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Is corporate culture good for brahmins?

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WHY SHOULD A BRAHMIN LOSE CULTURAL VALUES TO CORPORATE CULTURE?A brahmin can be a perfect brahmin wherever he is..sure he cant spend time for long poojas and other rituals like those who have better time-oriented jobs.Similarly,in the medical field..Myself being a gynaecologist,cannot even light the sandhyadeepam.My mother in law used to tell me that work is life,karthale nerthe ezhunthirunthu vilakkethi prarthanai cheythal porum...God,and other brahmin cultures can always be in our mind,wherever we are.
Bramhins always had corporate culture from times immemorial. That is the reason they are & were well respected by all.We were never involved in any caste fights. The so called hatreds of Bramhins u find always seek the advice and help of Bramhins when there r in difficulties. This is the reason why we are able to carry on and achieve our goals inspite of many roadblocks.
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Dangers from MNCs

Bramhins always had corporate culture from times immemorial. That is the reason they are & were well respected by all.We were never involved in any caste fights. The so called hatreds of Bramhins u find always seek the advice and help of Bramhins when there r in difficulties. This is the reason why we are able to carry on and achieve our goals inspite of many roadblocks.

The so called Corporate Culture is very much new and is alien to us. The corporates of today were not there about fifty years back. Therefore it is not correct to boast of Brahmins Corporate proficiency for time immemorial. Our Dharmic culture is about loyalty to God and King (Mother land). But corporate culture is about loyalty to the corporation! Today we see people talking high of MNCs and ill of our country just because the MNCs pay for them. This is cultural deterioration for duality is not possible.

the times, they are changing. have been so, with increasing rapidity since independence.

with independence, began our upward mobility. those high central government posts hitherto monopoly of north indians and bengalis, we started getting our dues.

same went for the private sector. those clerks' sons and daughters who migrated to bombay and delhi in the 50s, are now among the managing directors and ceo.

i think, we should look upon this as an achievement of the community as a whole. this is the new brahmin way of life, with hordes of other groups trying to emulate.

embrace it with gusto. otherwise, you are only fooling or confusing yourself. while on one hand you pursue the corporate success, while dragging your mouth and mind, in the other direction, somewhat unwillingly or just for word's sake.

it is good to reminisce sitting in an armchair, armed with a tumbler of filter coffe, about the good old days. in my opinion, this is but a figment of fond imagination or faulty memory.

enjoy today. tomorrow will be even better. yesterday is gone.

How is it now!


What you say was true in 1995 to 2002. Now there is almost no opportunity in Mumbai and Delhi. Those who rose as shooting stars shone brightly for couple of years and now all of them are sitting in arm chairs and musing as to what has gone wrong. Now there is intense competition for every slot from many other communities and Brahmins seldom ascend corporate ladder. Brahmins are not preferred now for they are not as compatible to Corporate culture as others are. To think that opportunities wait for Brahmins in platter in Private sector is just a myth. The IT sector also do not have any domination of Brahmins because of the intense competition from every other community. IT sector did had opportunity for all till 2007. But it is also not opening up in any large way for any community.

i don't know why we should be obsessed by dominating over every body else, or why we should have things handed over to us in a platter..

i think this is a heavy handicap of the mind that we are somehow 'special or chosen' ones. nothing could be far from the truth, as we are just one of the thousands of groups which make up modern india.

i don't think your generalization about tamil brahmins sitting on the sidelines in today's corporate world. what we need to understand, is through sheer expansion and growth, the number of industries has expanded.

for example: a few years ago, there was only one ashok leyland factory in madras. today, we have hyundai, ford, nissan, renault, bmw and their anciliaries. it is only unrealistic to expect that every one of these will have a tamil brahmin CEO.

i do not believe we are shunned. but, i seriously believe, that in many a case, our ego makes our head so swollen, that we seldom are good team players. so, if there are those that are shunned from the corporate world, it is their own doing, and nothing to do with any persecution or discrimination towards our community.

so, i think. thank you.
hi folks,
in a corporate world....a team work is important....team leaders most flexible/adaptable....our community has more individual achivements
than as a whole team....we are lack in team work quality....i may be
wrong...even in samoohika aavani avittam...we dont follow as a team...
my 2 nayapaisa...

The Brahmins have now adapted and adopted well the Corporate Culture and that is the reason that they could sail against all adversities. They fit in perfectly well at all levels in MNCs proving their global portability. But on the flip side of it the Brahmins are loosing their cultural values to corporate culture! Is it an healthy trend?

