of anything. I think that there exist this mystic factor, some call it as race.