Sri VRS MANI ji,

It's absolutely true that adoptability to Corporate Culture has helped we Indians in general to fit perfectly well at all levels in MNCs. It's the need of the hour and we are coping up with the present trend well.

As well, the flip side of it is having an impact on systematic degradation of Indian society. Most of the youths from south of Tamil Nadu and other states working in MNC's away from their homes are granted with formal and official comfort zones to cope up with work pressure, stay united with team spirits and help management achieving output beyond expected targets.

In Metros, where lots of MNCs have sprung up, COSMOPOLITAN society could have higher standards of achievements in every aspects of life.
Shri Mani,

If we view it from the materialistic perspective, then, yes, corporate culture has 'upped' the standard way of living, but with compromises in brahminical way of living. But then, a brahminical way of living is itself diluted nowadays... Some are content with just Gayathri japam; some stretch to pujas, and rarely do some read the vedas... the priestly occupation is looked at with scepticism by brahmins, which speaks volumes on their outlook on 'brahminical culture'.

When looked at from the spiritualistic perspective, then yes, our culture has definitely eroded due to the corporate climate... Our mannerisms, dress, ethics are programmed to ape the global culture...

Yes, one may argue that such a social face is only at work and, if needed, one may still live a traditional lifestyle at home... IMO, this is possible, but a tough call...

WHY SHOULD A BRAHMIN LOSE CULTURAL VALUES TO CORPORATE CULTURE?A brahmin can be a perfect brahmin wherever he is..sure he cant spend time for long poojas and other rituals like those who have better time-oriented jobs.Similarly,in the medical field..Myself being a gynaecologist,cannot even light the sandhyadeepam.My mother in law used to tell me that work is life,karthale nerthe ezhunthirunthu vilakkethi prarthanai cheythal porum...God,and other brahmin cultures can always be in our mind,wherever we are.
Sorry sir, corporate culture, in paper, is different, and much different, in practice... That kind of corporate culture cannot be practised by those brahmins who live the traditional way...

'Work', in our cultural context, does not mean marketing or accounting or research or comp. programming, but it is as mentioned in the scriptures... whether one does the above or not, nithyakarmas have to be performed... and then whatever other work one does must be done with truthfulness and a dharmic attitude...

So our nithyakarmas are not to be sidestepped for our own convenience, quoting some arbitrary comments (with due respect)... we should perform our karma/dharma to the maximum extent possible, and adjust only if there is no option out... We are certainly not that hard pressed, are we?

The current corporate culture is way off, to suit our lifestyle...

what happened to

செய்யும் தொழிலே தெய்வம் அந்த திறமை தான் நமது செல்வம்

why are we casting doubts on our successes in our careers, as an erosion of our traditional values?

one can look at any phenomenon as cup-half-full or half-empty.

is it the 'guilt' of success?

we all put 'vesham' in corporate world for the sake of roti kapada makan, choru thuni veedu.

we all put 'vesham' in religious world too for the sake of moksham.

has anyone who has died has come back and told us about life after death in any accurate manner.its only thru inference,we adhere,such values,imho.

better to put 'vesham' in corporate world as namesake brahmanas,and be prosperous.

who is the keeper of karmas?which is good karma and which is bad karma.

nachi naga.
Digest S....it?

what happened to

செய்யும் தொழிலே தெய்வம் அந்த திறமை தான் நமது செல்வம்

why are we casting doubts on our successes in our careers, as an erosion of our traditional values?

one can look at any phenomenon as cup-half-full or half-empty.

is it the 'guilt' of success?

To booze is work by Corporate culture. Partying is an appreciated skill. But these were not the things thought of when our ancestors made a point as work as worship. That is the reason we say that Corporate culture does not gel with our way of life (unless you misinterpret it to suit you!). May be you would booze to your brim (half cup!!) with your client tonight to wake up tomorrow to do your Sandhyavandhanam. But why should a Brahmin be forced in to such life style? The pathetic thing is about the migratory Brahmins who booze as family and approve their daughter for dating!!! Corporate life brings in such compulsions. Should Brahmins succumb to such deterioration citing falsely the reality of life?
The Corporate Clowns

we all put 'vesham' in corporate world for the sake of roti kapada makan, choru thuni veedu.

we all put 'vesham' in religious world too for the sake of moksham.

has anyone who has died has come back and told us about life after death in any accurate manner.its only thru inference,we adhere,such values,imho.

better to put 'vesham' in corporate world as namesake brahmanas,and be prosperous.

who is the keeper of karmas?which is good karma and which is bad karma.

nachi naga.

The Vesham that you are forced to put on takes value out from you. The Dalits were posing with vesham before us and they earned nothing with it. Why we have to put vesham before MNC bosses? Who becomes prosperous eventually? Is it you are the bosses? Remember the same Corporate life that demand you to booze will reprimand you for such excesses if it is not converging to their advantage. The mask the corporate brahmin wear cannot become the identity for a Brahmin. Only clowns are identified by their mask and make-up!

To booze is work by Corporate culture. Partying is an appreciated skill. But these were not the things thought of when our ancestors made a point as work as worship. That is the reason we say that Corporate culture does not gel with our way of life (unless you misinterpret it to suit you!). May be you would booze to your brim (half cup!!) with your client tonight to wake up tomorrow to do your Sandhyavandhanam. But why should a Brahmin be forced in to such life style? The pathetic thing is about the migratory Brahmins who booze as family and approve their daughter for dating!!! Corporate life brings in such compulsions. Should Brahmins succumb to such deterioration citing falsely the reality of life?

in the past brahmanas used to rate and then mate,and state it.

in the present brahmanas will date and then mate ,and state it.

in the future brahmanas will neither rate nor date simply mate and state it.

soma bhanam is good for health in moderation,especially if you are holding a high position of responsibility in corporate world alongwith a agni hothram in between fingers.

nachi naga.
A culturally deteriorating community cannot attain development. Deterioration cannot be accepted as compromise and even in Corporate world the higher position should value highest level of sanctity and integrity.

The Vesham that you are forced to put on takes value out from you. The Dalits were posing with vesham before us and they earned nothing with it. Why we have to put vesham before MNC bosses? Who becomes prosperous eventually? Is it you are the bosses? Remember the same Corporate life that demand you to booze will reprimand you for such excesses if it is not converging to their advantage. The mask the corporate brahmin wear cannot become the identity for a Brahmin. Only clowns are identified by their mask and make-up!

values are human made.

sadhanas are prescribed to attain spiritual progress.

when you are in corporate world,if you booze in moderation or nurse a drink thru the entire party,nobody is going to get offended.Only if you please your boss whether indian or foreigner,you can be recognised for your skills faster.When you retire happily give up drinks,smoking,eating non-veg food,womanising and atone your actions of the past in the manner of sharanagathi,the lord will be pleased by your devotion and grant you moksham instataneously rather to a guy who is all the time doing sandya vandanam bhajanai and constantly envying people who are boozing smoking womanising eating non-veg etc.

god is only concerned about love truth happiness righteousness peace and non-violence.

nachi naga.
Cultural Atrocities

values are human made.

sadhanas are prescribed to attain spiritual progress.

when you are in corporate world,if you booze in moderation or nurse a drink thru the entire party,nobody is going to get offended.Only if you please your boss whether indian or foreigner,you can be recognised for your skills faster.When you retire happily give up drinks,smoking,eating non-veg food,womanising and atone your actions of the past in the manner of sharanagathi,the lord will be pleased by your devotion and grant you moksham instataneously rather to a guy who is all the time doing sandya vandanam bhajanai and constantly envying people who are boozing smoking womanising eating non-veg etc.

god is only concerned about love truth happiness righteousness peace and non-violence.

nachi naga.

And here you are telling very accurately as to what you wanted the the God to tell you in one of your earlier posts! We all pray that the same God offer you and your happy family that instant Moksham at this very instant. As a gesture of goodwill please recommend to your Boss to offer your job to another Brahmin whom you have seen excelled in womanizing your near and dear. Atrocious and only Brahmins get audacity to utter such nonsense but it is shear out of their desperation.
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And here you are telling very accurately as to what you wanted the the God to tell you in one of your earlier posts! We all pray that the same God offer you and your happy family that instant Moksham at this very instant. As a gesture of goodwill please recommend to your Boss to offer your job to another Brahmin whom you have seen excelled in womanizing your near and dear. Atrocious and only Brahmins get audacity to utter such nonsense but it is shear out of their desperation.


plz dont get personal,i really dont want to stoop to your level and qualify your personal statements.i have an opinion so do you,lets agree to disagree and move on.nobody on earth as an individual or collectively as community,is an enigma of perfection,to follow or lead.

nachi naga.

why are we casting doubts on our successes in our careers, as an erosion of our traditional values?

one can look at any phenomenon as cup-half-full or half-empty.
We all have our cups... your folly is in thinking that all cups are the same...

So yes, the cup can be seen as either half-full or half-empty, but it depends on which cup one prioritises... and when one calls himself a brahmin, it is not that difficult to identify the cup...?

I think your query is a product of misplaced identity...

we all put 'vesham' in religious world too for the sake of moksham..
How can you say that it is only vesham???? Your understanding is misplaced... it presumes that the supreme being is also fooled by veshams...!!!

has anyone who has died has come back and told us about life after death in any accurate manner.its only thru inference,we adhere,such values,imho.
That does not denigrate the inference and the logic thereof...

better to put 'vesham' in corporate world as namesake brahmanas,and be prosperous.
What you have said is the general trend... but this does not apply in the spiritual realm...

who is the keeper of karmas?which is good karma and which is bad karma.
The context is about 'nithyakarmas' and not about good or bad karmas...


Originally Posted by nachi naga
we all put 'vesham' in religious world too for the sake of moksham..
How can you say that it is only vesham???? Your understanding is misplaced... it presumes that the supreme being is also fooled by veshams...!!!

becoz of your va identification,you and god are seperate.

becoz of my advaitham identity,i and i are god. :)

so,vesham when i write,i am godly.i know my vesham.

for you,you need to reach him and get his approval,so naturally.you have thought of me to be presumptious and trying to fool the lord.so here it becomes instead of vesham, rather veshamam. :)

has anyone who has died has come back and told us about life after death in any accurate manner.its only thru inference,we adhere,such values,imho.
That does not denigrate the inference and the logic thereof...

so,we both are on the same page here?

better to put 'vesham' in corporate world as namesake brahmanas,and be prosperous.
What you have said is the general trend... but this does not apply in the spiritual realm...

in every realm,its only nirguna brahman.the saguna brahman is only a vesham.as an advaithi,i know.for you to know this,you must experiance it at an individual level,then you will know.

who is the keeper of karmas?which is good karma and which is bad karma.
The context is about 'nithyakarmas' and not about good or bad karmas...

sir,nithya is eternal.so,a brahmana,must do it eternally or a twice born aka dwija must do it eternally.such karmas negate bad karmas accumulated in past births,produce good karmas while living,and if the balance sheet tallies with no credit or debit,then liberation aka moksham eternally.

by boozing,smoking,eating non - veg ,womanising.....if its only 'vesham' that one is doing,the karmas accrued thereof gets busted automatically when one renounces during retirement period or whever an individual chooses,and offers sharanagathi attitude and does his karma.

our boys and girls must put a vesham to be successful,whether they like it or not.if our boys and girls dont do it,then some other community people will do it.its not always merit which plays the part,one must be a team player with leadership qualities to lead the team.i have never seen a choplangi or shunupi,being a boss!!

is it possible for our boys and girls to sport a madishaa kattu sari and do office work,a panchkacham plus kudumi bobbing going half-naked to office????so,a vesham appears automatically for dress.think deeply what i write,then you will understand,how much vesham we all putting as a show in life.the fact is its relative to one another with degree of variance.

nachi naga.
Shri nachi naga,

becoz of my advaitham identity,i and i are god. :)

so,vesham when i write,i am godly.i know my vesham.
Vesham is something which is in the control of those who wear it... we are not god simply by saying so... if that be the case then let me see your god identity... maybe you can create a 15th world to prove it?? :)

in every realm,its only nirguna brahman.the saguna brahman is only a vesham.as an advaithi,i know.for you to know this,you must experiance it at an individual level,then you will know.
I will not go into va or a.... but will just say this - a has an inherent fallacy in its assumption... but to each his way...

Nithya? Who is she? :eyebrows:... Anyway, the point am trying to convey, in the context of this thread, is that the corporate culture dilutes our traditional identity and practice... which is what you have written in so many words...


sapthajihva sir,
Shri nachi naga,

Vesham is something which is in the control of those who wear it... we are not god simply by saying so... if that be the case then let me see your god identity... maybe you can create a 15th world to prove it?? :)

definition of god God - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in this context,i become god to my wife and children and vice versa.world is already in existence,as there was never a time world did not exist nor will it perish,only transformations takes place from time to time,if we factor time.:)

I will not go into va or a.... but will just say this - a has an inherent fallacy in its assumption... but to each his way...

Nithya? Who is she? :eyebrows:... Anyway, the point am trying to convey, in the context of this thread, is that the corporate culture dilutes our traditional identity and practice... which is what you have written in so many words...


ok,we will avoid different philosophical schools.

corporates provide livelihood-period.as to how one wants to establish his karma is relative,isn't it?

one can try to wear panchakacham with thundu plus kudumi and sport a thilakam according to sampradayas,and see how far one can acheive status in corporate world.most go with fashion of the day.our fashion are out-dated and we ourselves have changed accordingly.why blame corporate world?

nachi naga.
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